Wednesday 31 October 2018

6 Natural Sleep Remedies (You May Not Have Tried)

unusual natural sleep remedies

I’m firmly convinced that we are only beginning to understand how important sleep is for health, but we already know that sleep is important for proper hormone function, blood sugar regulation, cell regeneration, and much more. The Best Natural Sleep Remedies (That Really Work) I’ve seen so many articles with natural sleep remedies that include many...

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Monday 29 October 2018

200th Episode – Most Important Thing for Health

200th Episode - Most Important Thing for Health

This episode marks the 200th episode of The Wellness Mama Podcast! Over the last few years, I’ve had the honor of speaking to almost 200 experts and spending 200+ hours of time with you! In this 200th episode, Heather and I recap a few listener favorite episodes and share our biggest takeaways. We also talk...

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Friday 26 October 2018

How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Improve Skin, Hair, Metabolism & Thyroid

PBMT cold laser light therapy

It’s not just diet that matters… light can have a huge effect on the body and overall health. Adequate exposure to sunlight, for example, actually makes the body produce vitamin D, an important nutrient. Photobiomodulation or red light therapy is another way of using light to affect health in a positive way (though it doesn’t...

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Thursday 25 October 2018

26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love


Halloween and I have a complicated relationship, at least since I became a mom. Take trick-or-treating, for instance. It’s a fun tradition, but there certainly aren’t too many healthy Halloween treats (or even close to it). Easter and a few other holidays require some similar soul-searching. So what’s a health-conscious mom to do? As I...

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199: How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley

How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley

There’s so much evidence that what we eat affects not only our bodies, but our brains too. Today I sit down with Autumn Smith from Paleovalley, an amazing company that makes some of my favorite healthy snacks. Autumn explains why she became so committed to healthy eating she even left her dancing career (with Jennifer...

Continue reading 199: How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley...


Wednesday 24 October 2018

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with bacon

Brussels sprouts… the dreaded vegetable of childhood! Cooked the right way, these can become a (kid-approved) favorite! They are also a great addition to a Thanksgiving or holiday menu or a perfect side for chicken or fish. And it all comes together in half an hour with only one baking sheet needed. My kids call brussels...

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Monday 22 October 2018

198: How to Be Green Enough and Avoid the Worst Offenders in Your Home With Leah Segedie

How to Be Green Enough and Avoid the Worst Offenders In Your Home with Leah Segedie

We’ve talked a lot about how to avoid chemicals at home and basically how to make home a safer place for our kids and families. It’s a worthy goal but it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it starts to sound like everything from air to water to candles to carpet is dangerous. That’s why I love...

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Friday 19 October 2018

Why Personalized Concierge Medicine Is the Future of Health


Concierge medicine used to be something reserved for celebrities and the ultra rich, and it didn’t seem accessible to us mere mortals. The concept is great — having a doctor who you know and trust and who is always available when you need him/her. I’ve loved the idea of it for years, and was so...

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Thursday 18 October 2018

Perfect Silk Lotion Bar Recipe with Tallow

Perfect silk lotion bar recipe DIY

We use lotion bars all the time at our house. The concept is great- a bar that looks like soap but that you use on dry skin like lotion. I’ve even customized them to make sunscreen lotion bars, bug off lotion bars, and pain relief lotion bars. All of those recipes are natural and safe...

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197: The Opposite of Being Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids With Ron Lieber

The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids with Ron Lieber

Today’s guest isn’t an expert on health… unless you’re talking about financial health! Rob Lieber has been the “Your Money” columnist for the New York Times since 2008. He also a dad, and wrote some incredible best-selling books about teaching kids to manage money and plan for their financial future. I especially love his book The Opposite of...

Continue reading 197: The Opposite of Being Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids With Ron Lieber...


Wednesday 17 October 2018

Coconut Flour Apple Cinnamon Muffins Recipe (Grain Free)

gluten free apple cinnamon muffins recipe

I discovered this grain-free apple cinnamon muffin recipe out of desperation, really. (Isn’t it so true that necessity is the mother of invention?) On this particular morning I realized I only had five eggs in the fridge — not even close to enough to feed us all, especially when each kid could easily eat three each! I...

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Tuesday 16 October 2018

Healthy Candy for Halloween Trick-or-Treating

healthy candy for trick or treating

In case you’re wondering if you’ve got the right blog, never fear… no, I don’t think there is such a thing as healthy candy! By “healthy” I just mean “better than the alternatives,” meaning made from real food ingredients and without artificial dyes, preservatives, and all the other junk found in typical candy. I still...

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Monday 15 October 2018

196: How the Modern World Is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)

How the Modern World is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)

As women and moms, I’m not sure we can ever get enough information about our hormones and how they work. Today I’m here with Angelique Panagos, a registered nutritional therapist and the author of a book I read recently called The Balance Plan. It stood out to me as a life-changing book and a message...

Continue reading 196: How the Modern World Is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)...


Friday 12 October 2018

Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)

what is inversion therapy

Chronic pain is, unfortunately, all too common. From sitting at work, to carrying heavy objects (or toddlers!), to pregnancy, our bodies can get out of alignment. This (combined with a weak core) often leads to lower back pain. Inversion therapy with an inversion table or other inversion tools can help relieve back pain and has many...

Continue reading Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)...


Thursday 11 October 2018

Soothing Sea Buckthorn Face Cream Recipe (For Oily Skin)

Soothing Sea Buckthorn Oil Face Cream Recipe

I once had a friend who had to use natural lotion on her entire body every time she showered or else her skin would get so dry it flaked. This was a very foreign concept to me, as I have naturally oily skin and almost never need lotion. When I was younger, my skin was...

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195: Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama

Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama

If you know me, you probably know my friend Heather of Mommypotamus. We’re known for hanging out in the sauna together (usually over a glass of wine), talking about all of the highs and lows of blogging, parenting, and life. I always joke that Heather and I think so much alike we must share a...

Continue reading 195: Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama...


Monday 8 October 2018

Healthy Chai Tea Latte Recipe

homemade healthy chai tea latte slow cooker recipe

Chai tea was one of my favorite drinks in college and many days I’d grab a vanilla latte or a chai tea latte on the way to class. Now, I make superfood vanilla lattes instead since I need protein, healthy fats, and nutrients (not just sugar and artificial flavors) to keep up with my busy days! I...

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194: Longevity, Autoimmunity, and Plant-Based Diets With Nora Gedgaudas

Longevity, Autoimmunity and Plant Based Diets with Nora Gedgaudas

I could not be more excited about today’s conversation and today’s guest because I am here with Nora Gedgaudas who is by and large one of the early leaders in the ancestral health and healthy living movement. Her work is brilliant and she is one of the best researchers I know. Here’s just a short...

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Saturday 6 October 2018

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits for Cognition, Memory & More

what is lion's mane mushroom

Lion’s mane is a funny-looking mushroom, it’s true, but it seems to have some seriously impressive health benefits. Used medicinally in Asia for centuries, lion’s mane is becoming increasingly popular in the West as science starts to back up its reputation. I’ve tried other mushrooms like chaga and noticed a difference in energy and focus, so...

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Thursday 4 October 2018

Is Borax Safe to Use for Natural Cleaning?

is borax safe for cleaning

It may be natural, but is borax safe? This is a question I’ve tackled before but is worth another look as it is in the news more than ever. No longer just a cleaner our grandmothers used, borax is enjoying new popularity as a wonder ingredient for natural cleaning. It’s found in many recipes for...

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193: How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs

How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs

The controversy surrounding EMFs never seems to end, and with good reason. The technology is changing quickly with the rise of 5G and wireless technology being in everything from your car to your fridge. The truth is, we don’t know the health effects of this technology and won’t fully know for years. We’ve tackled this...

Continue reading 193: How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs...


Tuesday 2 October 2018

How to Make Macadamia Milk With 3 Ingredients!

homemade macadamia nut milk recipe and tutorial

I first experienced this more unusual nut milk when ordering a non-dairy matcha tea latte at a coffee shop. I knew at first sip that something was different and thought it was too good to be nut milk. Turns out it was macadamia milk! Since I already loved making my own nut milks at home (try...

Continue reading How to Make Macadamia Milk With 3 Ingredients!...


Monday 1 October 2018

192: How to Avoid Rushing Woman Syndrome and Balance Hormones With Dr. Sonya Jensen

How to Avoid Rushing Woman Syndrome and Balance Hormones With Dr. Sonya Jensen

Do you ever feel stressed about trying not to be stressed? I’m sure we’ve all been there, and I’m grateful we have an expert like Dr. Sonya Jensen to talk in-depth about some of the pressures (and opportunities) women face today. We’ll go deep on topics hormone balance, anxiety, detox, and how to have a healthy...

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