Saturday 30 June 2018

Is Grilling Healthy? (+ Grilling Recipes)

Healthy Grilling Recipes

I’m a fan of summer. The beach, the outdoors, more sunshine… not to mention backyard cookouts featuring our favorite mouth-watering BBQ on the grill. While I love any meat slathered in barbecue sauce (I am a Southern girl, after all), grilling recipes don’t always make for the healthiest meal. For one, most of us grill...

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Thursday 28 June 2018

How to Plan a Family “Staycation”

How to plan a Staycation

It can be hard to stay healthy on vacation when you’re bombarded by restaurants, food stands, and ice cream windows. But in my opinion, staycations are the best of both worlds. Maybe I’m biased (because travel with six kids) but hear me out… You can have access to your real food kitchen while also being able to...

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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Homemade Cooling Anti-Itch Spray

DIY anti-itch spray

Oh summer… how I love thee. With an abundance of fresh veggies at the farmer’s market (not to mention fresh peaches for cobbler) and lots of fun activities to do as a family, summer is almost perfect… Except for the mosquitoes… or the occasional poison ivy… or an itchy peeling sunburn! Of course, homemade bug spray helps ward off most...

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Tuesday 26 June 2018

Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (With Probiotics)

Probiotic lemonade recipe

Lemonade is the classic drink for a hot summer day, but the usual recipes are super sweetened and involve a lot of sugar! I love the flavor and effervescence of other fermented drinks, so why not probiotic lemonade? I looked it up to find it was a thing and decided to give it a try....

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Monday 25 June 2018

How to Preserve and Display Kids’ Art

Ways to preserve or display your child's art work

Finding low-clutter toys is a great way to reduce the overwhelming stuff in the house. But any parent will tell you… one thing that can get out of control quickly (but I can’t just toss out) is children’s art. It’s beautiful and important — but it’s everywhere! Art that’s not displayed isn’t being enjoyed, so...

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168: A Proactive Approach to Aging and Sexual Health and Wellness With HealthWellnessMD

A Proactive Approach to Aging and Sexual Health and Wellness With HealthWellnessMD

I feel very fortunate get to talk to so many doctors who are changing healthcare for the better. I’m here with Dr. Maryann Prewitt, a functional medicine physician and gynecologist based in Dallas, Texas. You can find her at She’s going to introduce us to a lot of really cool anti-aging science and some great...

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Sunday 24 June 2018

How to Find the Best Minimalist Shoes (for Adults and Kids)

How to Find the Best Minimalist Shoes for Adults and Kids

I’ve been all about the barefoot shoes (or just being barefoot) for years. But there are some times and some places where barefoot shoes just won’t cut it. Thankfully, there are now many wonderful options for minimalist shoes that look like “regular shoes.” These shoes don’t offer quite as much foot freedom as true barefoot...

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Friday 22 June 2018

Best Baby Probiotics for Infants

I’ve mentioned before how important gut health is for adults, kids, and babies. Much of our immune system resides in the gut, so making it as healthy as possible only makes sense. We try hard to optimize our guts by eating fermented foods, eliminating sugar, and taking a quality probiotic, but a baby’s sensitive gut...

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Thursday 21 June 2018

167: Lessons We Can Learn from Europe and Natural Wines (With Heather!)

Lessons We Can Learn from Europe and Natural Wines (With Heather!)

Katie and Heather are back, though not in the Sauna this time, to talk about Katie’s recent trip to Europe and all the lessons we can learn from Europe. They also talk about natural wine and what separates wine from even organic and biodynamic wines. Natural Wines They were both already big fans of Dry...

Continue reading 167: Lessons We Can Learn from Europe and Natural Wines (With Heather!)...


7 Tips to Eat and Stay Healthy on Vacation

Eating healthy on vacation

Ahh, vacation. Just saying the word usually evokes visions of relaxing by the pool, drinks with tiny umbrellas, a plethora of succulent foods, building sandcastles, and a beach-ready body. (At least it did before kids!) While traveling somewhere new is (almost) always lots of fun, trying to eat healthy on vacation can be a challenge. Staying...

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Tuesday 19 June 2018

Lemon Blueberry Muffins (Grain Free)

Coconut flour lemon blueberry muffins

I love the smell of baking. Especially when it’s lemon blueberry muffins in the oven! They fill the whole house with the warm aroma of berries. In fact, another favorite treat in our house, this healthy berry cobbler, also combines berries and baking. Blueberries: A Nutrition Powerhouse (and Kid-Favorite Snack!) Blueberry season is one of my...

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Monday 18 June 2018

Benefits of Bentonite Clay (& How to Use It)

Benefits and uses of bentonite clay

In modern times we have largely forgotten that cultures throughout the ages used bentonite clay and other healing clays for their nutrients and to help rid the body of toxins. If we take a cue from nature, many animals will instinctively turn to eating dirt and clay to help remove poisons from their systems or during...

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166: Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp

Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection with Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp

Today’s episode will be very helpful for anyone with autoimmune disease (or any chronic health problem). Aimee Raupp is an expert in women’s health and she takes an important and unusual approach: focusing on the mind/body connection first and foremost. Her approach offers hope to those who have tried all the dietary, lifestyle, and supplemental...

Continue reading 166: Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp...


Friday 15 June 2018

How Your Phone Is Changing Your Brain

How your phone is changing your brain

Technology is an amazing invention (I use it every day to run this blog!). We have practically everything we could ever need to know, imagine, and become curious about at our fingertips. In fact, according to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, we collectively create as much information in two days as has been created from...

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Thursday 14 June 2018

Luxurious Sugar Scrub Recipe for Silky Smooth Skin

Homemade sugar scrub recipe

FACT: Sugar is not good for your intestines! FACT: Sugar can be very good for your skin… Those expensive sugar scrubs you see in department stores and spas… they cost pennies to make! Sugar scrubs are a simple beauty recipe with countless variations, and they can be incredibly moisturizing and exfoliating to the skin. I use...

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Wednesday 13 June 2018

Homemade Ragin’ Cajun Seasoning

Part of my mom’s family is originally from New Orleans and the times I’ve visited there, I’ve loved the flavors of Cajun seasoning and tried to recreate recipes that use it at home. For years, I bought pre-made Cajun seasoning, but realized it had MSG, anti-caking agents, and fillers in it (including gluten!). Since I...

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Tuesday 12 June 2018

All-Natural Homemade Bug Spray Recipes That Work!

How to make natural bug spray in about five minutes

Every year as warmer weather approaches, I make several homemade products for summer including my homemade sunscreen and these homemade bug spray recipes. I don’t use sunscreen often because it limits vitamin D production and I prefer to eat my sunscreen instead. This homemade insect repellent spray recipe, on the other hand, gets daily use where we live. (Unfortunately!)...

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Monday 11 June 2018

Healthy Homemade French Onion Dip

how to make french onion dip

  We can go through a lot of snacks at our house! Instead of opting for prepackaged (and not so healthy) versions, I try to provide healthy snacks for my family that are also tasty and kid-approved. This healthy homemade French onion dip is another one to add to the snack list. It’s great for kids and...

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165: How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!)

How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!)

Today we’re talking about a very practical way to help our families eat healthier that will please even the the picky eaters among us. I’m here with Jen Hansard who’s the founder of Simple Green Smoothies. I bet you’ve probably heard of it. It’s a gorgeous and really popular website dedicated to, you guessed it, green...

Continue reading 165: How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!)...


Friday 8 June 2018

Top Gift Ideas for Men (for Father’s Day, Birthday, Etc.)

Top gift ideas for men who are impossible to find gifts for

What do you do for gifts when the man in your life is hard to shop for? I’ve been trying to answer that question for years, as it always seems tougher to find good gift ideas for men than it does for women. My husband is a perfectionist who insists that anything he buys is of the...

Continue reading Top Gift Ideas for Men (for Father’s Day, Birthday, Etc.)...


Thursday 7 June 2018

Natural Men’s Deodorant: Best Kinds and How to Make Your Own

DIY Deodorant for Men

Finding the best deodorant for men that’s natural and actually works can be the pits! I’ve been making natural homemade deodorant for several years now and I love how easy and effective it is. This men’s deodorant recipe is just as good, but has a manly scent to it (along with a few other updates!)....

Continue reading Natural Men’s Deodorant: Best Kinds and How to Make Your Own...


Wednesday 6 June 2018

Understanding Ceramic Cookware (Pros, Cons, & How to Cook With It)

Understanding Ceramic Cookware

There’s a lot of confusion about safe, natural cookware, in part because it can be hard to tell the difference between a safe piece of cookware and a “green-washed” one. When I wanted to switch out my non-stick cookware for something better I delved into the research to find the best cookware options. Ceramic cookware...

Continue reading Understanding Ceramic Cookware (Pros, Cons, & How to Cook With It)...


Tuesday 5 June 2018

Iced Lime Dandelion Tea Recipe

Iced Lime Dandelion tea recipe

Wait! Don’t mow your grass! Did you know that those dandelions growing all over your yard are actually an herb and you can eat them? They are great for health too! Making Peace with Dandelions Most people think of dandelion as a backyard weed. At our house, we don’t wage war on dandelions… we use...

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Monday 4 June 2018

How Artificial Sweeteners Affect the Body

Artificial Sweeteners and How They Affect the Body

It’s pretty clear that sugar isn’t healthy, especially in excess, but are artificial sweeteners the answer? Probably not. Though I do use some natural no-calorie sweeteners occasionally, I steer clear of artificial sweeteners all together. What Are Artificial Sweeteners? Artificial sweeteners are synthetic sweeteners that may be chemically derived but may also be derived from...

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164: Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy & Sound Therapy to Improve Health With HealthGAINS

Using Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy & Sound Therapy to Improve Health with HealthGAINS

I get so many questions on this topic and I haven’t gotten into it too much yet on the blog, so I know you all will love today’s guest. Vanessa Gaudin is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and expert in women’s health and wellness at HealthGAINS in Miami, Florida. She’s here to talk about some...

Continue reading 164: Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy & Sound Therapy to Improve Health With HealthGAINS...


Friday 1 June 2018

How to Stay Healthy While Flying

How to stay healthy while flying

We are privileged to live in a time when crossing the world is as easy as hopping on an airplane! What isn’t as easy is figuring out how to stay healthy while flying. With the tight quarters and recycled air, odds are high… you’ll be taking home a souvenir you could have done without. One...

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