Monday 23 January 2017

63: How to Choose a (Truly) Healthy Wine with Todd White

As a mom of six, it’s long been part of my weekly ritual to sit down with my husband after the kids are in bed and enjoy all a good glass of wine has to offer. But as my diet improves (and as I get older … ahem), I find I’m more and more likely to get hangover-like symptoms, even from just one or two glasses of wine.

This is a problem! And one that isn’t as simple as sulfites, as many commonly think.

Thankfully, I discovered Todd White, wine expert from the Napa Valley, and the amazing Dry Farm Wines company. Dry Farm Wines works with small family vineyards all over the world to provide pure, natural wines that are also … get this … sugar free!

Dry Farm Wines: The Best Wine for Your Health

It all started when Todd set out to solve a personal problem: how to still indulge his passion for wine while avoiding the #1 public health enemy, sugar. His solution grew into Dry Farm Wines, the only lab tested, all natural, health quantified wine merchant in the world today.

Dry Farm “biohacks” wine so we can have all of its health benefits without the downsides. Many leading U.S. health influencers endorse these wines, including Mark Sisson, Dave Asprey, Robb Wolf, Abel James, the Fat Burning Man, and others (and now me!).

Todd’s expertise on wine is vast, and I can’t thank him enough for sharing what he knows so I can keep enjoying a good glass of wine!

In This Episode, You’ll Learn

  • The many health benefits of wine (especially red wine) within moderation
  • How to choose the best wines that won’t give you a headache or add to your waistline
  • The inside scoop on the commercial wine industry’s practices and labeling
  • Why not all natural wines are sugar free
  • The shocking hidden additives in wine like heavy metals, artificial coloring, and animal byproducts (and how to avoid them)
  • How the Ketogenic diet works and why so many people choose it as a lifestyle
  • Why meditation is the greatest biohack in all of history
  • The benefits of deep breathing practices, cold therapy, and other alternative approaches to health
  • And more!

The Dry Wine Farming Difference

So how does Dry Farm Wines accomplish what they do? Can sugar-free, low-carb wine really taste good?

The truth is, traditional wine making practices produce the best (and lowest sugar) wine. Just like with food, the industrialization of winemaking over the last fifty years has lowered the quality of wine by choosing cheap, fast methods of production.

For this reason, Todd recommends wine not from the U.S. or the Napa Valley, as you might think, but wine from small vineyards in Europe.

One big difference? Dry farming.

The U.S. leads the world in the irrigation of grapevines with almost 100% of all vineyards in the U.S. being drip irrigated. This might seem like a harmless enough practice, but most of Europe has outlawed irrigation, and for good reason.

Todd explains why irrigation isn’t as harmless of a practice as it might seem:

When the fruit ripens on a grapevine, the physiology of that ripening process is deeply impacted by irrigation…. This is the reason that the Europeans don’t irrigate. It’s because the character of the taste of the fruit fundamentally changes.

And it’s not just taste that’s sacrificed. Higher water content means the grape will need to have a higher sugar content to make good tasting wine. The higher the sugar content at the time of picking, the higher the level of alcohol (and sugar byproducts like glycol) in the final product.

All this has a health impact. Dry farming practices make the grapevine grow deeper roots, produce more complex tasting fruit, and lower the water, sugar, and final alcohol content.

Which means no more headaches for us!

Other Benefits of Dry Farm Wines

  • Comes from small European vineyards that use the purest natural farming methods on the planet
  • Dry farmed without irrigation
  • Low 7-12.5% alcohol content (commercial wines can be up to 24% alcohol)
  • Lab-tested to be sugar and carb free (even natural wines can have 0 to 300 grams per liter)
  • Lab-screened for absence of mold and toxins
  • No added sugar or chemical additives
  • Never uses sawdust or wood chips for fake oak flavor
  • No or minimal sulfites
  • Delivery to your door

In fact, you can now try my favorite wine for only a penny! Check out this exclusive Wellness Mama offer.

Do you enjoy wine? Have you ever experienced negative side effects from drinking it even in moderation? Please share what has and hasn’t worked for you!

Resources We Mention:

Dry Farm Wines Website
Dry Farm Wines Facebook
Dry Farm Wines Instagram
Dry Farm Wines Twitter

Special Thanks to Today’s Sponsors

This podcast is brought to you by Kettle and Fire Bone Broth. If you love the benefits of bone broth simmered on the stove all day but want a quick and easy way to make it, Kettle and Fire is for you! They have the first grass-fed (and grass-finished) non-perishable bone broth and it is ah-mazing! Kettle and Fire Bone Broth can be found in many Whole Foods on the west coast and you can also order online here.

I use their bone broth on a regular basis and used it to create the recipes in my new bone broth e-book (releasing later this year).

This podcast is also brought to you by Thrive Market. If you live in a real food desert like I do, it can be difficult to find certain organic, specialty, or allergy-friendly foods. Thrive Market makes it easy by carrying thousands of the non-perishable foods that I use most often at discount prices.

They’re like a combination of Costco, Amazon, and Whole Foods. They are online like Amazon, have a yearly membership fee to unlock discounts like Costco, and carry high quality foods like Whole Foods!

I order from them regularly and highly recommend them. Check out all of their products and grab a free jar of coconut oil here.

Continue Reading...63: How to Choose a (Truly) Healthy Wine with Todd White


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