Thursday 31 January 2019

227: Using the Metabolism Reset Diet to Support Liver Health

Dr. Alan Christianson is a naturopathic endocrinologist who focuses on thyroid function, adrenal health, and metabolism. He’s been actively practicing in Scottsdale, Arizona since 1996 and is the founding physician behind Integrative Health which is a clinic there. He’s also a “New York Times” best-selling author whose books include the recent “Metabolism Reset Diet,” “The...

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Wednesday 30 January 2019

Signs of Frostbite + Tips to Keep Kids Warm

Extreme cold weather is nothing to mess with! This Southern girl got quite the education in winter weather safety while touring Tero Isokauppila’s beautiful (+ extremely snowy and cold) homeland in Finland. As you can imagine, knowing the signs of frostbite and how to stay warm in the snow is extremely serious business there. With the record-breaking...

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Keratosis Pilaris Exfoliating Cream (DIY Recipe)

Have you ever noticed unsightly little red bumps on your skin? If so, they may be a condition called keratosis pilaris. Conventional treatments for the issue can be rather harsh on the skin, but there are natural options. This keratosis pilaris exfoliating cream helps moisturize and exfoliate for clearer skin. What Is Keratosis Pilaris? Also nicknamed...

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Tuesday 29 January 2019

Easy Miso Soup Recipe (With Veggies)

Sometimes when the weather is chilly or you’re simply feeling under the weather, there is nothing better than a warm brothy soup. This miso soup combines nutrient-rich bone broth with the probiotic benefits of miso. And you get the benefits of vitamins and minerals from vegetables too. Make a big batch for the whole family or just...

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Monday 28 January 2019

226: Science-Backed Reasons to Ditch the Pill (& What to Do Instead) With Dr. Jolene Brighten

Dr. Jolene Brighten is back on the podcast today and she’s here to talk about a huge topic that affects so many women. If you don’t know her from previous podcasts, she is a Functional Medicine Naturopathic Medical Doctor and the Founder of Rubus Health, which is a women’s medicine clinic that specializes in hormones....

Continue reading 226: Science-Backed Reasons to Ditch the Pill (& What to Do Instead) With Dr. Jolene Brighten...


Saturday 26 January 2019

The $15 Fix to Reduce WiFi Exposure by Half

EMFs are a controversial topic these days! Many types of technology are new and we don’t yet fully understand how they impact the body. In a technological world, avoiding all EMFs is nearly impossible, but there are simple steps we can take to reduce WiFi and EMF exposure, including a simple and inexpensive tip that...

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Friday 25 January 2019

10 Easy Activities to Keep Toddlers Busy

I’ve had to get creative finding ways to keep my older kids active indoors and engaged instead of bored. But toddlers are a whole other ball game! Toddlers are at an interesting place developmentally. They are big enough to no longer be happy in a gated area or playpen but they’re not big enough to...

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Thursday 24 January 2019

225: How a New SafetyPin Technology Can Keep Your Family Safer

I always love to sit down with a fellow female entrepreneur, plus I count today’s guest a friend too, which is always fun. Her name is Jenny Thompson and her talents include natural health advocate, business strategist, and marketer, not to mention fearless! She took a leap and started a new technology called SafetyPin. Like...

Continue reading 225: How a New SafetyPin Technology Can Keep Your Family Safer...


Wednesday 23 January 2019

DIY Herbal Hair Rinse for Shiny and Strong Hair

Plenty of hair care commercials promise shiny, beautiful hair, but at what cost? This DIY herbal hair rinse recipe nourishes the scalp, boosts shine, and strengthens hair naturally without the downsides of chemicals and parabens. The problem with many hair care items, even many of the natural ones, is that they strip the natural oils from the...

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Tuesday 22 January 2019

Simple Egg Drop Soup Recipe

I’m happy to say that my meal planning and preparation skills have improved quite a bit in the years since college. Those days, most meals involved grabbing food at the food court on campus. Thankfully, they had a decent salad bar and some sushi or I don’t know that I would have consumed many vegetables at all!...

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Monday 21 January 2019

224: How to Use Sound and Music to Optimize Focus and Sleep With

Would you like your kids to sleep better? Or maybe get through a task you’ve been dreading in half the time? Maybe even clear your mind long enough to meditate or pray? If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, this episode is for you! Today we are talking all about how...

Continue reading 224: How to Use Sound and Music to Optimize Focus and Sleep With


Saturday 19 January 2019

Ways to Activate the Lymphatic System to Boost Immunity

I recently wrote about the vestibular system and all of the benefits from large motion activation. This isn’t the only bodily system that large movement helps. We also have a lymphatic system that is closely tied to our overall wellness and immunity to illnesses. And this time of year, a little extra immunity comes in...

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Friday 18 January 2019

Reasons to Stop Eating at Night

I remember getting into a night-time eating habit during one pregnancy. It’s easy to justify when you’re growing a human, but these habits can stick around later on. Though it may be helpful during pregnancy and nursing to have a snack before bed, at other times it may actually be unhealthy. An easy way to...

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Thursday 17 January 2019

223: Mindset for Moms – Tips to Get More Done & Stress Less This Year

In this New Year check-in, Heather and I chat about our goals for this year, upcoming projects, and tips for getting more done with less stress this year! Episode Highlights Stress-reducing tips: Learn the top things we’re both doing to reduce our stress and be more productive including self-care, organization tips, and more. Sauna vs....

Continue reading 223: Mindset for Moms – Tips to Get More Done & Stress Less This Year...


Wednesday 16 January 2019

Natural Homemade Air Freshener Recipes

Between pets, kids, and everyday life, homes can smell less than fresh sometimes. Artificially scented air fresheners don’t offer much of a solution as they just mask the smell with toxins. I frequently use these 3 methods to cleanse the air in our home, but I also like using these natural air fresheners for their...

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Tuesday 15 January 2019

Healthy Chipotle-Style Burrito Bowl

Eating out can be fun (or necessary) sometimes and Chipotle is one of the few places we will occasionally eat out. We love Mexican food (I even make my own taco seasoning) and it is relatively easy to find healthy food options there. Unfortunately, with a large family it is also pricey to go out...

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Monday 14 January 2019

222: Why ButcherBox Is Bringing Back Grass-Fed Meat With Mike Salguero

I’m here today with Mike Salguero who is the CEO and founder of ButcherBox, the first delivery service dedicated to providing completely natural grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and heritage pork directly to your door. It’s something our family has used for a really long time. Today Mike talks to us about how he got into...

Continue reading 222: Why ButcherBox Is Bringing Back Grass-Fed Meat With Mike Salguero...


Saturday 12 January 2019

How to Improve the Vestibular System with Sensory Swings & Activities

For Christmas, my kids all received various types of sensory swings, rings, and other things that are now hanging from their bedroom ceilings. The idea is that these all help their vestibular system — a concept we talked about in-depth in this podcast. Before you think I’m a tad crazy for hanging swings indoors (I...

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Friday 11 January 2019

DIY Chocolate Face Mask Recipe

Chocolate is a delicious treat, but it also doubles as a skincare ingredient. There’s chocolate in my homemade foundation powder and even in my dry shampoo recipe for those busy, greasy hair days. This edible chocolate face mask features raw cacao powder and other ingredients right from the kitchen that make skin healthier, the tasty way. Hmm,...

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Thursday 10 January 2019

Favorite TED Talks for Moms, Kids & Family

As sometimes overwhelmed moms with kids and spouses to care for (not to mention everything else) we want answers. We want to know how to make life easier, more enjoyable, and more fulfilling for ourselves and our families. To that end, we watch a lot of TED talks in our family for fresh ideas and...

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221: Natural Movement, Sustainable Fitness, and Lifelong Health With Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

I am here today with Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, a man with so many accomplishments it’s hard to sum up. Mark is an Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, a practicing family medicine doctor, a professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine, and a provider of continuing medical education courses on health, fitness, and running through HealthFit...

Continue reading 221: Natural Movement, Sustainable Fitness, and Lifelong Health With Dr. Mark Cucuzzella...


Wednesday 9 January 2019

Green Superfood Powder: Worth It? (+ How to Find a Good One)

You can’t out-supplement a poor diet (or poor sleep or high stress either). But even with a perfect diet and great sleep, it is still possible to experience nutrient deficiencies because modern foods can be deficient in certain essential nutrients. To ensure we get enough, I make homemade herbal teas (packed with micronutrients) and rotate various...

Continue reading Green Superfood Powder: Worth It? (+ How to Find a Good One)...


Tuesday 8 January 2019

Slow Cooker Orange Beef Stew

I’m always on the lookout for healthy, nourishing, and delicious meals. I love my Mandarin chicken recipe so I thought I’d try orange beef. I’m so glad I did! This orange beef stew is a perfect recipe for adding a little bit of sweet to a savory dish. It’s also very easy to make and...

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Monday 7 January 2019

220: The Most Effective Way to Use CBD (& Why So Many Don’t Work) With Ojai Energetics

Today’s episode is all about CBD, a hot topic in the health world and one I get so many questions about. My guest Will Kleidon founded Ojai Energetics in 2014 with one goal: to provide the purest, healthiest, and most ethically produced cannabidiol or CBD on the market. Four years later, his business is doing...

Continue reading 220: The Most Effective Way to Use CBD (& Why So Many Don’t Work) With Ojai Energetics...


Saturday 5 January 2019

Plastic in the Ocean: How We Can All Reduce Single-Use Plastics

This post is a humble plea to help be part of the solution to a problem that is much bigger than any of us… the growing amount of plastic in the ocean. We’ve known for a while some of the health issues related to plastic use, and now the environmental concerns are becoming increasingly alarming....

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Friday 4 January 2019

How to Stay Motivated When Making Health Changes

Often the problem isn’t wanting to change, or even taking the first step. The hardest part is finding a way to stay motivated once our initial enthusiasm wears off or we encounter setbacks. This is one reason so many of us struggle with keeping New Year’s resolutions! I’m no motivation guru and I’ve definitely had many...

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Thursday 3 January 2019

Natural Stain Removal Guide (No Harsh Chemicals Needed!)

If your house is anything like mine, laundry stains are a daily fact of life. For many of us, laundry tops the list of household jobs we’d rather not do. In fact, its often voted the one job we’d gladly hire someone to help with if we could. Especially with small children, stains make laundry even tougher....

Continue reading Natural Stain Removal Guide (No Harsh Chemicals Needed!)...


219: Why Everything We Know About Probiotics Is Wrong & How to Stop Leaky Gut With Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan

I’ve spent many years researching and writing about gut health, but the truth is that so much of what we think we know about probiotics is just plain wrong based on current research. It’s definitely time to get some clarity! Kiran Krishnan is undisputedly ones of the world’s experts on this topic as a research...

Continue reading 219: Why Everything We Know About Probiotics Is Wrong & How to Stop Leaky Gut With Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan...


Tuesday 1 January 2019

Spiced-Up Turmeric Latte with Cinnamon and Chicory

The week after the holidays I always feel like I need a good detox but I’m still in the mood to relax and enjoy family. Enter this combination of two of my favorite healthy pleasures: coffee + turmeric tea (or golden milk). The trick is, this cinnamon turmeric latte doesn’t contain coffee at all… it...

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