Wednesday, 30 November 2016

DIY Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub Recipe (Great Gift Idea!)



While we all know that the sugar in traditional sugar cookies is detrimental to our health, you can still get all of the flavor of homemade cookies with this fun lip scrub recipe. It tastes and smells just like a sugar cookie. Even better though, it will exfoliate and nourish your lips, without putting a dent in your healthy lifestyle.

I never used to pay much attention to lip scrubs. During the winter when dry lips would hit I’d reach for some homemade lip balm, like this peppermint one. However, lip scrubs really help to exfoliate the build up of dead skin that gives lips that crusty, gummy feel. Not only are you getting rid of the gunk on your lips, but the oils and honey in this help to nourish the delicate skin on this facial area. I still like to follow it up with some homemade lip balm for extra moisture during the winter months.

How to Make Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub

The first ingredient in this lip scrub recipe is virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil has lots of uses for skin and hair, and it’s also a healthy addition to your diet. In this lip scrub it provides moisture, antioxidants, and helps thicken the product. If you’re looking for more ways to incorporate this superfood into your life, then try making some tooth remineralizing chews.

Sweet almond oil is the liquid carrier oil here, as it helps to smooth everything out. You can substitute another liquid carrier oil of your choice, however the sweet, nutty smell of sweet almond really adds to the sugar cookie vibe. The fatty acids, and vitamins A and E make sweet almond oil the perfect choice to nourish lips.

Like the carrier oils, raw honey helps to add moisture to the lips. It also has healing properties to restore and rejuvenate damaged lips. It’s so powerful that naturally antibacterial raw honey is even used to speed healing of wounds and burns. Raw honey is also slightly emulsifying, so it helps to bind the ingredients in this lip scrub recipe together. You can read more about the healing uses of raw honey here.

A Note About Vanilla…

Vanilla extract gives this lip scrub recipe a true sugar cookie smell and taste. I like making my own homemade vanilla extract (get the recipe here), but for this it’s best to use a glycerin based vanilla extract. If you only have access to alcohol based vanilla extract, you can still use it since there is enough moisture in the other ingredients to make up for it.

Glycerin acts as a humectant to add moisture to the lips, while alcohol is more drying. It is a common ingredient in even many natural toothpastes, but I purposefully avoid it in my homemade toothpaste. While glycerin is thought to coat the enamel and promote tooth decay, it’s actually very soothing to skin and lips so it’s great for skincare.

Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub Recipe Ingredients

Lip Scrub Instructions

  1. In a small glass bowl combine all of the ingredients. Mash and stir them together with a spoon or rubber spatula until well combined and a little creamy.
  2. Store your lip balm recipe in a ½ ounce glass jar.

How to Use a Lip Scrub

  • Use your finger to scoop a small amount of lip scrub out and gently rub it on your lips to exfoliate, then rinse off with a wash cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Make sure you’re leaning over a sink when you use this, since it’s fairly messy to use.

What is your favorite lip product? Do you struggle with dry lips in the winter?

Continue Reading...DIY Sugar Cookie Lip Scrub Recipe (Great Gift Idea!)


Mommy Hacks – Tips for Improved Efficiency

Mommy Hacks Tips for Moms

Mommy Hacks Tips for Moms

I’ve had a running list in my phone of tips I found that saved me time or money (or made my life much easier). My hope was to work them into posts so I could share them, but the list was getting longer and I was having trouble fitting a bunch of random helpful tips into posts about detoxing your pits or mthfr mutations.

So they get their own post instead!

Mommy Hacks

These are some random “Mommy Hacks” that save me time, or money or are just plain convenient. Have any tips that save you time or money? I’d love if you’d share them in the comments below…

1. Keep an All-In-One Cleaner In Your Purse

I don’t love using hand sanitizers or antibacterial soaps, but my kids have a way of finding germy messes to touch on a regular basis. I’m definitely not scared of a little dirt, but gym floors and public bathrooms are another ball game.

My kids also have a knack for spilling brightly colored substances on their clothing. From paint to beet juice, few shirts make it to the laundry without at least one stain.

I found one solution to both of these problems. I keep these baby wipes in my purse at all times, even when I don’t have a baby in diapers. They double as hand wipes, stain removers, and I use them to wipe down surfaces at restaurants and in airports.

UPDATE: I used to link to a spray cleaner in this post, and that is why it is in the picture above. When that product was discontinued, I started using baby wipes instead and love them!

2. Keep Lettuce in Glass Mason Jars

I wish I’d know this years ago…. it would have saved so. much. lettuce. A friend share this recently and I’ve been doing it since.

The process is simple. Just wash, dry (or use a salad spinner) and pack into glass quart size mason jars. Greens stay crisp and fresh in jars for 1-2 weeks instead of 3-4 days this way.

To save time, I’ve also pre-packed salads into these jars. Put the meat or protein on the bottom of the jar with any sauce or dressing, then add any other chopped veggies or toppings, then put the lettuce or spinach in last. I pre-make these for the week, especially if I’m on the go.

When ready to eat, just shake the jar to mix in the dressing and pour out on to a plate.

3. A shirt that improves other shirts…

I am by no means a fashionista… I’m more of a yoga pants chic kind of girl, so I don’t typically write about clothing…

A recent purchase inspired me to break this (self imposed) no fashion blogging rule, however. It is called a lace extender and it has allowed me to wear shirts I haven’t worn since a decade ago (and now I feel old…).

It is a camisole that can be worn under shirts to make them longer and dress them up a little. I’m long waisted and no longer like the midriff or hip bone baring styles I wore in college, but I still love some of the shirts I have (that are now *actual* vintage).

These lace extenders have seriously expanded my wardrobe and they even dress up shirts, cardigans or sweaters.

4. Dry Shampoo

In a perfect world, I wake up early each morning, workout, shower and do my health routine before my children wake up so I am calmly making breakfast when they come downstairs.

In reality, this only happens about half of the time and the other half, I’m on deadline or they wake up early so I don’t have time to wash my hair before they wake up. On these days, dry shampoo is my best friend.

I make my own (cheaper + natural) and customize it to my hair color. Here’s the recipe and how to customize it.

5. Reuse Old Socks

Our home could be re-named the land of mismatched socks. I don’t know how, but somehow my children manage to lose, ruin or hide socks, but only one of them…

My ever-growing mismatched sock bin was frustrating me, until my daughter figured out how to make kid-sized heat packs out of old socks, and until we figured out we could mop the floor with them…

Here is the tutorial for the homemade heating pads (and kid-sized hand warmers). For floor mopping, I just give each child a spray bottle of diluted Sal Suds cleaner, let them all put on several layers of mismatched socks and “skate” on the floor. They spray a spot and then glide over it to clean it. As socks get dirts, they just peel them off to get to a clean layer.

Result? A fun activity for the kids and a clean floor for me!

6. Get a Diva Cup

So we all know tampons and pads are unhealthy… didn’t know? Here’s why.

If I had to name one thing that has saved me time, money and hassle, it would be my Diva Cup. Yes, it is strange to adjust to. Yes, my hubby still thinks it is weird, but it is the closest thing to not having a period when you’re on your period. Here’s why I love it:

  • My period has decreased in length by 1-2 days per month since I started using it (other women report this as well and also report having their cramps vanish)
  • I only have to change it every 12-24 hours and in between, it is like not having a period. I can swim, run, exercise, sleep etc without worrying about changing it
  • It has saved me up to $10 a month on buying natural feminine care products

Here is the model I have (get this one if you haven’t had kids) and I LOVE it (strange to say about a menstrual product). Seriously- try it… I dare you! TIP: if it is uncomfortable or leaks, try turning it inside out…

7. Foaming Hand Soap

To make our hand soap last longer, I make my own by using natural organic soap and a foaming soap dispenser.

Here’s the tutorial.

8. Whiten Teeth with Charcoal

I’ve whitened my teeth (like really whitened them) completely naturally with natural coconut charcoal (not the stuff from the grill!) and it has improved my oral health in the process.

It sounds strange and looks even stranger, but it works. Here’s the how-to. I find this works best in combination with my simple whitening toothpaste.

What tips and “mommy hacks” do you have to help save time and money? Share your best ones below!

Continue Reading...Mommy Hacks – Tips for Improved Efficiency


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Colloidal Silver: Safe and Effective? (When Not to Use)



Silver has a long history as an antimicrobial in folk medicine, with the claims that people who ate from silver dishes and cutleries were less likely to get sick. Before the advent of antibiotics, silver was widely used in medicine (1).

The History of Silver Use

While silver is still often used in medicine, many holistic health experts tout the benefits of colloidal silver as a highly beneficial cure-all. Have you ever wondered what all the hype is and is it safe and effective?

Conventional medicine recognizes the antimicrobial benefits of silver. (2) For example, many medical device companies coat their devices with silver to prevent bacterial biofilms. Hospitals used to give silver nitrate eyedrops to newborns to prevent gonorrhea infections to the eye. Many studies show the effectiveness of silver solutions, silver gauze, or silver complexed with other antimicrobials in the hospitals to treat burn wounds.

Like many folk remedies, there is not strong scientific evidence supporting some of these claims, which explains why some uses of colloidal silver are controversial.

With the rise of antibiotic resistance, silver is making a comeback as a powerful broad-spectrum antimicrobial. Colloidal silver is generally considered safe to use, but it is important to be informed about what studies say with respect to its safety and effectiveness, and whether excessive use may harm us or the environment.

What is Colloidal Silver?

In short, it is the suspension of sub-microscopic silver nanoparticles in water. These silver nanoparticles can be anywhere from 10 – 100 nm in diameter (around 1/10,000 to 1/1,000 of a human hair) (3).

Silver nanoparticles are typically made in two different ways:

  • Physically– by grinding silver into very small particles before suspending in water as colloids
  • Chemically– Silver salt is reduced into very small particles using a chemical reducer.

Many well-studied nanoparticles are generated with a method called “green synthesis,” which is by using a biologically-generated substance to reduce the silver salt into silver nanoparticles (4, 5).

How Does Colloidal Silver Work?

Scientist have observed that it kills germs, but they still don’t completely understand how. It is generally understood that silver nanoparticles bind to bacteria cell wall. The surface chemistry as well as the shape of the nanoparticles determine how toxic it is to the bacteria. A fraction of silver nanoparticles may react to substances in the body or the environment and become silver salt, which is an effective antimicrobial.

Although most colloidal silver is made from silver salts, they are essentially different things. Silver salts are generally a lot more toxic to bacteria and humans than colloidal silver. Silver salt solutions (e.g. silver chloride, silver oxide, silver nitrate) often react with oxygen in the air when exposed to light, resulting in precipitates. Whereas colloidal silver usually have a yellow-gold color and is stable without precipitates.

Silver salts in water have positive charge that allows it to bind up proteins, cause DNA damage, and disrupt the respiratory processes in bacteria. Silver nanoparticles may be neutral or negatively charged, depending on how it is synthesized.

In addition, silver ions are more likely to cause silver toxicity or argyria in humans than the colloidal version. However, because a fraction of colloidal silver may become silver salt, overconsumption of colloidal silver can still cause silver toxicity at very high doses.

Is Colloidal Silver Effective?

Silver is a metal and a non-essential element in the body. It is much safer to a human body than other heavy metals like lead and mercury.

This means the dose makes the poison: we can accumulate much more silver in our bodies before it becomes toxic. It is possible to accumulate too much silver in a condition called argyria or argylosis, where silver deposits in tissues and irreversibly turn the person blue. But even when the person has turned blue, the silver does not usually cause health problems in other ways.

Studies suggest that colloidal silver is effective at:

  • Killing and preventing bacterial growth, including bacteria that are antibiotic-resistant (6, 7)
  • Killing some strains of pathogenic yeasts, including Candida and Cryptococcus (
  • Preventing viruses from entering human cells (9)
  • Reducing inflammation in contact dermatitis (rashes from exposure to irritating chemicals) in pigs and mice (10, 11)
  • Disrupting bacterial biofilm (a slimy shield that allows bacteria to hide from antibiotics) in sheep bacterial sinusitis ()
  • Being toxic to cancer cells (13)
  • Effectively fighting against Vibrio cholera and a dangerous strain of E. coli, both of which could cause deadly diarrhea if left untreated (14)

To date, all studies that test the effects of colloidal silver with bacteria found that it is effective, but its effectiveness is less consistent with yeasts and viruses. A comprehensive study by naturopathic doctors in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that that it is only effective against some strains of yeasts but not others.

In addition, the same study found that colloidal silver is not effective against viruses (15). Another study tested 3 different market brands and found no effectiveness whatsoever (16).

It seems, therefore, that colloidal silver is a powerful antimicrobial, but its effectiveness can vary depending on the particular infection and quality of the product itself.

Colloidal Silver Safety

In order to understand the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver, it is important to have experimental data in the context of a whole animal or a whole human. Most studies are done in “in vitro,” i.e. in test tubes or in Petri dishes outside the body. With the exception of wounds, diarrhea, and dermatitis, we have only observed the effectiveness of colloidal silver against germs on Petri dishes or on human cells that are grown on Petri dishes, which are not enough to show that they are effective.

A human body is a lot more complex than a Petri dish, so simply because something kills germs on a Petri Dish doesn’t mean we should eat it to prevent or treat an infection. We still need to understand how silver affects the rest of the body, and whether it can even travel to where we need it most if we take it internally. Therefore, we need many more studies to understand how it works in our bodies (in vivo).

When we ingest colloidal silver, our small intestines can absorb around 10 – 18% of silver nanoparticles into the bloodstream, while remaining silver nanoparticles pass through our gut (17). In our bloodstream, the nanoparticles then bind to a protein in our blood called albumin as it gets carried around the body. Typically silver proteins are a lot less effective against germs than silver alone, which raises the question of whether colloidal silver is effective outside of the gut when taken internally.

An Alternative To Antibiotics?

Colloidal silver might seem like a promising option over antibiotics, but it still has some of the side effects of antibiotics. For this reason, I’ve always exercised caution and not over-used it, as evidence shows it may be harmful if used regularly or over a long period of time.

Gut Damage and Bacterial Resistance

Recently, two studies independently examined the gut microbiota of mice and rats fed with colloidal silver, and both found that it did indeed disrupt the gut flora (18, 19). Another study that examined the digestive tissue after ingestion of colloidal silver also found that it does damage the gut cells (20).

While bacterial resistance to silver salt has been long known (21), one study showed that bacteria can become resistant to colloidal silver after many generations of exposure (22).

Environmental Concerns

With its broad-spectrum antimicrobial, silver nanoparticles and silver salts present some environmental concerns. Currently, silver nanoparticles are present in the environment at the concentrations that are about one in a thousandth times the dose that would be toxic to fish and other marine animals (23).

Presently, silver nanoparticles are present in sewage sludge that are used in landfill rather than dumped into the sea, so this also present a risk of it getting reabsorbed back into our food supply. While we understand that colloidal silver affects our gut bacteria, we still don’t completely know how it affects the health of bacteria, yeasts, and other microorganisms in the environment. We do know that the health of our soil is closely linked to the health of our gut, so we want to be careful about disrupting it.

Uses for Colloidal Silver

Studies have shown that silver is effective in treating and preventing infections when applied externally to wounds and when used as a sinus rinse. In addition, it may be effective in treatments of acute diarrhea. Therefore, colloidal silver can be safe and effective when used externally, or when targeting pathogens in the gut.

Because colloidal silver does have some side effects, research suggests using it carefully rather than liberally. In addition, because it can interfere with or enhance the effects or side effects of some medications, always consult your physician before using it in conjunction with any medications.

Colloidal silver is marketed as a dietary supplement and is relatively unregulated. The manufacturer is responsible for the safety and effectiveness of these products. It is concerning that a random test of colloidal silvers on the market often found ones that are ineffective or even contaminated with bacteria (24).

If you choose to use colloidal silver, be sure to purchase them from a reputable brand. This is the brand I keep on hand for external use and as a sinus rinse.

What’s your experience with colloidal silver? Please share in the comments below.



Continue Reading...Colloidal Silver: Safe and Effective? (When Not to Use)


Thursday, 17 November 2016

2016 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide (For Everyone On Your List!)



I don’t know about you, but this time of year can be a little hectic for me! With multiple holidays in a row and a lot of family birthdays, there is a lot to plan and a lot of gifts to wrap. We try to stick to experiences instead of stuff as much as possible (here are some of my best ideas), especially with our own kids, but also usually get one gift per family member.

Also, for extended family and close friends that we don’t live close enough to share experiences with, we send small gifts as well. I know it seems early, but I try to get my shopping done now so that I can savor and enjoy the coming weeks and months while knowing gifts are already wrapped!

This gift guide is a compilation of the best gifts we’ve ever received and the ones that are favorites to give. As much as possible, these gifts are eco-friendly and limit plastic. They are also natural, organic and health-promoting.

My Natural + Eco-Friendly Gift Giving Guide!

I’ve included my favorite gifts for every family member, age group and interest level, so keep scrolling if you need ideas for a specific family member. The go in rough age order (adults down to babies) and then special interest gift ideas are below that (for the chef, the grandparents, white elephant gifts, etc).

Important: Please note that many of the links in this guide are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase through these links, the price will be the same for you and I’ll receive a small commission that helps support my blog and my family. Many thanks!

Gifts for Mom (that She Won’t Just Pretend She Loves)

As a kid, we always got my mom new kitchen gear and equipment as gifts. I remember feeling a little guilty because my brother and I got toys and fun gifts, and I always thought she got the short end of the stick just getting kitchen gear. Then, I became a mom myself and developed a love for cooking, and now I get just as excited about new kitchen essentials. This list includes some of the best practical gifts for moms, as well as some pampering and relaxing ones!


  1. Amazon Prime Membership – Get free 2-day shipping on many items, plus free streaming music and movies.
  2. or Real Plans Membership- My biggest time saver- this plans all of my meals and shopping lists and can handle allergies, bulk prep day and more!
  3. Shiatsu Massage Pillow -Seriously rivals an actual massage for half the price!
  4. Hydroflask Water Bottle – The water bottle I use that keeps water cool (or hot) for days!
  5. Royally Flawless Facial Moisturizer – Amazing facial oil with the highest quality ingredients and no junk!
  6. RTIC Tumbler -Great for hot or cold drinks.
  7. Wake-up Light Gentle Alarm Clock – Wake up gently to gradual light and sound
  8. Himalayan Salt Lamp – Soothing warm orange glow at night from these beautiful lamps.
  9. Blue Blocker Glasses – I wear these after dark for better sleep (some studies show that avoiding blue light after dark helps melatonin levels).
  10. Sleep Master Sleep Mask – Great for travel- a sleep mask that is actually comfortable!
  11. 10,000 Lux Happy Light – Feel blue in the winter? I use this super-bright light to keep my cortisol levels healty.
  12. Anything Le Creuset – Incredible (but pricey) dishes. I’ve been collecting a few pieces over the years and resisting the urge to buy it all!
  13. Microwaveable Slippers – Does someone you love always get cold? These slippers have microwaveable pads that stay warm.
  14. Dry Brush -Brushing isn’t just for hair and teeth. Brushing skin can help it stay smooth, supple and may improve collagen.
  15. Low EMF Hair Dryer– Did you know that hairdryers product a LOT of EMFs?
  16. French Press Coffee Maker – Make wonderful coffee with this classic method.
  17. Instant Pot – Revolutionize dinner! This electric pressure cooker makes roasts in about an hour and turns tough cuts of meat into deliciously tender meals.
  18. Grown-up Coloring Book and Markers- Coloring isn’t for kids anymore and studies show it may reduce stress levels. Try a “grown up coloring book.”
  19. Kokomo Cream Organic Deodorant– This natural deodorant smells like the tropics and last for months.
  20. The Wellness Mama Cookbook – Ok, I’m biased, but my new cookbook is filled with 200 delicious recipes that our family loves (and I know yours will too!)
  21. Blackout Curtains – Even a little light can interfere with sleep quality. We use blackout curtains to keep our room really dark.
  22. Wine Bottle Tiki Torch – Upcycle old wine bottle with these adorable tiki-torch kits.

Gifts for Dad (No Ties or PJs on This List)

I’ve always had the most difficult time finding good gifts for the men in my life, especially my husband. He has incredibly high standards for products and prefers really high quality items that last forever. These have been some of his favorite gifts in recent years and they might be perfect for the guys on your list too… (Also, check the lists below for more specific ideas for dads who travel a lot or who love the outdoors!)


  1. Magnetic wrist band – Holds nails and screws for the handyman!
  2. Fire starter kit – Useful tool to start fires without matches or a lighter.
  3. Blue Blocking Glasses -These glasses help reduce eye fatigue from computers and reduce blue light for better sleep.
  4. Lifestraw or Sawyer water filter– Survival water filter that fits in your pocket.
  5. Comfy Slippers – My husband loves these slippers he got a couple of years ago.
  6. Heat Proof BBQ Gloves – For the man who likes to grill, these gloves will protect his hands.
  7. Smart Wool Socks – Warm but not sweaty and they keep feet dry. Great for hiking or everyday use.
  8. Surefire Flashlight – High quality and super bright pocket flashlight.
  9. Wine Aerator – Pour wine through this to improve flavor.
  10. 30-day Lantern for Camping – A really long lasting lantern for the outdoorsman who loves to camp.
  11. Esse 3 Knife – Really high quality multi-use knife.
  12. Saddleback Leather Wallet – This wallet has a 100 year warranty!! (yes, really!)
  13. Quality Shaving Kit OR Beard Oil– Great options for the clean-shaven or bearded guy in your life!
  14. RTIC Insulated Tumbler – This insulated large mug keeps things cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12.
  15. Hydroflask Insulated Water Bottle– Insulated water bottle that keeps water cold for days.
  16. Backjoy Seat -Does your guy sit a lot? This may help improve posture and alleviate tension in the back.
  17. Defender Pad – Protect his lap from EMFs when he uses the laptop.
  18. Tactical Pen – More than just a pen, it works in all conditions and can break a car window if a person is trapped.
  19. ENO Hammock – Portable hammock that fits in a small bag and is great for travel and camping.
  20. Tactical Backpack– For the outdoorsman, this bag holds everything he could need.
  21. Tool Pen– Available in hex and mini-tools for easy use.
  22. Whiskey Stones – Freeze these rocks to use in place of ice in drinks “on the rocks.”

Gifts for Older Kids & Teens

My older kids have gotten harder to shop for, but these gifts all got their seal of approval!


  1. Buddah Board– A relaxing way to paint with just water (it evaporates and you can paint again).
  2. Leather Journal– A beautiful leather journal for sketching or journaling.
  3. Japanese Puzzle Box– These beautiful puzzle boxes are a unique way for older kids to keep valuable items safe and fun to learn.
  4. Rubix Cube (or Giant Rubix Cube)- The 1980s called, but we told it we are keeping the Rubix Cube. Older kids love learning to solve this.
  5. Star Wars Legos– Popular among big kids and teens with dozens to choose from.
  6. Build Your Own Programmable Robot Kit– A favorite with my oldest. Build a robot and program it!
  7. Grown-Up Coloring Books– Coloring isn’t just for little kids anymore. These “adult coloring books” are very detailed and studies show that coloring is relaxing.
  8. Boogie Board– Reusable board that encourages doodling and drawing.
  9. Kindle Fire– An affordable tablet with a lot of capabilities.
  10. Runaway Alarm Clock– Does your teen have trouble waking up? This alarm clock runs away and keeps making noise until caught!
  11. Natural Makeup Brushes– If your teen is old enough to wear makeup, these natural brushes are great!
  12. Power Cube Wall Adapter– Surge protector and charges multiple devices at once.
  13. Collapsible Duffel Bag– Great bag for short trips that collapses to a tiny size.
  14. Minnetonka Chrissy Boots (for teenage girls)- Super comfy boots!
  15. Cash inside a Money Maze Puzzle Box– Give money so they can get what they like, but make it fun by hiding it inside this puzzle cube.
  16. No Crease Ponytail Holders– These are really popular right now. They are gentle on hair and don’t leave a crease!
  17. Travel Hammock– Have an outdoorsy teen? These travel hammocks collapse small and are awesome.
  18. Pocket Strings Guitar– A fun way to learn guitar! Fits easily in a backpack.

Gift Ideas for Younger Kids

There are certainly the most options to choose from when looking for gifts for children, but I’ve found that many are lower-quality plastic items that break easily and release harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals into the home or that only facilitate one activity. These are a few of the gifts I’ve found in recent years that have survived the durability test of our house and that the children have enjoyed the most:


  1. Gorilla Gym– Our kids’ favorite Christmas gift of all time. It is a gym that mounts in a door frame and they use it every day.
  2. Snap Circuits– Really neat kit that lets kids learn about electricity by building different types of basic machines like a fan, a radio, etc.
  3. Art Kit– A favorite among our girls. This kit contains markers, paints, colored pencils and more.
  4. Seedling Wooden People kit– Kids can create mini wooden people.
  5. Mini Trampoline for Indoor Play– We’ve had a trampoline in our house for years and it is great for cold or rainy days. Rebounding (bouncing) is also great for adults!
  6. Wooden twig colored pencils– Wooden colored pencils made from twigs. Good size for younger kids just learning to write and draw.
  7. Wooden people and craft supplies– Our kids loved making their own little wooden dolls with these.
  8. Plasma car– Our little kids love these and they are great for kids of all sizes.
  9. Natural Paints– Made from fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices.
  10. Design Your Own Superhero Cape– A fun activity that encourages creativity and is great for imaginative play.
  11. Microscope Kit– My oldest loved looking at hair, dirt, and all kind of other things in this microscope.
  12. Crayon rocks– Portable and fun for littles who still have trouble with regular crayons.
  13. Or Beeswax crayons– Triangular crayons made of natural beeswax.
  14. Doll House– Fits Barbie size dolls and other smaller dolls.
  15. Stainless Steel Play Kitchen Pots and Pans
  16. Beginner Piano Keyboard (and free Hoffman Academy Lessons)-
  17. Boogie Board– A reusable writing tablet that encourages creativity.
  18. Sun Art– Fun educational craft idea that kids love.
  19. Kendama Game– Fun interactive game that encourages movement.

Gifts for Babies (and Expecting Parents)

There are literally thousands of options for gifts for babies, but many of them contain endocrine disrupting plastics or will just never get used. With over a decade of parenting and six kids, these are the gifts, toys and gear that made the cut for us.


  1. Pregnancy Affirmation Cards – I love these sweet cards that encourage pregnant moms!
  2. Organic Mattress Cover– Protect baby from mold and allergens in mattresses.
  3. Organic Cotton Crib Sheet – Soft organic sheet for crib.
  4. Organic Muslin Swaddling Blankets- My favorite blankets that are perfect for swaddling or nursing.
  5. Snot Sucker -Not as gross and it sounds and a lifesaver if baby is sick!
  6. Baby bouncer -This bouncer that actually bounces can be bounced with a foot to keep baby asleep.
  7. Food grade silicone fruit  teethers– A favorite with my 9 month old right now!
  8. Hape Wooden Toys – I love these high quality wooden toys!
  9. Ergo Organic Baby Carrier – A great organic baby carrier that is comfortable for mom or dad too!
  10. Sophie the Giraffe– This teething toy has a passionate following with the under-one-year crowd!
  11. Fleece Newborn Booties – Babies always manage to lose socks, but these stay on and keep toes warm!
  12. Manhattan Toys Rattle and Clutching Toy– Little ones love this engaging wooden toy.
  13. Natural Rubber Orthodontic Pacifier – For babies who like a pacified, try this natural rubber option.
  14. Baltic Amber Teething Necklace– May help sooth teething pain.
  15. Manhattan Toys Circle Toy – A beautiful and fun toy that baby love to play with.
  16. Natural Rubber Teething Toy – The only toy my baby prefers to my finger when teething gets bad.
  17. Organic Cotton Teether– An organic cotton and wood teething toy option.
  18. Shea Moisture Baby Wash and Lotion – Fabulous smelling baby wash and lotion without the junk!
  19. Animalz Wooden Animal Toys – Adorable and durable wooden animal toys.

Gifts for the Chef or Foodie

Does someone in your life love to cook (or eat)? These gifts make spending time in the kitchen so much fun!


  1. Stainless Steel Coffee Percolator– No plastic, no junk, just awesome coffee that stays warm for hours in this all-stainless percolator.
  2. Blendtec or Vitamix– both are awesome blenders!
  3. Stainless Steel Immersion Blender– Great for sauces, smoothies, blending things in a pot or pan and so much more.
  4. Yogurt Maker– Homemade yogurt tastes so much better than store bought and is simple to make.
  5. Ice Cream Maker– Make any kind of ice cream: dairy-free, sugar-free, etc.
  6. Lead-free Crock Pot– A great slow cooker with a lead free crock.
  7. Instant Pot– This electric pressure cooker has almost replaced our slowcooker and I use it at least three times a week.
  8. Crinkle cutter– So the kids can help cut food for meals.
  9. Stainless steel bowls– Great for mixing, serving, and storage.
  10. Spiral Slicer– Make vegetables into noodles with this spiral slicer.
  11. Stainless Steel Straws– Replace disposable straws forever with these steel straws.
  12. Huck towels– Similar to the towels they use in emergency rooms… these towels are super absorbant, great for cleaning and easy to wash.
  13. Mason Jars + Cuppow Lids + Sprouting Lids– Use mason jars for cups and the opportunities are endless.
  14. Kombucha Brewing Supplies– Do you drink Kombucha? If so, do you make your own? It is so much better and the flavors are endless.
  15. Dehydrator– Preserve foods with a stainless steel dehydrator.
  16. Xtrema Cookware– Scratch proof ceramic pans.
  17. Bamboo Utensils– These inexpensive bamboo utensils are great for cooking.
  18. Stainless Steel Large Baking Dish
  19. Glass electric tea kettle– Make tea in seconds with this glass electric tea kettle.
  20. Salt Block for Cooking– I love cooking fish, meat and even baked goods on a salt block for amazing flavor.
  21. Premium Milk Frother – If you want to spring for an unusual (and more pricey) gift, this milk frother makes coffee shop worthy froth for coffee.

Gift Ideas for the Grandparents

Our parents both live nearby and are involved in our kids lives. I always struggle with what to get them that somehow says “thanks for everything you did for me all of those year and thanks for being just as awesome with my kids.” We usually give them something handmade from the grandkids, but these are some other ideas that have been a hit. (Some of these are also ideas for this year, so mom- if you are reading this… don’t read past here).


  1. Amazon Prime Membership– What my parents are getting this year (don’t tell them!). This gives them free 2-day shipping on many items and free streaming of many movie and music.
  2. Photo Frame– This photo frame was a hit a few years ago with our parents. No fancy motion detectors, wi-fi, bluetooth or anything else that can stop working.
  3. Kindle Fire– My brother got my mom a Kindle a couple of years ago and she use it quite a bit.
  4. Terracotta Plant Waterer– Perhaps not the most fancy of gifts,  but very practical for anyone with house plants (I just ordered some). It upcycles a glass bottle to water a plant for weeks.
  5. Wine Subscription– If your parents are wine-drinkers, they will love this wine subscription box  of organic biodynamic wines.
  6. Royally Flawless Face Oil– Ditch all the overpriced anti-aging creams out there. This oil uses high-quality ingredients for real results.
  7. Shiatsu Massage Pillow– I got this for my mom last Christmas and she uses it all the time.
  8. Glass Electric Tea Kettle– For tea-drinkers, this electric glass tea kettle makes tea available almost on demand.
  9. Instant Pot– The grandparents love it for all the reasons we love it- faster and more nutritious meals!
  10. The Grandparent Book Journal– A sweet way to encourage kids and grandparents to spend time together and a beautiful keepsake of family history.
  11. Or anything on the lists above that they will love!

Dirty Santa & White Elephant Gifts

Every year, we get invited to parties where guests play Dirty Santa or need last minute gifts to have on hand when someone drops by. This year, I’m being prepared and stocking up on some inexpensive (and some funny) gifts to have on hand:


“Just in Case”:

These inexpensive gifts are great to have on hand for when someone drops by with a gift or to take to party hosts. I keep several of these wrapped to give when someone brings a gift by unexpectedly.

  1. Electric Wine Bottle Opener
  2. RTIC Tumbler
  3. Bottle of wine-
  4. Grocery Bag Carrying Handles
  5. Bag of Organic Coffee
  6. Silicone Muffin Cups
  7. Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Iced Coffee Pot/Maker
  8. Car Diffuser
  9. Mason Jar Solar Light
  10. Mason Jar with Drinking Lid

Funny Gifts for Dirty Santa and Gift Exchanges:

These are some of my favorite funny gift ideas for dirty santa or white elephant gift exchanges. Sure to get lots of laughs!


  1. Toilet Light
  2. Nap Sack Prank Box
  3. Prank Pack Crib Dribbler
  4. iDrive Prank Pack
  5. You Parked Like An Idiot” Cards-
  6. Slipper Genie Mopping Slipper
  7. The Obsessive Chef Cutting Board
  8. Talking Toilet Paper Holder
  9. Banana Slicer
  10. Cards Against Humanity
  11. Maybe Swearing Will Help Coloring Book and Markers

Handmade & DIY Gifts

DIY gifts

I love receiving homemade gifts and making them for others. I have hundreds of DIY recipes and tutorials on this website, but the ones on this list make the best gifts:

If you aren’t into the DIY options, here are some great store bought alternatives:

What is on your Christmas list this year? What are you getting for friends and family?

Continue Reading...2016 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide (For Everyone On Your List!)


Family Favorite Pumpkin Pie Recipe (Dairy & Gluten-Free)

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits (+ Cooking and Beauty Uses)

The benefits of molasses

The benefits of molasses

In many cases, the byproduct of a refining process is bad news. This is the case with petroleum jellyvegetable oils, and many other substances. However, one exception to this rule is blackstrap molasses.

My only childhood memories of this strongly flavored syrup involved making cookies or ornaments once a year, but it turns out that molasses is great for much more than gingerbread cookies.

What is Molasses?

Technically, it is the byproduct of the sugarcane refining process. When sugar cane is mashed and boiled, cane syrup is created. A second boiling yields molasses and a third leaves blackstrap molasses.

It is important to note the distinction that the “refining” process refers to just boiling and not any other chemical process which is needed in many types of refining. Refining often removes beneficial parts of a substance, but in this case, the beneficial parts of the plant are retained and some sources would even consider it a superfood, high in Iron, B-vitamins, Magnesium and other nutrients.

Different Types

There are several different types to choose from:

  • Light– Produced by the first boiling of the sugar cane (or sugar beet). This type is lighter in color and can be sulphured or un-sulphured. Sulphured Molasses treated with sulphur dioxide acts as a preservative. Typically this type is extracted from young sugar cane, and the preservative is needed. Some people have gene mutations that make them react negatively to sulphur, so this is typically not the best type to use. Un-sulphured is extracted from ripe sugarcane that does not need a preservative. It is also sometimes referred to as “Barbados” or “mild” molasses
  • Dark– This is the product of the second boiling after more sugar has been extracted. It is less sweet than light molasses and is often used in cooking and baking. This is the type that most people are familiar with as it is often used in gingerbread cookies.
  • Blackstrap– The healthiest form that is produced by the third boiling. It contains the most vitamins and nutrients, but is also the least sweet and does not work well in many recipes. Blackstrap molasses is the highest in Iron, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium and other nutrients and is the one I use most often (this is my favorite).

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits

Personally, I’ve been making a molasses based switchel recipe that has helped keep my energy levels, digestion and iron levels great during pregnancy, but there are many additional blackstrap molasses benefits as well:

Iron Boost

Blackstrap molasses is one of the few great non-animal sources of iron. Many doctors and midwives recommend 1-2 tablespoons a day for those with anemia or related disorders. The high iron content and presence of minerals like magnesium make it helpful for menstrual troubles and pregnant women. There are many accounts of people who used molasses to help remedy anemia and also noticed improved skin and new hair growth from the additional minerals.

TIP: I don’t love the taste by itself, so I mix it into coffee, tea, or switchel to consume it daily. I always monitor my blood sugar during pregnancy (instead of consuming the glucose drink) and molasses does not negatively affect my blood sugar at all.

For Digestion

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and manganese also make molasses beneficial for digestion. Some people who suffer from constipation notice relief from consuming 1-2 tablespoons in warm water each day. It is also a natural stool softener and is exceptionally beneficial after pregnancy to help return digestion to normal and boost iron levels.

For Hair

Blackstrap molasses contains copper which is important for hair growth. Used internally and externally it may help improve hair growth and some people even report that it helped reverse graying hair and brought back their natural hair color when used regularly.

I definitely wouldn’t recommend pouring it directly on hair, but I like diluting it with equal parts water and pouring on hair as a 20-minute nourishing hair mask. (Note: It will darken hair slightly for a short time!)

Low-Sugar Sweetener

Though blackstrap molasses isn’t exceptionally sweet, it can be a substitute for sugar or syrup in some recipes or can be added to baked goods to boost the nutritional profile. I like using a 50:50 mixture with maple syrup as a sweetener in many of my recipes.

How to Use Molasses

Molasses is naturally not overly sweet, but it has an amazingly rich flavor that can add depth to many dishes. I enjoy using it mixed with another natural sweetener (like honey or maple syrup) in recipes or as a stand alone sweetener, and have also experimented with using it in the following:

  • Marinades: A couple tablespoons of blackstrap is a great addition to a meat marinade and adds a tiny hint of sweetness and a warm flavor.
  • Dressings: In vinaigrettes and dressings, a tablespoon or two adds great flavor.
  • Sauces: A delicious addition to barbecue sauces and other homemade sauces.
  • Smoothies: A tablespoon or more doesn’t usually change the taste of smoothies and is a great way to add nutrients.

Molasses also has a place in natural beauty remedies as it is great for skin and hair. It can be used to make an intensive moisturizing hair conditioning mask or directly on the face as a natural tightening face wash.

Best Kind to Use

Blackstrap molasses has the highest nutrient content and the lowest amount of natural sugar, so it is the preferred type of molasses to use in many cases. I personally like this un-sulphured organic blackstrap molasses which is naturally sweet and not bitter.

Do you ever use molasses? What is your favorite way to use it?


Continue Reading...Blackstrap Molasses Benefits (+ Cooking and Beauty Uses)
