Sunday 31 March 2019

244: Debunking Probiotic Myths With Just Thrive Founder Tina Anderson

My job is basically a great excuse to sit down and chat with the people who inspire me most! Today is no exception as Tina Anderson, co-founder and CEO of Just Thrive probiotics, joins me on the podcast. We’re gonna jump into a lot of probiotic myths flying around and talk about the science behind this...

Continue reading 244: Debunking Probiotic Myths With Just Thrive Founder Tina Anderson...


Saturday 30 March 2019

Microfiber Cloths: Green Cleaning or Plastic Pollution?

  When I first switched to more natural and green cleaning products, microfiber cloths seemed like a panacea. They cleaned almost all surfaces with little or no additional products, were reusable, and seemed really sustainable. I found myself using them more and more and many sources recommended them as a natural cleaning alternative. From a no-waste...

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Friday 29 March 2019

How I Use One Natural Plant-Based Cleaner to Clean the Whole House

With a family and a business, life can get very busy, very fast. Both take a lot of time and intentionality to nurture and I’m not one to let either of these important parts of my life suffer for the other. One thing I do so that I can have time for my family (first)...

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Thursday 28 March 2019

Creamy Berry Smoothie (Dairy Free)

Smoothies are the perfect food when you’re craving something sweet but want to eat something real. I always add lots of healthy fats and protein to my smoothies for a healthy snack or meal. This creamy berry smoothie is perfect for kids who want something sweet and satisfying. In fact, my kids invented this one!...

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243: Using an Adrenal ReCode to Calm the Nervous System With Christa Orecchio

I’m here today with a dear friend, Christa Orecchio, who is a clinical and holistic nutritionist and founder of The Whole Journey. She has helped thousands and thousands of people discover the root cause of their conditions by using food as medicine and a mind-body-spirit approach to health. Christa is truly one of the happiest,...

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Wednesday 27 March 2019

How to Make a Natural Linen Spray (DIY Recipe)

People in laundry commercials can be quite entertaining. Images of flowers, sunshine, and a background of snowy mountains promise laundry as fresh as a day in the Alps! But those man-made chemicals don’t hold a candle to real, natural freshness (that is actually good for you too). This natural linen spray recipe uses essential oils to leave fabrics smelling...

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Tuesday 26 March 2019

8 Fun Ways to Exercise As a Family

I remember how easy it was to “work out” in college. For one thing, I was walking miles each week just to get to class, and whenever I got stressed and needed a mental break from homework, I could just go to the gym on campus (for free) and get a workout in. I didn’t...

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Monday 25 March 2019

Tuna-Stuffed Avocado Bowls

Some days are super busy, so healthy ideas for lunches and dinners to-go are always appreciated. These tuna avocado bowls are fast and easy to make, portable, healthy, and delicious! We have them for lunch during Lent or any time we need a break from the usual. What’s for Lunch? Tuna-Stuffed Avocado Bowls! In my opinion, these...

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242: Fighting Thyroid Disease With Food & Recipes for Thyroid Health From Dr. Izabella Wentz

Dr. Izabella Wentz is a pioneering expert in lifestyle interventions for treating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which I have. She was also diagnosed at age 27, and in search of answers, conducted an incredible amount of research to create her own autoimmune protocol. In addition to her New York Times bestseller Hashimoto’s Protocol, she just wrote a...

Continue reading 242: Fighting Thyroid Disease With Food & Recipes for Thyroid Health From Dr. Izabella Wentz...


Saturday 23 March 2019

How to Prevent Tick Bites (+ Safe Tick Removal)

I can handle childbirth, bodily fluids, and poop… but ticks? Ugh! Fun fact (if there can be anything fun about ticks): they don’t bite but they technically sting. Either way, a tick bite can be very harmful. Here are some of the steps you can take to prevent contact with ticks, and what to do if one...

Continue reading How to Prevent Tick Bites (+ Safe Tick Removal)...


Friday 22 March 2019

Bacon Lime Sweet Potato Salad Recipe

My family loves sweet potatoes. We grow and eat a lot of them (read about my first sweet potato growing experience) and I’m always excited to try new ways to use them. Bacon and lime are always a great combination and are delicious with the sweetness of the roasted sweet potatoes. Bacon Lime Sweet Potato Salad...

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Healthy Easter Basket Ideas the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Since we largely avoid candy and other processed foods, I have to get creative and come up with other Easter basket ideas each year. As kids, my brother and I always looked forward to Easter and getting baskets with a chocolate bunny and going on Easter egg hunts. Because of these special memories I work...

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Thursday 21 March 2019

241: Biohacking for Moms, Anti-Aging & Raising Amazing Kids With Ben Greenfield

My guest today is the exceptional Ben Greenfield, and since he won’t share his mile-long list of accomplishments himself, I’m going to brag on him for a bit. He is a life-long complete nerd (which I can say because I’m one too). He started college at 16 and studied anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pharmaceuticals, microbiology, biochemistry,...

Continue reading 241: Biohacking for Moms, Anti-Aging & Raising Amazing Kids With Ben Greenfield...


Wednesday 20 March 2019

How to Create the Best Garden Soil

If you know anything about organic gardening, you may have heard the saying “feed the soil, not the plant.” Creating healthy soil for plants to grow in is the best way to have a healthy garden that produces without synthetic fertilizers. Knowing that is one thing… knowing what to do is another! It’s tempting to skip...

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Tuesday 19 March 2019

Perfect Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms

We all can get tired of preparing the same old foods night after night, and sometimes nothing is better than getting a little fancy and mixing it up! These crab-stuffed mushrooms are delicious and fun to eat, and contain enough fiber and protein that they could round out a complete meal when served with salad, veggies,...

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Monday 18 March 2019

240: How Ethical Businesses Are Changing the World With Thrive Market Founder Nick Green

Today I have the pleasure of talking to a friend and someone I highly respect to go deep on things like ethical business and how we can all help change the future for the next generation. I’m here with Nick Green, who is the co-founder and CEO of Thrive Market, which you all have heard...

Continue reading 240: How Ethical Businesses Are Changing the World With Thrive Market Founder Nick Green...


Saturday 16 March 2019

Natural Ways to Help Kids Sleep

I’m a huge proponent of getting enough sleep despite how difficult that is in our modern lives. But sometimes it’s outside forces that are causing us or our kids to have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep. Luckily there are many natural ways to help kids sleep that are simple to...

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Thursday 14 March 2019

Asian Color Burst Salad Recipe

  You guys know I love my salad, and one of my favorite salad dressing recipes is a copycat of the ginger dressing at a local Japanese restaurant we love. They make a version of this Asian color burst salad, which tastes as beautiful as it looks! I had to try making the recipe on my own....

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239: How Biological Medicine Is Changing Health (& How to Try It in Switzerland!)

Robyn Openshaw is an incredible human being and dear friend of mine, as you all probably remember from our previous podcast interview. I met Robyn a few years ago at a biological medicine clinic in Switzerland and we really hit it off. She’s amazing since she is not only a dedicated single mom of four...

Continue reading 239: How Biological Medicine Is Changing Health (& How to Try It in Switzerland!)...


Wednesday 13 March 2019

My Natural Home Deep Cleaning Checklist

I’ve written many times about all-natural cleaning methods without the use of chemicals. Now to check off something that’s been on my list for a while: a complete cleaning checklist for the whole house! Sometimes it’s hard to get the motivation (or time) to take on deep cleaning, but the one time of year most us...

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Tuesday 12 March 2019

How to Make Charcoal Gummies (for Upset Tummies)

If you’ve ever taken activated charcoal before, it was probably in capsule form. These pills can help clear up an upset stomach because activated charcoal can flush out toxins while also preventing constipation. I’ve made homemade gummies for vitamins and to help with sleep, so I figured… why not make them with activated charcoal? Activated charcoal...

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Monday 11 March 2019

How to Make Your Own Real Corned Beef Brisket (Recipe)

I’m an Irish girl (though married to an Italian), and corned beef brisket has been a St. Patrick’s Day tradition for us for years. We always look forward to this special meal. Ironically, the Irish don’t even have a tradition of making corned beef on St. Patty’s Day as we do in America … or of green...

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238: Using Neuroplasticity to Rewire Nervous System or Brain Disorders With Carol Garner-Houston

Today’s guest is back for a much requested part two, it’s no surprise. Carol Garner-Houston is an incredible powerhouse of knowledge and has helped thousands of families who are struggling through things like ADD, ADHD, sensory processing, and many other struggles. We’re going to go deep on all of those topics today. Carol currently serves...

Continue reading 238: Using Neuroplasticity to Rewire Nervous System or Brain Disorders With Carol Garner-Houston...


Friday 8 March 2019

Natural Remedies for ADHD in Children

ADHD is a very common diagnosis in children (though adults can have it too) so many families have questions. Luckily there are some things that can help with ADHD symptoms other than medication. Below, I’ve compiled recommendations and advice from experts and previous podcast guests on ways to support a child with ADHD. What Is...

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Thursday 7 March 2019

How to Make SCOBY Fruit Leather (Recipe)

We’ve been brewing kombucha on our kitchen counter for years, long before it was available in grocery stores. It turns out you can do more with kombucha than just drink it… you can turn it into a favorite kids’ snack that they won’t even know is good for them! This SCOBY fruit leather recipe doesn’t require...

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237: World Travel With Kids, Worldschooling & Entrepreneurship With Wonderling Family

I’m here today with Stephanie Langford, who I’ve been wanting to share with you all for a long time. She’s a dear friend, and she’s also a wife, mom, entrepreneur, and world traveler. Stephanie and her husband Ryan are raising and worldschooling their five kids, aged 3 to 14, and have literally traveled around the globe. They love...

Continue reading 237: World Travel With Kids, Worldschooling & Entrepreneurship With Wonderling Family...


Wednesday 6 March 2019

How My Kids’ Capsule Wardrobe Simplified My Life (& Laundry)

I must admit… when the capsule wardrobe trend took over Pinterest, I was mostly uninterested. As a mom, I based my wardrobe much more on function and flexibility. Times like pregnancy and nursing required certain types of clothes and limited my options. Then, I discovered the concept of a kids’ capsule wardrobe. Freedom from endless laundry,...

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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Soothing DIY Salve for Cracked Heels

When I married my husband, he had horribly cracked heels. Apparently, he’d had these most of his life, but as we learned more about natural living, I set out to find natural remedies for it. In the summertime especially, when feet are more exposed (hopefully barefoot or in minimalist shoes), cracked heels can be a problem....

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Monday 4 March 2019

Spicy Beef Curry (Authentic Bangladeshi Recipe)

I’ve been experimenting a lot lately with dishes from southeast Asia. Japanese miso soup is now regularly on the menu and we’ve added Indian coconut chicken curry too. Like the others, this Bangladeshi spicy beef curry has delicious flavor from a whole combination of spices for something completely out of the ordinary. If you’ve never had curry, you’re...

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236: Facts vs. Myths About Blue Zones & Ways to Increase Longevity

I’m sure you all have heard of Blue Zones, places where many people live healthy, active, disease-free lives and experience increase longevity until the age of 100 or more. Today’s guest is an expert on the diet and lifestyle of Blue Zones, and has a fascinating take on place of grains in a healthy diet....

Continue reading 236: Facts vs. Myths About Blue Zones & Ways to Increase Longevity...


Friday 1 March 2019

Why I Started a Weekly Digital Day Off

I remember seeing a series of photos of people in what should have been some of the most important moments of their lives (like wedding days, holding new babies, etc.). Instead, they were all on their phones. Not enjoying the moment, not talking to each other, but looking at phones. From a less dramatic perspective, I’ve...

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