Thursday 2 May 2019

253: A (Semi) Serious Ultra-Spiritual Conversation With JP Sears

I’m here today with someone you have probably heard of and possibly enjoy as much as I do. JP Sears is a YouTuber, a comedian, an emotional healing coach, and fun fact which you may not know, a serious world traveler and curious student of health. You’ve probably seen his funny and entertaining videos where...

Continue reading 253: A (Semi) Serious Ultra-Spiritual Conversation With JP Sears...


Wednesday 1 May 2019

Gift Ideas for Mom (That She Will Use and Love!)

As Mother’s Day approaches, I’ve gotten several requests from husbands of a few readers for gift ideas for Mom when regular chocolate won’t cut it anymore. I’ve compiled a list of some of the things I’d want to get (hint-hint honey) and feel free to add your favorites in the comments! Some of these are...

Continue reading Gift Ideas for Mom (That She Will Use and Love!)...
