Wednesday 30 November 2016

Mommy Hacks – Tips for Improved Efficiency

Mommy Hacks Tips for Moms

Mommy Hacks Tips for Moms

I’ve had a running list in my phone of tips I found that saved me time or money (or made my life much easier). My hope was to work them into posts so I could share them, but the list was getting longer and I was having trouble fitting a bunch of random helpful tips into posts about detoxing your pits or mthfr mutations.

So they get their own post instead!

Mommy Hacks

These are some random “Mommy Hacks” that save me time, or money or are just plain convenient. Have any tips that save you time or money? I’d love if you’d share them in the comments below…

1. Keep an All-In-One Cleaner In Your Purse

I don’t love using hand sanitizers or antibacterial soaps, but my kids have a way of finding germy messes to touch on a regular basis. I’m definitely not scared of a little dirt, but gym floors and public bathrooms are another ball game.

My kids also have a knack for spilling brightly colored substances on their clothing. From paint to beet juice, few shirts make it to the laundry without at least one stain.

I found one solution to both of these problems. I keep these baby wipes in my purse at all times, even when I don’t have a baby in diapers. They double as hand wipes, stain removers, and I use them to wipe down surfaces at restaurants and in airports.

UPDATE: I used to link to a spray cleaner in this post, and that is why it is in the picture above. When that product was discontinued, I started using baby wipes instead and love them!

2. Keep Lettuce in Glass Mason Jars

I wish I’d know this years ago…. it would have saved so. much. lettuce. A friend share this recently and I’ve been doing it since.

The process is simple. Just wash, dry (or use a salad spinner) and pack into glass quart size mason jars. Greens stay crisp and fresh in jars for 1-2 weeks instead of 3-4 days this way.

To save time, I’ve also pre-packed salads into these jars. Put the meat or protein on the bottom of the jar with any sauce or dressing, then add any other chopped veggies or toppings, then put the lettuce or spinach in last. I pre-make these for the week, especially if I’m on the go.

When ready to eat, just shake the jar to mix in the dressing and pour out on to a plate.

3. A shirt that improves other shirts…

I am by no means a fashionista… I’m more of a yoga pants chic kind of girl, so I don’t typically write about clothing…

A recent purchase inspired me to break this (self imposed) no fashion blogging rule, however. It is called a lace extender and it has allowed me to wear shirts I haven’t worn since a decade ago (and now I feel old…).

It is a camisole that can be worn under shirts to make them longer and dress them up a little. I’m long waisted and no longer like the midriff or hip bone baring styles I wore in college, but I still love some of the shirts I have (that are now *actual* vintage).

These lace extenders have seriously expanded my wardrobe and they even dress up shirts, cardigans or sweaters.

4. Dry Shampoo

In a perfect world, I wake up early each morning, workout, shower and do my health routine before my children wake up so I am calmly making breakfast when they come downstairs.

In reality, this only happens about half of the time and the other half, I’m on deadline or they wake up early so I don’t have time to wash my hair before they wake up. On these days, dry shampoo is my best friend.

I make my own (cheaper + natural) and customize it to my hair color. Here’s the recipe and how to customize it.

5. Reuse Old Socks

Our home could be re-named the land of mismatched socks. I don’t know how, but somehow my children manage to lose, ruin or hide socks, but only one of them…

My ever-growing mismatched sock bin was frustrating me, until my daughter figured out how to make kid-sized heat packs out of old socks, and until we figured out we could mop the floor with them…

Here is the tutorial for the homemade heating pads (and kid-sized hand warmers). For floor mopping, I just give each child a spray bottle of diluted Sal Suds cleaner, let them all put on several layers of mismatched socks and “skate” on the floor. They spray a spot and then glide over it to clean it. As socks get dirts, they just peel them off to get to a clean layer.

Result? A fun activity for the kids and a clean floor for me!

6. Get a Diva Cup

So we all know tampons and pads are unhealthy… didn’t know? Here’s why.

If I had to name one thing that has saved me time, money and hassle, it would be my Diva Cup. Yes, it is strange to adjust to. Yes, my hubby still thinks it is weird, but it is the closest thing to not having a period when you’re on your period. Here’s why I love it:

  • My period has decreased in length by 1-2 days per month since I started using it (other women report this as well and also report having their cramps vanish)
  • I only have to change it every 12-24 hours and in between, it is like not having a period. I can swim, run, exercise, sleep etc without worrying about changing it
  • It has saved me up to $10 a month on buying natural feminine care products

Here is the model I have (get this one if you haven’t had kids) and I LOVE it (strange to say about a menstrual product). Seriously- try it… I dare you! TIP: if it is uncomfortable or leaks, try turning it inside out…

7. Foaming Hand Soap

To make our hand soap last longer, I make my own by using natural organic soap and a foaming soap dispenser.

Here’s the tutorial.

8. Whiten Teeth with Charcoal

I’ve whitened my teeth (like really whitened them) completely naturally with natural coconut charcoal (not the stuff from the grill!) and it has improved my oral health in the process.

It sounds strange and looks even stranger, but it works. Here’s the how-to. I find this works best in combination with my simple whitening toothpaste.

What tips and “mommy hacks” do you have to help save time and money? Share your best ones below!

Continue Reading...Mommy Hacks – Tips for Improved Efficiency


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