Thursday 28 February 2019

Asian Ginger Vinaigrette Dressing

We don’t go out to eat often, but when we do, I love Japanese food. It’s relatively easy to find wheat-free dishes, and the salads and stir fry dishes are wonderful! There is even a local restaurant that cooks in coconut oil! One of my favorite things at our local Japanese restaurant is their ginger salad dressing...

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Starting Seeds Indoors: A Beginner’s Guide

You might have heard that gardeners may live longer than non-gardeners. While a lot of the evidence is anecdotal, I believe it! It makes sense that gardening is beneficial to our health because it’s a reason to spend time outdoors and eat more veggies while you’re at it. If you’re looking to start your own...

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235: Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & How to Stop Pelvic Pain Naturally With Isa Herrera

As moms we really give it all — heart, mind, and definitely body! This episode is all about that last part, and how we can recognize and rehabilitate pelvic floor problems. I’m with the best expert I’ve ever met on the topic (plus she’s one of the most fun too!). Her name is Isa Herrera...

Continue reading 235: Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & How to Stop Pelvic Pain Naturally With Isa Herrera...


Tuesday 26 February 2019

Anti-Aging Rosehip Seed Oil Facial Moisturizer (Better Than Botox)

We live in a culture that considers drinking raw milk to be strange and dangerous, but injecting the botulism toxin into our skin (Botox) seems to be a perfectly acceptable way to fight wrinkles. Interesting… Luckily, there are natural ways to fight the signs of aging that don’t involve risky procedures. This rosehip seed oil...

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Monday 25 February 2019

Spicy Shrimp Stir Fry With Peppers

It’s no secret that I love to make stir frys for dinner. A meal that is fast and easy, healthy, and only uses one pan checks all my boxes. Like most of my other stir fry recipes, such as my go-to beef and cabbage stir fry, this spicy shrimp stir fry recipe was born on a...

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234: The Keto Green Way to Optimize Hormones & Libido With Dr. Anna Cabeca

If anyone can connect the dots on women’s health, it’s today’s guest! Dr. Anna Cabeca is a triple-board certified doctor of gynecology and obstetrics who specializes in integrative medicine, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine. When she saw gaps in women’s health care she made it her life’s work to create several highly acclaimed programs with natural solutions...

Continue reading 234: The Keto Green Way to Optimize Hormones & Libido With Dr. Anna Cabeca...


Friday 22 February 2019

Tips for Surviving Prodromal Labor

  During every one of my pregnancies I’ve learned many new words and terms that I didn’t even know existed before we started having children… Words like placenta previa, nuchal cord, VBAC, and HBAC (and lots of others). After having several babies myself and serving as a doula for many others, I’d started to feel that I...

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DIY Potting Soil Mix for Indoor and Container Plants

For years, I thought I was terrible at keeping indoor plants alive. Forget a green thumb, my thumb apparently was great at killing plants and not so great at keeping them happy. I could keep my outdoor garden alive no problem but I couldn’t figure out why I struggled so much with indoor plants! Lack...

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Sweet & Salty Chocolate-Covered Bacon

Chocolate and bacon are two foods that most of us typically eat at completely different times of day. I had never thought of combining them until a reader mentioned eating it at a cooking school. It sounded like a fun experiment to do with the kids (they are used to my crazy concoctions), and it...

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Thursday 21 February 2019

233: Decoding Childhood Allergies and Letting Kids Get Dirty With Dr. Amy Shah

Today I’m sitting down with Dr. Amy Shah, M.D., who is one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram. I’ve cited her work in at least a dozen articles on the blog and she’s quite simply a wealth of knowledge about all things health from both a holistic and a conventional perspective. Besides taking...

Continue reading 233: Decoding Childhood Allergies and Letting Kids Get Dirty With Dr. Amy Shah...


Wednesday 20 February 2019

How to Create a DIY Indoor Plant Wall (& Why)

I’ve already confessed my weird hobby of taking on remodeling projects whenever my husband leaves town. Today, I’m sharing another one of my (somewhat strange) infatuations: my plant wall. Or should I say plant walls, since I’ve created several of them throughout my house. Why a Plant Wall? Well, for starters, plant walls are beautiful...

Continue reading How to Create a DIY Indoor Plant Wall (& Why)...


Tuesday 19 February 2019

Broccoli Quiche With Bacon (Dairy Optional)

I’ll admit, I use a lot of eggs in my recipes! I use them in my healthy butter pecan ice cream, sous vide egg bites, and even stuffed acorn squash boats. When they’re from a good source, eggs pack a lot of nutrients into a small package. They’re a great source of proteins, healthy fats, iron, and several...

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Monday 18 February 2019

Making The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Work for Real Moms

As a homeschooling mom and small business owner, I know what it’s like to be busy. You probably do too. Between kids’ events and activities, work, and keeping up with household responsibilities, moms have a lot of plates spinning. (I know, newsflash of the year.) I’m guessing I’m not alone in feeling like house cleaning...

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232: Lessons Learned From Finland: 8 Things We Can All Learn

I recently shared about my trip to northern Finland (Lapland), where I learned to embrace the snow, eat reindeer, ride on a dog sled, sleep in an igloo, and even took a polar plunge in a freezing river, among other things! This adventure was possible thanks to my friend Tero Isokauppila, whom I’ve interviewed before...

Continue reading 232: Lessons Learned From Finland: 8 Things We Can All Learn...


Saturday 16 February 2019

Is a Plant-Based Diet Good for All of Us?

Over the last few years, I’ve felt an increasing unrest at something I’ve observed in real food communities and groups…. Mainly the idea that there is one specific diet that is great for everyone, and that each group seems to have found this holy grail of protocols. The research continually points to personalization and diet...

Continue reading Is a Plant-Based Diet Good for All of Us?...


Friday 15 February 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning (for Families)

Meal planning makes a big difference when it comes to sticking to a dietary change. It’s easy to cook a quick convenience food or head to a restaurant when everyone is hungry and nothing is defrosted, but a little planning can prevent this! If you have kids, you can let them be involved in the...

Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Meal Planning (for Families)...


Thursday 14 February 2019

231: Conquering & Avoiding Breast Cancer With the 7 Essentials System From Dr. V

I’m here with Dr. V who is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and creator of “The 7 Essentials System,” which is a step-by-step program with the goal of preventing disease and creating naturally vibrant health. Dr. V is a bioenergetic chiropractor who has studied nutrition, homeopathy, and herbology in detail. We’re going to hear today about her...

Continue reading 231: Conquering & Avoiding Breast Cancer With the 7 Essentials System From Dr. V...


Wednesday 13 February 2019

How to Make Natural Drawer Fresheners

Homemade air freshener is great, but sometimes it’s my clothes that need freshening. Homemade drawer fresheners aren’t a new idea (I’m pretty sure my grandmother had some), but they are a simple and economical way to add a fresh clean scent to your dresser drawers or add a special touch to the linen closet. It’s also...

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Tuesday 12 February 2019

Romantic Dinner Ideas (+ My Valentine’s Day Meal Plan)

Call me unromantic, but I’m not a big fan of going out on Valentine’s Day. Being one of the most popular days of the year to go out, babysitters can be tough to find and most restaurants are packed! I personally think it is much more relaxing to cook a romantic dinner for two at...

Continue reading Romantic Dinner Ideas (+ My Valentine’s Day Meal Plan)...


Monday 11 February 2019

230: How to Protect Your Mindset & Live a Balanced Life: Chalene Johnson’s Story

Some of my favorite interviews are the ones where I feel like I’ve made a new best friend. This one definitely qualifies! Chalene Johnson is a lifestyle and business expert, an amazing speaker, and host of two top-ranked podcasts. You probably know her as the creator and face behind PiYo, a super popular workout program...

Continue reading 230: How to Protect Your Mindset & Live a Balanced Life: Chalene Johnson’s Story...


Saturday 9 February 2019

Natural Ways to Help Low Libido or Sex Drive

Whether it’s a recent pregnancy, new job stress, or an underlying health issue, many women complain about a lack of sex drive at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, many don’t know what the cause is of their dip in desire and blame themselves, or resign themselves (and their partners) to a low or no sex...

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Thursday 7 February 2019

Bring Back Date Night: Fun & Unusual Date Ideas on a Budget

When my husband and I were newly married, we didn’t have much money, but it didn’t matter because our favorite thing to do was just spend time together. Of course, life and kids happened and while it is wonderful, it does make it a little tougher to spend quality time alone. We’ve been working on ways to...

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229: How to Use Atomic Habits to Change Your Life

We all have conscious and unconscious habits that determine our quality of life every day. It takes a lot of work and reflection to realize our own habits and their consequences, not to mention the changes we may need to make. Multiply this by every member of the family, and it can feel like a...

Continue reading 229: How to Use Atomic Habits to Change Your Life...


Wednesday 6 February 2019

How to Build Sliding Barn Doors With Simple Hardware

I’m a big fan of DIY projects. Heck, I make my own deodorant. That’s why when we needed a door for our office but the opening was a weird size so regular doors wouldn’t fit, I decided to build sliding barn doors instead. DIY Sliding Barn Doors Barn doors have become wildly popular lately. Along...

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Tuesday 5 February 2019

Coconut Curry Chicken (Quick Instant Pot Recipe)

Coconut chicken curry is simply chicken in a delicious sauce of tomatoes, garlic, curry powder, and coconut milk. It’s a healthy, one-pot meal that tastes great and everyone in the family enjoys. I used my Instant Pot (which I love!) and had dinner on the table in less than an hour. How to Make Coconut Chicken Curry...

Continue reading Coconut Curry Chicken (Quick Instant Pot Recipe)...


Monday 4 February 2019

228: Using Buddies in My Belly to Teach Kids About Health

Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Sarah Morgan took this message seriously and set out to share all she’d learned in her Masters in Nutrition in a way anyone ages 4 through 104 would understand. To accomplish this, Sarah founded Buddies In My Belly, a health...

Continue reading 228: Using Buddies in My Belly to Teach Kids About Health...


Saturday 2 February 2019

My Natural Travel Packing List (and Tips)

I’m traveling so much these days (often by myself, imagine that!) that I’ve created a system to make sure I always have what I need when I’m away from home. From short two-day business trips to longer research trips my goal is always the same: have everything I need and only what I need. It’s taken...

Continue reading My Natural Travel Packing List (and Tips)...


Friday 1 February 2019

Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas (That Beat Chocolate and Flowers!)

I know I might sound unromantic, but something in me rebels against commercialized holidays (like Valentine’s Day). My husband feels the same way so we don’t do a lot to mark the day. Every year hubby and I still plan to stay in for our usual at-home date night, but sometimes I cave (just a...

Continue reading Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas (That Beat Chocolate and Flowers!)...
