In short… yes. My amazing last home birth experience that saved me from an 8-week c-section surgery recovery was not legal in my state. If you missed my birth story, the birth (of my now one-year-old) was a breech home VBAC and my 8 pound daughter had perfect APGAR scores.
This post is different from my normal posts and I’m asking for your help and activism today. I would not have had the option to birth naturally in any of the medical facilities in our state. And I need your help to make sure other women have the option to birth at home in my state in the future!
Here’s what to do and scroll down to hear the rest of the story:
Priority #1- Call Legislators
The message line today and tomorrow at 1-800-372-7181 (especially if you live in KY or are a healthcare professional). Say:
- “I want to leave a message for ALL members of the House Health & Family Services Committee: Do not approve any version of HB148 that bans previous c-sections. This puts Kentucky moms and babies in danger.”
- Also leave a message for Rep. Wuchner (woosh-ner): “VBAC bans put lives of Kentucky moms and babies in danger.” (You may have to spell out V-B-A-C for the receptionist.
You can also call them directly here:
- Addia Wuchner – Work: 859-525-6698 At the capitol: 502-564-8100 Ext. 707
- Melinda Prunty – 502-564-8100 Ext. 686
- Danny Bentley-502-564-8100 Ext. 678
- Rep. Robert Benvenuti III- Home: 859-421-1464 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 628
- Rep. Larry Brown- Work: 606-886-8132 At the Capitol: 502-564-8100 Ext. 649
- Rep. George Brown Jr.- Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 620 Home: 859-312-7513
- Rep. Jim Gooch Jr.- Home: 270-667-7327 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 687
- Rep. Joni L. Jenkins- Home: 502-447-4324 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 692
- Rep. Mary Lou Marzian- Home: 502-451-5032 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 643
- Rep. D. Chad McCoy- 502-564-8100 Ext. 664
- Rep. Russ A. Meyer- 502-564-8100 Ext. 623
- Rep. Kimberly Poore Moser- 502-564-8100 Ext. 694
- Rep. Darryl T. Owens- Home: 502-584-6341 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 685
- Rep. Steve Riley- Home: 270-646-6821 Work: 502-564-8100 Ext. 680
Priority #2- Email Them Too!
Email members of the House Health and Family Services Committee. Some things to say:
- Please, do not approve any version of HB148 that bans previous c-sections. This puts Kentucky moms and babies in danger.
- Please approve HB148 as written to give birthing women access to birthing options and CPMs.
- Please continue to support and vote for HB148 if it passes committee as written.
- Share a personal (kind) story of a positive birth experience or talk about how homebirth benefits your state (if it is legal in your state). Include a picture of your baby if you want to 🙂
Their Emails Are:
- Addia Wuchner – Addia.wuchner@lrc.ky.gov and addia4ky@gmail.com (she is a former nurse and the one trying to place these limitations- please be kind but also mention if you are a doctor, nurse or other medical professional)
- Melinda Prunty (here is the form to email her)- also try melinda.prunty@lrc.ky.gov
- Danny Bentley- (here is the email form)
- Rep. Robert Benvenuti III- (here is the email form)
- Rep. Larry Brown- Larry.Brown@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. George Brown Jr.- george.brown@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. Jim Gooch Jr.- Jim.Gooch@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. Joni L. Jenkins- Joni.Jenkins@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. Mary Lou Marzian- MaryLou.Marzian@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. D. Chad McCoy- Chad.McCoy@lrc.ky.gov
- Rep. Russ A. Meyer- (click here to get to email contact form)
- Rep. Kimberly Poore Moser- (contact form here)
- Rep. Darryl T. Owens- Home: (contact form here)
- Rep. Steve Riley- Steve.Riley@lrc.ky.gov
Priority #3- Also Reach out on Social Media
Say something like:
Please do not approve any version of HB148 that bans previous c-sections. This puts Kentucky moms and babies in danger.
Find them here:
- Rep. Wuchner- Twitter- @addiawuchner and her FB Page
- Rep. Prunty- Twitter- @MelindaPrunty and her FB page
- Danny Bentley- Twitter- @drdanbentley and his FB page
- Rep. Larry Brown- Facebook page
- Rep. George Brown Jr.- Twitter- @GeorgeBrownky77
- Rep. Jim Gooch Jr.- FB page
- Rep. Joni L. Jenkins- Twitter- @RepJoniJenkins
- Rep. Mary Lou Marzian- Twitter
- Rep. D. Chad McCoy- Twitter- @DChadM
- Rep. Russ A. Meyer- Twitter- @RepRussMeyer
Was My Birth Illegal?
Sounds like a crazy question… but thanks to the laws where we live (in Kentucky), home birth is not technically a supported birth option like it is in 31 other states. I should clarify that it wasn’t technically illegal for me to birth at home, but that my state does not currently license certified professional midwives (CPMs). This makes it difficult (and risky) for these midwives (who are often certified in other states) to serve families and have access to necessary supplies.
Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) are nationally credentialed midwives who provide primary maternity care. CPMs are the only maternity care provider specifically trained to attend births outside the hospital.
They are trained to provide health-promoting and preventative care that is evidence based and avoids unnecessary use of drugs and interventions. CPMs are licensed in 28 states but not yet licensed in Kentucky. Licensing Certified Professional Midwives is the best way to ensure that those families who choose out-of-hospital birth will have access to quality maternity care.
Homebirth IS Happening
Kentucky women (and women all over the US) are choosing home birth. In fact, last year, the percentage of KY home births was above the national average, yet women are not supported in this option, having to find midwives through word of mouth or choosing to birth unassisted (without a midwife) if they are unable to find a midwife near them.
In a state with one of the highest c-section rates in the country, home birth midwives offer a safe alternative and we’ve been working to change the laws and support this option in KY. The World Health Organization, the American Public Health Association and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (in the UK) all support home birth as a birth choice, yet some states in the US make this option difficult or impossible for women, despite evidence of its safety.
With the WHO calling for the US to work to lower its unnecessarily high c-section rates, supporting home birth as a birth choice is increasingly important. Women are already choosing this option and will continue to do so, and supporting these options with access to lab testing, ultrasounds and necessary medications will help keep moms safe. Consider these studies and the difference in intervention rates in home births vs. hospital births:
and this one…
VBAC Safety
My Birth: The Bottom Line
Home birth is not for everyone, but it should be a supported option for women who choose it. My birth would not have been possible in a hospital in my state. I did not even have that option. My midwife’s VBAC rate is 99%. My local hospital’s VBAC rate is less than 20%. My hospital’s breech rate is approximately 0%.
No matter what type of birth you have personally chosen, please help me and others give the women in my state the right to choose their own birth options. I’m happy to do the same for you and your state if it is ever needed.
Continue Reading...Wes My Last Home Birth Illegal? (I Need Your Help!)
source https://wellnessmama.com/84761/was-my-birth-illegal/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=was-my-birth-illegal
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