Friday 31 August 2018

Reishi Mushroom Benefits for Immunity, Longevity & More

reishi mushroom benefits uses safe

Mushrooms are delicious of course (like in this homemade cream of mushroom soup recipe), but they can also be incredibly healing. Reishi mushrooms are particularly special as they are one of the oldest mushrooms used medicinally and boast benefits ranging from longevity to cancer treatment. What Are Reishi Mushrooms? Reishi mushrooms are a group of...

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Thursday 30 August 2018

183: Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)

Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)

Have you ever wondered why fluoride is in our water? I get a lot of questions from all of you on this subject and I’ve been meaning to write about it for a long time. Mellisa Gallico is here to share all about the dangers of fluoride and its hidden connection to a common problem:...

Continue reading 183: Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)...


Tuesday 28 August 2018

Sweet Potato Vegetable Lasagna Recipe

Sweet Potato Lasagna Recipe

I will never forget the feeling of digging up our first crop of sweet potatoes at our first home when we were finally able to have a good size garden. I had ordered 100 “slips” (baby sweet potato plants) to plant that year, but didn’t really know what I was doing and didn’t have high...

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Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad

Roasted beet and arugula salad

We eat a lot of salads at our house since it’s an easy way to get healthy greens into our diet. I’m really loving this roasted beet and arugula salad lately, especially since both are growing in our garden right now. If you’re afraid of beets, don’t be… when roasted they are sweet and tender...

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Monday 27 August 2018

Lab Tests You Can Order From Home (Without A Doctor)

Lab tests you can order without a doctor

For years, my own health journey to finally getting a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease came to a screeching halt because I couldn’t find a doctor in my area who understood thyroid disease and I couldn’t get a referral to a specialist unless I went through a doctor. I also couldn’t get lab tests without a...

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182: Why You Need to Exercise Differently If You Have Autoimmune Disease (& How) With Autoimmune Strong

Why You Need to Exercise Differently If You Have Autoimmune Disease (& How) with Autoimmune Strong

If you have any type of autoimmune disease, today’s episode is just for you. I’m here with Andrea Wool who is a personal trainer, a nutritional therapy practitioner, and the founder and CEO of Autoimmune Strong, an online fitness program designed specifically for those of us living with autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain. This mom...

Continue reading 182: Why You Need to Exercise Differently If You Have Autoimmune Disease (& How) With Autoimmune Strong...


Friday 24 August 2018

Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms & Natural Remedies

Restless leg syndrome

Pins and needles, itchy, creepy-crawly… these are all terms used to describe restless legs syndrome symptoms. It can be hard to put this condition into words, but for those who have experienced it, the symptoms are unmistakable. Magnesium is one natural remedy that can help, but there’s so much more to addressing this condition. Symptoms...

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6 Ways to Get the Benefits of Massage Therapy (at Home)

Massage Therapy at Home

You know those mini-quizzes on social media that ask if you could have one service for free for the rest of your life? The options usually include a gourmet chef, live-in housecleaner, or massage therapy daily. It’s hard to choose (even in fantasy world), but personally I’d always pick the massage! We often have a...

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Thursday 23 August 2018

181: How to Find Truly Natural and Non-Toxic Products With Marilee Nelson

How to Find Truly Natural and Non-Toxic Products with Marilee Nelson

I don’t often do two-part podcasts, but Marilee Nelson of Branch Basics has such an incredible story and so many tips for moms who have kids with health struggles. In the first part of the interview (check it out here if you missed it), Marilee shared her son’s struggle with chemical overexposure and all of...

Continue reading 181: How to Find Truly Natural and Non-Toxic Products With Marilee Nelson...


Wednesday 22 August 2018

12 Creative Ways to Use Beeswax (& Benefits)

Creative Uses for Beeswax

Imagine for a second a scenario in which you were simultaneously: caring for a newborn that needed constant care building a house with your own hands having to fight off people trying to break into your home still responsible for normal cooking and cleaning Stressful… right? Yet this is what a honey bee colony does every...

Continue reading 12 Creative Ways to Use Beeswax (& Benefits)...


Tuesday 21 August 2018

Simple Seasonal Grilled Vegetables

Simple Grilled Vegetables

Summer is by far the most popular season for grilling, but the grill isn’t only for meat! This grilled vegetables recipe is one of my favorites to grill. Grilling brings out the natural sweetness of the onions and provides a nice change from sauteed zucchini. I love how this super simple “recipe” lets the natural goodness...

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Monday 20 August 2018

180: The Hidden Elements in Your Home That Affect Your Mood & Health With Branch Basics Founder Marilee Nelson

The Hidden Elements In Your Home That Affect Your Mood & Health with Branch Basics Founder Marilee Nelson

If you’ve ever wondered if your efforts to make a more natural home environment are worth it, this episode should convince you! Marilee Nelson is an expert on chemical sensitivity and the founder of The House Doctors, a consulting firm dedicated to cleaner, more natural homes. Due to her long struggle to heal own son’s chemical sensitivities,...

Continue reading 180: The Hidden Elements in Your Home That Affect Your Mood & Health With Branch Basics Founder Marilee Nelson...


Friday 17 August 2018

Problems With Perfumes and Fragrances

Problems with perfumes and what are some natural alternatives

From room deodorizers to cleaning products, perfumes and fragrances are everywhere. They may be pleasant smelling, but they often contain harmful chemicals that may cause irritation or even more serious health problems over the long term. Luckily, there are some natural alternatives that smell great and don’t pollute the air. History of Perfume Mentioned in...

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Thursday 16 August 2018

What Is Collagen Powder (& How to Use It)

What is collagen protein and how to use it

I’ve been a big fan of gelatin since our family went on the GAPS diet and it helped my son be able to tolerate dairy again. I’ve also seen huge benefits with my skin, hair, and nails since I started incorporating more gelatin and collagen into my diet. What Is Collagen? In short, collagen is an insoluble protein...

Continue reading What Is Collagen Powder (& How to Use It)...


179: Understanding DNA Damage & How to Reverse It With NanoVi

Understanding DNA Damage and How to Reverse It With NanoVi

Rowena Gates is a principal and vice president of the Eng3 Corporation, a life science technology company addressing health, wellness, and performance. She’s also a serial entrepreneur and so inspiring. Prior to joining Eng3, she spent six years as the founder and CEO of Aviarc, which provided Internet-based solutions for international trade. She has a whole list...

Continue reading 179: Understanding DNA Damage & How to Reverse It With NanoVi...


Wednesday 15 August 2018

6 Favorite Practical Homeschool Resources (My Kids Love)

My top homeschooling resources for speedreading-coding-languages and even whole programs

You all probably know by now that we homeschool (yes, I’m one of those) and I’m often asked about my favorite homeschooling resources. Our homeschooling set-up evolves year to year as the kids get older, and now that I have kids ranging from toddlers to middle schoolers, I’ve been using several online tools that my...

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Tuesday 14 August 2018

Cucumber Melon Mint Smoothie

Cucumber Mint Melon Smoothie Recipe

August is hot where we live. We may be wilting, but the heat-loving plants in the garden love it! This Cucumber Melon Mint Smoothie is the perfect way to use seasonal produce while cooling down. In-season produce is so worth it, both for its incredible flavor and price. If you don’t have a garden, find a...

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Monday 13 August 2018

20+ Healthy School Lunch Ideas (With 2-Week Menu)

Healthy School Lunch Ideas and Packing Tips with Two-Week Menu Plan

Before I share these healthy school lunch ideas, I have a confession to make… Since we homeschool, this isn’t an area that I have daily experience with as I don’t need to pack lunches every single day (but much respect to all of you parents who do!). Most of us grew up on turkey sandwiches (crusts on...

Continue reading 20+ Healthy School Lunch Ideas (With 2-Week Menu)...


178: A Pediatrician Explains How EMFs Are Dramatically Affecting Our Children With EMF Kill Switch

A Pediatrician Explains How EMFs are Dramatically Affecting Our Children with EMF Kill Switch

I seem to specialize in being passionate about controversial topics, and my guest today is right there with me. Dr. Amy Munro is a pediatrician with over 30 years of experience and she’s been following the research on EMFs and how they affect the body for decades. Hiding under a rock isn’t an option last I...

Continue reading 178: A Pediatrician Explains How EMFs Are Dramatically Affecting Our Children With EMF Kill Switch...


Friday 10 August 2018

Reasons to Quit Chewing Gum (+ Better Options)

The minty sweet flavor of chewing gum is a low calorie way to replace desserts, combat cravings, or deal with stress. These days “healthy” chewing gums are even available in health food stores, either sugar-free or with some beneficial ingredients. Of course, simply because something is calorie-free or sugar-free doesn’t mean it’s healthy. As with...

Continue reading Reasons to Quit Chewing Gum (+ Better Options)...


Thursday 9 August 2018

How to Fix Leptin Resistance to Control Weight, Cravings, and More

Do you struggle with weight and have trouble sticking to a diet? Crave (junk) foods, especially at night? Eat and never feel full? A little something called leptin resistance may be to blame! These are all indications that you could have some leptin issues. Leptin is a master hormone in the body that controls hunger and...

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177: Why (Almost) Everything You Know About Dental Health Is Wrong With Periodontist Dr. Al Danenberg

Why (Almost) Everything You Know About Dental Health is Wrong with Periodontist Dr. Al Danenberg

I cannot wait to share today’s guest with you! Dr. Alvin Danenberg is a periodontist who has been treating patients with gum disease for over 44 years. He incorporates aspects of nutrition and lifestyle change as part of his cutting-edge laser protocol which treats periodontal disease. And we’re gonna delve into that today. In 2015,...

Continue reading 177: Why (Almost) Everything You Know About Dental Health Is Wrong With Periodontist Dr. Al Danenberg...


Wednesday 8 August 2018

Red Wine Stain Removal (Natural DIY Recipe)

Natural Wine Stain Remover

As a mom of 6 I’ve had a lot of experience removing stains over the years, but red wine stain removal is especially tough (and is one stain I can only blame on myself). I even lost a few good tablecloths to red wine stains since my DIY stain remover didn’t successfully remove it. I’m not about...

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Tuesday 7 August 2018

Gluten-Free Zucchini Bread Recipe

Paleo Zucchini Bread

If you tend your own garden, chances are you’ve had your share of zucchini. This flourishing little veggie has an almost magic ability to thrive in nearly any condition, leading to an abundance that can be rather overwhelming. So what should you do with the excess? Enter this gluten-free zucchini bread! Why Zucchini? But first,...

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Monday 6 August 2018

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair (Grow Beautiful Hair Fast)

Castor Oil for Thicker and Longer Hair

I’ve been experimenting a lot with Castor Oil lately as a natural beauty remedy. I already use it in my oil cleansing blend each day, and I’m enjoying the results from using castor oil packs on my skin. Years ago, a friend mentioned that she loved castor oil for hair and eyelashes. I was really...

Continue reading How to Use Castor Oil for Hair (Grow Beautiful Hair Fast)...


176: Heather Chauvin on Letting Go of Mom Guilt, Ending Tantrums, & Mindful Discipline

Letting go of Mom Guilt, Ending Tantrums & Mindful Discipline with Heather Chauvin

Ever been stressed out as a parent? Maybe you’re the mom who has it all together and stays calm all the time, but I’m not and that is precisely why I invited today’s guest, Heather Chauvin from the “Mom Is in Control” Podcast. Many call her the next generation’s thought leader in parenting and women’s...

Continue reading 176: Heather Chauvin on Letting Go of Mom Guilt, Ending Tantrums, & Mindful Discipline...


Saturday 4 August 2018

9 Lessons We Can All Learn From Blue Zones

What we can learn from blue zones

As you probably know, I’m a big fan of creating a wellness lifestyle based on research and personal trial and error. Blue Zones are fascinating because the people in them all have diverse diets and habits as well as different environments, but seem to live longer and be happier. Researchers have continued to study what Blue Zone...

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Friday 3 August 2018

Why Natural Wines Go Beyond Biodynamic & Organic Wine

natural wines

In the food world, the label “natural” is unregulated and can appear on products that contain traces of pesticides, antibiotics or other additives. For a long time, I assumed the same was the case with wine and that for the most part, all wine was “natural.” Right? Turns out I was more than just a...

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Thursday 2 August 2018

5 Natural Detox Bath Recipes

Detox bath recipes

Nothing is more relaxing than a warm bath… except perhaps a relaxing warm detox bath that also helps cleanse the body… Seriously — these detox baths will help remove toxins from the body and they also tend to make you tired so I suggest doing them before bed! If you struggle with toxins or skin...

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Wednesday 1 August 2018

Natural Nail Care 101: Tips for Healthy Nails

How to have healthy fingernails

Fingernails are more than just a carrier for nail polish, they say a lot about our health. Knowing how to have healthy nails is easier said than done sometimes. Nutrients like collagen, biotin, and zinc help make nails their strongest, but there’s a lot more to the story. What Do Your Nails Say About Your...

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