Wednesday 31 January 2018

How to Deep Clean a Washing Machine (Naturally)

How to deep clean a washing machine naturally with wellness mama

Many of us don’t think about cleaning out the washing machine. I mean, it’s supposed to clean our clothes, so how dirty can it get? Yet, mildew, bacteria, soap scum, and other yucky things build up in a washing machine over time. In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to clean a washing machine...

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Olive Oil Benefits (& How to Choose One that Isn’t Fake!)

The problem with olive oil- it's not what you think

Is olive oil healthy? It is considered a highly nutritious and healthy oil due to its high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and Vitamins A and K (unlike oils like canola, soybean, and vegetable oil, which are problematic). It also contains high levels of certain antioxidants. The Many Benefits of Olive Oil This staple of the...

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Cheesy Tuna Casserole Recipe (Kid Friendly & Gluten Free)

Tuna Casserole Recipe

Tuna is a quick, easy protein choice that tastes great in a variety of dishes. My family enjoys it in recipes like this apple walnut tuna salad. This gluten-free tuna casserole recipe is another way to enjoy tuna as a healthier twist on the popular classic. Which Tuna Is Best? There are a few things...

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Monday 29 January 2018

11 Benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol) & Why It’s Not What You Think

Benefits of Cannabidol or CBD oil

I love remedies that have many uses (like emu oil), and cannabidiol oil (or CBD oil) is gaining popularity for this reason. CBD oil — an oil extracted from the hemp plant — has come under a lot of legal and moral questions. Opinions may differ but what can’t be ignored is the incredible healing...

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132: How to Use Cannabidiol or CBD for Sleep, Hormones, and Health

How to Use Cannabidiol or CBD for Sleep, Hormones, and Health

I am here today with Lane Kennedy, a truly inspiring mom, female entrepreneur,  and health coach with an awesome story. This interview is going to dispel some myths and controversy around one of the most requested podcast topics, which is what CBD or cannabidiol is all about. If it sound familiar, yes, it is related...

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Thursday 25 January 2018

Spiced-Up Turmeric Latte with Cinnamon and Chicory

Turmeric latte recipe

It seems like it’s been a cold winter everywhere this year. Record lows, surprising snow, and gusty winds call for curling up under a blanket with a big cup of coffee (or tea). I’m a big fan of this Golden Milk (turmeric tea) recipe at night, but I wanted to make a coffee-style turmeric latte. This...

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131: Sourcing Sustainable Food and Healthy “Fast” Food with The Good Kitchen

Healthy Fast Food with The Good Kitchen

Of all the questions listeners ask me, “How do you do it all” is one of the most popular. My answer is always pretty straightforward … I don’t! That’s why I’m so grateful to have Melissa Hayes and Amber Lewis, the founders of The Good Kitchen, on the show today. What is The Good Kitchen,...

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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Natural Kitchen Essentials List: My Most Used Tools and Appliances

Natural and Organic Kitchen Items

After I wrote about what I keep in my purse, I had several requests for a similar post about what my kitchen looks like and what appliances/health tools I keep there. Below is the list I wish I’d had before I got married so I could have put most of these items on my wedding...

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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Blender Reviews: Blendtec vs. Vitamix (& Others)

Blender Reviews: Blendtec vs. vitamix

Over the years, we’ve used a lot of different blenders and I’ve written several blender reviews. Cooking from scratch three times a day for eight people gives me a LOT of time to test blenders while making sauces, smoothies and more. My favorite blender has changed a few times over the years so I figured...

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Monday 22 January 2018

130: Biohacking for Moms & Reversing Aging with Bulletproof’s Dave Asprey

Biohacking for Moms and Reversing Aging with Bulletproof's Dave Asprey

If you want an easier, quicker way to be healthy (and who doesn’t, really) Dave Asprey is your man! He took his background in computer technology and invested over $1 million atudying ways to “hack” his own biology for better health. The result? He lost over 100 pounds and drastically improved his life in every way....

Continue Reading...130: Biohacking for Moms & Reversing Aging with Bulletproof’s Dave Asprey


Friday 19 January 2018

How to Do a Ketogenic Diet (& Is It Safe for Women?)

How to do a ketogenic diet, and is it safe?

The ketogenic diet (or keto diet) has become more popular lately because of its potential to help with weight loss, eliminate cravings, and improve mental clarity. Everyone from Mark Sisson to Dr. Mercola are singing its praises, and some people even claim it can even cure cancer. It is one of the topics I always...

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How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub

DIY Natural Vapor Rub

Hopefully cold and flu won’t strike at your home this year, but in case it does, this natural vapor rub is a good natural remedy to have around. I used to keep regular Vicks Vapor Rub and the baby version on hand for times when the seasonal cold would hit until I realized that it had...

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Thursday 18 January 2018

129: Childhood Cancer: Avoidance, Treatment, and Understanding the Odds with My Kid Cures Cancer

Childhood Cancer- Avoidance, Treatment and Understanding the Odds with My Kid Cures Cancer

You’re the CEO of your child’s health. This simple and powerful statement by Ryan and Teddy Sternagel certainly caught my attention recently. It sums up a powerful lesson they learned from a difficult journey. I’m so grateful they’re here to share not only what parents in this situation can do it fight cancer, but also ways...

Continue Reading...129: Childhood Cancer: Avoidance, Treatment, and Understanding the Odds with My Kid Cures Cancer


Wednesday 17 January 2018

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

tips for eating healthy on a budget with a family

I often hear that it isn’t possible to eat a healthy diet because it is simply too expensive. Thanks to government subsidies of many processed foods, eating healthy on a budget can certainly seem impossible when organic and natural foods can be more expensive. This doesn’t mean that they have to break the bank though...

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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Grain-Free Pecan Crusted Flounder (Delicious and Easy!)

Healthy pecan crusted fish recipe

This pecan crusted flounder is a recipe that I’ve been making about once a week at our house. The crunchy, nutty crust topped with pastured butter really makes it a comfort food we all love. Finely chopped nuts mimic the crunchy delicious texture of fried fish (without all the frying in rancid processed oil). The...

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Monday 15 January 2018

How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food

How to get kids to eat healthy foods

At the rates kids grow, what we feed them matters greatly to their physical, mental, and emotional health. (Not mention their behavior.) What to feed children is a somewhat controversial topic and a point of frustration for a lot of parents. This is one of the areas I used to get the most questions when...

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128: ADD, ADHD & Behavior Challenges with Psychologist and Nutritionist Dr. Nicole Beurkens

ADD, ADHD & Behavior Challenges with Psychologist and Nutritionist Dr. Nicole Beurkens

I know I always say it, but I’m excited to share this interview with you because I get so many questions about ADHD and just learning and behavior problems in children in general. I’m honored to have a holistic child psychologist and absolute expert on this topic, Dr. Nicole Beurkens, on the show today. If you...

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Saturday 13 January 2018

Infrared Sauna Benefits (& the Risks)

How to get the benefits of a sauna at home plus risks and cautions

If you hang around the health and natural living communities long enough, you’ll eventually hear about things like red light therapy and infrared sauna benefits, especially for detoxification. In fact, various types of saunas are often touted for their benefits in weight loss, removal of toxins, reduction of cellulite, and much more, but it is...

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Friday 12 January 2018

11 Convincing Health Benefits of Sweating

What are the health benefits of sweating?

I’ve talked before about the benefits of sweating it out in a sauna, but sweating in general offers some impressive benefits. Relief from hot flashes, lowered risk of heart attack, and better recovery times are just a few of the advantages. True, some of us find sweating takes effort and is even a little unpleasant,...

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Thursday 11 January 2018

Simple Ways to Use Jojoba Oil for Hair, Face, and Body

Benefits and uses of Jojoba Oil

I’ve been using jojoba oil for years in my homemade lotion recipes among other personal care products, so I’ve been well aware of the amazing moisturizing benefits of jojoba oil. But there are many more benefits to jojoba oil than as a simple (but amazing!) moisturizer. What Is Jojoba Oil? Jojoba (pronounced hoh-hoh-bah) is a liquid...

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How to Build a Tea & Coffee Station Table (or Bar)

How to Make a Coffee Station Table or Bar In a Few Hours

I love doing DIY projects but I’m not good enough with power tools to do any fancy work. I don’t dovetail and I’m not sure how to use a router. So when I decided to build a coffee station for our kitchen, I knew I’d have to find a simple idea. I wanted a reclaimed...

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127: Using the Dental Diet to Reverse Dental Problems with Dr. Steven Lin

The Dental Diet to Reverse Dental Problems, with Dr. Steven Lin

Today’s interview is about a topic I have researched and loved for years. I think it’s firmly established by this point that I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to health, and no subject makes my heart flutter more than dental health. Yep, see … geek! Dr. Steven Lin with the Dental Diet...

Continue Reading...127: Using the Dental Diet to Reverse Dental Problems with Dr. Steven Lin


Wednesday 10 January 2018

How to Stay Motivated When Making Health Changes

How to stay motivated with a healthy lifestyle

Often the problem isn’t wanting to change, or even taking the first step. The hardest part is finding a way to stay motivated once our initial enthusiasm wears off or we encounter setbacks. This is one reason so many of us struggle with keeping New Year’s resolutions! I’m no motivation guru and I’ve definitely had many...

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Tuesday 9 January 2018

Delicious Deviled Eggs Recipe

Delicious and healthy deviled eggs recipe

It’s not always easy to think of healthy dishes for entertaining or to bring to a party. (Not everyone appreciates homemade sauerkraut, I guess!) Deviled eggs is one dish that pleases a crowd and when made with right ingredients is full of healthy fats. I’ve made over most traditional recipes to fit our eating habits...

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Monday 8 January 2018

How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally

How to reverse infertility and get pregnant naturally

There’s no doubt that infertility is a rising problem in today’s society. And while this has never been an issue for me, the CDC finds that about 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the U.S. ages 15-44 struggle to get pregnant or stay pregnant. The reasons are many (and we don’t know all of...

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126: How to Beat Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally with Dr. Marc Sklar

How to beat infertility and get pregnant naturally with Dr Marc Sklar

I’m sharing the mic today with one of the leading experts on fertility in the natural health world, Dr. Marc Sklar. Unfortunately, infertility is becoming a huge issue for so many and I get an increasing number of questions on this topic every year. If you struggle with infertility or suspect a hormone imbalance is...

Continue Reading...126: How to Beat Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally with Dr. Marc Sklar


Saturday 6 January 2018

My Home Organization System – How I “Get It All Done”

My Home Organization System - How I Get It All Done

Home organization is not my strong suit. To say the least. It is something I’ve had to work on daily to get good at, and something I’m still working on. I’d say that cleaning and organization don’t come naturally to me and they are things I will probably work on improving my whole life. How...

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Friday 5 January 2018

How to Create a Healthy Morning Routine (That Lasts)

How to create a healthy morning routine- for moms

I’ll admit- I am not naturally a morning person and if I didn’t have a family to take care of, my morning routine would probably look something like this: Wake up when I feel like it, shower (alone without kids asking for breakfast), take supplements, drink coffee, go for a walk, eat breakfast, then start...

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Green Superfood Powder: Worth it? (+ How to Find a Good One)

How to choose a good greens powder

You can’t out-supplement a poor diet (or poor sleep or high stress it either). But even with a perfect diet and great sleep, it is still possible to experience nutrient deficiencies because modern foods can be deficient in certain essential nutrients. To ensure we get enough, I make homemade herbal teas (packed with micronutrients) and rotate...

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How to Distress Wood With Tea, Vinegar, and Steel Wool

How to distress wood and weather it in 24 hours with natural ingredients

Lately I’ve been experimenting with making furniture and learning to distress wood. What started by making wine bottle tiki torches has turned into a passion for upcycling and DIYing all kinds of household items. Here’s how the DIY furniture part all began: The Problems with Some Wood Furniture When I learned that most furniture contains...

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Thursday 4 January 2018

125: Understanding Food Intolerance & Fighting for Your Family with JJ Virgin

Understanding Food Intolerance & Fighting For Your Family With JJ Virgin

Where do I start with today’s guest? Her list of contributions to the health world is just staggering. JJ Virgin is a celebrity nutritionist and food intolerance specialist, fitness expert, host of her own podcast, author of four New York Times bestsellers, co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters, and a regular guest on shows like Dr....

Continue Reading...125: Understanding Food Intolerance & Fighting for Your Family with JJ Virgin


Tuesday 2 January 2018

Quick and Easy Grain-Free Crackers

Grain-free Cracker Recipe

If you’re like most people, you probably grew up snacking on crackers as a kid. Thankfully, there’s no need to give up this popular snack while on a grain-free diet. These grain-free crackers feature a few simple ingredients and they’re a snap to whip up. The kids love them for an on-the-go snack and I love...

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Monday 1 January 2018

Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions (& What I Do Instead)

Why I dont make new year resolutions and what I do instead

I’m going to share a little secret … I’m really competitive. (Like, really.) My husband, for better or worse, is the same way. So you’d think we’d be great at New Year’s resolutions, right? Not so much! Let me explain why … (And if you want to hear me explain why, hop over here to my...

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124: Happy New Year 2018! Setting Challenges + Experiments Instead of Resolutions (& Sneak Peek)

Happy New Year 2018! Setting Challenges + Experiments Instead of Resolutions This Year (& Sneak Peek)

This year, take a new approach to setting resolutions … don’t do it! Yes, I’m one of those that resists creating those hard-to-keep resolutions each New Year. Before anyone thinks I’m against self-improvement (hopefully, all of you know it’s quite the opposite), hear me out … A Different Spin on New Year’s Resolutions … Even...

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