Saturday 29 September 2018

How I Reduced My Cortisol Levels Naturally With Food & Light

Naturally Reduce Cortisol

Oh, relaxation, that elusive activity that is often talked about and rarely achieved in today’s world. We all know we have too much stress and need to reduce it, but the execution is so elusive! Most of us probably know that our cortisol levels may be off, but fixing this takes more that just a...

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Thursday 27 September 2018

Bean-Free Chili Recipe (Paleo & Keto Friendly)

Bean free chili recipe

This fast bean-free chili recipe is a simple and filling meal on a cool day. It can be made as spicy (or not) as you like and even kids will gobble it up. We try to avoid the lectins in beans, so I make my chili bean-free. Give it a try, and let me know...

Continue reading Bean-Free Chili Recipe (Paleo & Keto Friendly)...


191: Understanding How Gaming Disorder & Gaming Addiction Are Affecting Our Kids

Sam Shay

Are video games a fun way to unwind, or a deeper problem? My guest today is clear on his answer. Dr. Sam Shay is a chiropractor with a background in functional nutrition and testing, but he hasn’t always been as healthy as he is today. Dr. Shay walked his own journey to overcome his 25-year addiction...

Continue reading 191: Understanding How Gaming Disorder & Gaming Addiction Are Affecting Our Kids...


Tuesday 25 September 2018

Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers (Even Picky Ones)

Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers

A toddler’s appetite can sometimes seem like a bottomless pit! Their growing bodies require nourishment, and lots of it. Go beyond conventional finger foods like Cheerios and baby puffs with these ideas for simple and nourishing finger foods for toddlers. I promise… even picky eaters will ask for more of these! Healthy Finger Foods for...

Continue reading Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers (Even Picky Ones)...


Monday 24 September 2018

190: The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep, and Movement With the Founder of Oura

The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep and Movement With the Founder of Oura

I seriously cannot wait to dive into this episode because we’re going to go deep on a topic super near and dear to every mom’s heart (and sanity)… how to get better sleep! Whether it’s due to kids, working late, electronics addition, or “you just can’t sleep”… too many of us are skipping precious hours...

Continue reading 190: The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep, and Movement With the Founder of Oura...


Saturday 22 September 2018

Why We Chose Samaritan Ministries Healthshare Over Health Insurance

what is healthshare and is it better than insurance

This could be a really short post because really the answer is: because Samaritan Ministries health care sharing works so much better for our family and we save so much money (especially because we use natural remedies and don’t run to the doctor for minor stuff). For our family, the combination of healthshare and concierge...

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Friday 21 September 2018

The Problem With Most Pads and Tampons (+ Natural Alternatives)

The problem with pads and tampons- and natural alternatives

It is always frustrating when something that is really convenient and time-saving ends up being really unhealthy… like plastic water bottles or antibacterial hand sanitizer. One glaring example of this I’ve been researching lately is conventional tampons and pads. I know, I know… everything is toxic these days and it sometimes seems like we have...

Continue reading The Problem With Most Pads and Tampons (+ Natural Alternatives)...


Thursday 20 September 2018

Sous Vide Egg Bites Recipe (Make Them at Home)

Sous Vide Egg Bites- made with real food ingredients at home

A year or so ago, Starbucks announced a new menu offering: sous vide egg bites. They are one of their only gluten-free food options and I’ve seen several people raving about them on social media. I tried them while traveling when there were no other decent breakfast options and I’ll give it to Starbucks on the taste… they...

Continue reading Sous Vide Egg Bites Recipe (Make Them at Home)...


189: How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv

How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv

You’ve probably seen me post pictures on Instagram where I look like something out of Star Wars using my Joovv red light therapy device. I first started this health experiment about a year ago, and I’ve gotten so many questions from you all about how it works that today we’re back with Joovv creators (and...

Continue reading 189: How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv...


Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Best Way to Clean an Oven (+ Natural Oven Cleaner)

Natural Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaning stinks! It is time-consuming and the chemicals that are used in most conventional oven cleaners are toxic. When I started switching all of my household cleaners to more natural methods, finding a way to clean the oven using a natural oven cleaner was at the top of my list. I do not have a self-cleaning oven...

Continue reading The Best Way to Clean an Oven (+ Natural Oven Cleaner)...


Monday 17 September 2018

188: Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)

Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)

It is no secret that we live in a world where we face a lot of potentially harmful things on a daily basis. From plastic exposure to all of the additives in our food system and even over-exposure to blue-light, our bodies face a lot each day. These, and many other factors, may help explain...

Continue reading 188: Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)...


Friday 14 September 2018

How to Stay Safe in a Disaster: Emergency Preparedness List

How to Stay Safe in a Disaster- Emergency Preparedness List

If you’ve watched the news or the weather channel lately you know a huge amount of natural disasters have happened over the past several months. My heart breaks for all of those affected by the tornados, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and all the other storms that have caused so many issues. In the past, some of my...

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Thursday 13 September 2018

187: A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life in Small Daily Steps

A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life In Small Daily Steps

When it comes to making healthy choices, half the battle is motivation. That’s where the Whole Life Challenge comes into play! Today I’m here with Andy Petranek, who has been a health and fitness coach for over 25 years. He was a United States Marine, a sponsored athlete, and was featured as one of the...

Continue reading 187: A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life in Small Daily Steps...


Wednesday 12 September 2018

Greek-Style Moussaka Recipe (Eggplant Casserole)

Healthy Moussaka Recipe

I’m always on the lookout for healthy recipes that can be made in bulk and frozen for later use (like when a new baby is born and cooking is difficult for a while). This moussaka recipe isn’t the quickest to prepare up-front, but it freezes really well and can be made in bulk. What’s more,...

Continue reading Greek-Style Moussaka Recipe (Eggplant Casserole)...


Tuesday 11 September 2018

Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is a widespread problem and some estimates suggest that over 90% of us are deficient. I’ve been writing about magnesium for years, but am even more concerned about this problem lately. Why Is Magnesium Such a Big Deal? Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and impacts blood pressure, metabolism, immune...

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Monday 10 September 2018

186: Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros, and Diet Variation With Dr. Anthony Gustin

Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros and Diet Variation with Dr. Anthony Gustin

It seems like there’s always a new diet to try… the keto diet, the carnivore diet, different types of fasting… the list goes on. The question is, how do we know if any of them are actually good for us? Today’s episode should answer a lot of questions. My guest Dr. Anthony Gustin is a...

Continue reading 186: Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros, and Diet Variation With Dr. Anthony Gustin...


Friday 7 September 2018

Grain-Free Pumpkin Bread and Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Bread and Muffin

Ahh, fall… the glorious season of apples, pumpkins, changing leaves, and cooler weather (finally!). I definitely get in on the fall pumpkin craze and start making pumpkin spice everything this time of year — from lattes to pumpkin spice room freshening spray. This coconut flour pumpkin bread (and muffin) recipe is the perfect way to ring in the season....

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Thursday 6 September 2018

185: How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell

How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell

Listen up, because today’s episode is going to be all about hormones and how to take ownership of your own health (a topic on the minds of just a few of us moms!). I am here with Dr. Marra Francis, an OB-GYN who focuses on helping women with genetic risk for certain cancers. Dr. Marra also...

Continue reading 185: How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell...


Wednesday 5 September 2018

Luxurious Homemade Lotion Recipe

Homemade natural lotion recipe with only three ingredients

If you are still using store-bought lotion on yourself or your family, there are super easy natural alternatives that are fun to make! This homemade lotion recipe has three basic ingredients and takes only ten minutes to whip together. The basic recipe is an ultra-moisturizing water-free version that last for years without preservatives. NOTE: This...

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Monday 3 September 2018

184: Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik

Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik

Ok, I’ll just come out and say it… this podcast episode is one of my all-time favorites! Jim Kwik is a widely recognized expert in speed reading, brain health, memory improvement, and accelerated learning. He’s also a good friend and someone I really admire in every way. As with many of my guests, there’s more...

Continue reading 184: Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik...
