Friday 30 November 2018

8 Benefits of Sardines (& How to Make Them Taste Great)

Let me guess, you are one of two kinds of people when it comes to sardines: You love them and eat them regularly Or you can’t stand them and don’t even know why you are reading a post about them. Statistically, it’s likely you are in the latter group, as 73% of people claim to...

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Thursday 29 November 2018

2018 Ultimate Holiday Gift Giving Guide (For Everyone on Your List!)

I don’t know about you, but this time of year can be a little hectic for me! With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and several family birthdays, there is a lot to plan and a lot of gifts to wrap. We try to stick to experiences instead of stuff as much as possible (here are some of my best ideas),...

Continue reading 2018 Ultimate Holiday Gift Giving Guide (For Everyone on Your List!)...


209: Sun Protection and Anti-Aging From the Inside Out With Polypodium Leucotomos

In this episode, Katie talks to Sundaily founders Chris Tolles and Dr. Emilia Javorsky about how to protect your skin and slow aging from the inside out all with the help of a little-known substance called polypodium leucotomos. They delve into the role of antioxidants and which ones work, why sunscreen isn’t the only answer...

Continue reading 209: Sun Protection and Anti-Aging From the Inside Out With Polypodium Leucotomos...


Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)

I constantly strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday craziness, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts instead of lots of cheap ones that break the next day. We wanted to lessen the focus on...

Continue reading Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)...


Tuesday 27 November 2018

How to Make Elderberry Tea (Powerful Natural Remedy Recipe)

It is no secret that I’m a fan of elderberries for their natural immune-boosting powers. I make elderberry syrup in batches during the cooler months to keep the flu at bay, but my favorite way to take it is actually a warm, comforting cup of elderberry tea. Imagine for a moment … six small children …...

Continue reading How to Make Elderberry Tea (Powerful Natural Remedy Recipe)...


Monday 26 November 2018

208: Understanding Superbugs & Antibiotic Resistance With Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, an organization working tirelessly to protect the environment and create a greener Earth. Marjory shares why commercial agriculture and conventional medicine are two of the most destructive forces on the planet, and why we can and should grow and make our own medicine and food. Episode...

Continue reading 208: Understanding Superbugs & Antibiotic Resistance With Marjory Wildcraft...


Sunday 25 November 2018

Best 2018 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products

Cyber Monday is a day when many online companies offer their best sales of the year. I’ve found some great deals this year and stocked up on pantry essentials, organic PJs for the kids, and some other gifts for everyone on my list! In fact, my Christmas shopping is done… now I just have to...

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Thursday 22 November 2018

The Best 2018 Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products

I’ve never understood it… the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for gifts for those same people! No judgment from me if that is your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively). I’m doing my early shopping from the...

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207: Santa Sold Shrooms? The Untold Story of St. Nick (& How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays) With Tero Isokauppila

Tero Isokauppila is the founder and President of Four Sigmatic, a natural superfoods company specializing in mushroom-based drink powders. I’ve interviewed him before about the many benefits of medicinal mushrooms like chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi. Today I get to talk to him again about a different type of mushroom and the legend surrounding it, especially...

Continue reading 207: Santa Sold Shrooms? The Untold Story of St. Nick (& How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays) With Tero Isokauppila...


Wednesday 21 November 2018

Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)

                              How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend...

Continue reading Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)...


Tuesday 20 November 2018

Easy Leftover Turkey Soup

Depending on your family traditions, the day after Thanksgiving usually takes two shapes: a full day of Black Friday shopping or (what we do) a day of ultra-relaxation and absolutely no cooking! Thanksgiving leftovers are delicious the first time but less tempting for the third or fourth meal in a row. This homemade leftover turkey...

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Monday 19 November 2018

206: Your Parenting Mojo on Why We Need to Let Our Kids Take More Risks

Today’s guest Jen Lumanlan is the host of the fascinating “Your Parenting Mojo” podcast, which is all about helping parents find (and fine-tune) their own unique way of raising their kids. I’ve wanted to meet Jen Lumanlan ever since I heard her story. Jen decided to turn her self-proclaimed lack of parenting intuition into an opportunity...

Continue reading 206: Your Parenting Mojo on Why We Need to Let Our Kids Take More Risks...


Friday 16 November 2018

Calendula Benefits & Uses for Skin, Insect Bites, Anti-Cancer & More

Calendula flowers are one of my favorite herbal remedies to grow because they are very effective for health and on top of that, an attractive addition to a garden. Calendula has a rich yellow and orange color (depending on variety) that is beautiful and healing. Spring is the best time to start growing calendula (more on...

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Thursday 15 November 2018

205: Everything You Need to Know About GMOs, Glyphosate, and Gut Health With Dr. Zach Bush

You guys know I’m a science geek, so I’m pretty much in awe of today’s guest. Dr. Zach Bush, MD, is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country. He’s made a tremendous impact in the scientific and medical community in 2012 when he and his team discovered a family of carbon-based redox...

Continue reading 205: Everything You Need to Know About GMOs, Glyphosate, and Gut Health With Dr. Zach Bush...


Wednesday 14 November 2018

Luxurious Homemade Whipped Body Butter

  I love making natural beauty products as gifts, and homemade body butter is one friends and family always love to receive. It’s a gift that is easy to personalize with custom natural scents (and even can help with sleep if you add a little magnesium!). Put the finished product in a cute glass jar with...

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Tuesday 13 November 2018

How to Plan a Healthy Thanksgiving Menu (Recipes + Printable)

Holidays are a time to honor traditions, break out our best recipes, and celebrate in high style. Still, it can’t be denied that the usual Thanksgiving menu is rough on those with dietary restrictions, and generally leaves most of us feeling as overstuffed as the turkey! Years ago I decided to take our Thanksgiving menu...

Continue reading How to Plan a Healthy Thanksgiving Menu (Recipes + Printable)...


Monday 12 November 2018

204: The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz

The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz

It is no secret that autoimmune disease is on the rise, and many of us may have it and not even know. Today I talk to Dr. Guillermo Ruiz, a graduate medical student from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine about why we’re seeing such a rise and what to do about it. His aim...

Continue reading 204: The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz...


Saturday 10 November 2018

How to Balance Business and Family Life (& Succeed at Both)

How to Balance It All

  This is a common question I get, and while my husband and I certainly don’t claim to have mastered this art, we’ve discovered a few tips along the way that really help. The life of an entrepreneur is often busy and stressful, and the life of a parent is often busy and stressful. Combine...

Continue reading How to Balance Business and Family Life (& Succeed at Both)...


Thursday 8 November 2018

203: Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate Them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer

Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer

EMF is an invisible but growing problem as our world becomes increasingly connected. Not everyone agrees, but the rise in EMFs in our environment in the last several decades is starting to have a noticeable effect on our health. Geobiologist Brian Hoyer explains the worst sources of EMF exposure and what to do about them....

Continue reading 203: Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate Them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer...


Wednesday 7 November 2018

8 Life Lessons to Learn From Children

Life Lessons from Children

I remember when one of the kids broke her leg while playing outside. Thankfully, kids bounce back quickly and she was back on her feet in about four weeks. During that time we made lots of gelatin-rich foods and gave her some extra nutrients to help her recover quickly. This was our first experience with a broken...

Continue reading 8 Life Lessons to Learn From Children...


Tuesday 6 November 2018

Homemade Pumpkin Soup – Fall Favorite!

homemade pumpkin soup recipe

‘Tis the season… for pumpkin anyway! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, and more are everywhere this time of year. Some of us love it and some of us hate it… but I’m totally in the love it camp! This made-from-scratch pumpkin soup recipe is a quick and filling fall meal. Extra bonus… in a...

Continue reading Homemade Pumpkin Soup – Fall Favorite!...


Monday 5 November 2018

202: How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment, and Movement With Gordon Hay From ALINE

How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment and Movement with Gordon Hay From Aline

You guys know that I’ve been on the barefoot bandwagon for a very long time, but today’s episode has changed some of the ways I think about alignment and foot health. Gordon Hay is the cofounder, inventor, and creative visionary for ALINE Systems, a footwear technology company making waves in the industry. Many ESPN Summer and...

Continue reading 202: How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment, and Movement With Gordon Hay From ALINE...


Saturday 3 November 2018

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)

I’m a huge advocate of giving women the information they need to improve their own health (which is one reason I love the menstrual cup so much!). When I received several questions in a row about vaginal atrophy (a topic I didn’t know anything about), I knew I needed to call in an expert! I called my...

Continue reading Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)...


Friday 2 November 2018

Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats (Kid-Approved!)

Kid Friendly Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats easy and healthy

I don’t ever cook special foods just for picky kids or use food as a reward, but I do let kids help cook (it encourages them to try a wider variety of foods) and let them get creative with it. This recipe was the result of their creativity one time and has been a favorite...

Continue reading Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats (Kid-Approved!)...


Thursday 1 November 2018

201: Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) – Plus Instant Pot Tips!

Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) -Plus Instant Pot Tips!

I am here today with a dear friend and one of my mentors, Mark Sisson, who is the New York Times bestselling author of the Keto Reset Diet. He is now also the bestselling author of the Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook which is full of delicious recipes that are 100% tailored to a ketogenic...

Continue reading 201: Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) – Plus Instant Pot Tips!...
