Thursday 31 May 2018

Organic Pest Control for Gardens (Natural Options)

how to prevent and control pests in organic gardens

Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest food available, but it can also come with its fair share of frustrations. From pests to proper watering, there are a lot of factors involved, especially if you are using organic methods to avoid chemicals. Garden pest control is a constant battle...

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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Natural Remedies for Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Natural Remedies for Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

I always prefer natural remedies for illness when it’s appropriate since they often shorten illness (rather than just relieve symptoms). Hand, foot, and mouth disease (strange as the name may be) is just another illness that is usually best tended to at home. What Is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease? Hand, foot, and mouth disease...

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Tuesday 29 May 2018

Healthy and Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternatives

Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

If you’re looking for an interesting variation on coffee, give coffee kombucha a try (it’s an interesting taste for sure!). But if you’re looking for healthy coffee alternatives, keep reading. Why Not Drink Coffee? There are many reasons someone may want to skip their morning “cuppa.” One reason is that it may not be that...

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Monday 28 May 2018

How My Kids’ Capsule Wardrobe Simplified My Life (& Laundry)

How Creating Kids Capsule Wardrobes Simplified My Life and Laundry

I must admit… when the capsule wardrobe trend took over Pinterest, I was mostly uninterested. As a mom, I based my wardrobe much more on function and flexibility. Times like pregnancy and nursing required certain types of clothes and limited my options. Then, I discovered the concept of a kids’ capsule wardrobe. Freedom from endless laundry,...

Continue reading How My Kids’ Capsule Wardrobe Simplified My Life (& Laundry)...


163: Fascinating Fungi and How to Use Medicinal Mushrooms With Tero Isokauppila

Fascinating Fungi and How to Use Medicinal Mushrooms with Tero Isokauppila

I have admired the work of today’s guest for years and I can’t wait to share him with you. His name is Tero Isokauppila and he’s leading a worldwide mushroom movement. You might have heard of Tero since I talk all the time about his company Four Sigmatic and how I love their amazing mushroom...

Continue reading 163: Fascinating Fungi and How to Use Medicinal Mushrooms With Tero Isokauppila...


Wednesday 23 May 2018

DIY Wool Dryer Balls: Fresh Natural Laundry in Less Time

How to make wool dryer balls

Ask any mom… laundry is a never-ending job in a family! I am always looking for a way to save time on laundry and I certainly like helping the environment, so these wool dryer balls made it on my DIY project list. These wool dryer balls are easy to make and serve a very practical...

Continue reading DIY Wool Dryer Balls: Fresh Natural Laundry in Less Time...


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Benefits of Calendula Tea (& How to Make It)

Calendula tea recipe

I love calendula for its beauty and healing properties. Calendula tea is just one way to harness the healing power of this amazing herb. While you usually just think of tea for drinking, this particular tea is so versatile there are a million different ways to use it! Well, close to that anyway! What Is Calendula?...

Continue reading Benefits of Calendula Tea (& How to Make It)...


Monday 21 May 2018

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

It seems like there’s much better awareness these days about the importance of vitamin D. However, the tide of public opinion is yet to shift on the importance of sunlight in this equation. While scientists debate the topic, perhaps we can reach a conclusion with some good old-fashioned logic. A quick stroll around any Walgreens shows...

Continue reading Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?...


162: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics – How to Be 10% Happier

I’m here today with someone whose name and face will probably ring a bell. Dan Harris is an Emmy award-winning journalist and co-anchor of ABC’s Nightline and the weekend edition of Good Morning America. He’s also the author of 10% Happier, a New York Times bestseller, and went on to launch the 10% Happier podcast...

Continue reading 162: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics – How to Be 10% Happier...


Friday 18 May 2018

7 Day Keto Meal Plan for Women (Ideas + Easy Recipes)

Keto Meal Plans for Women

It seems like everyone these days is talking about the amazing health benefits of a ketogenic diet. The benefits range from feeling more energetic to losing weight to having better mental clarity. (All categories we moms dream about…) Restricting sugar and consuming plenty of healthy fats (as recommended in the keto diet) does show benefits...

Continue reading 7 Day Keto Meal Plan for Women (Ideas + Easy Recipes)...


Vitex (Chasteberry) Herb Benefits & Uses for Women

Benefits and uses of Vitex (chasteberry)

Sometimes a plant holds a lot more than meets the eye (many times, actually). I’ve written before about the health benefits of herbs and spices, and today I’d like to cover an herb we don’t hear about every day but that every woman should know about. Ever heard of vitex? Also called chaste tree or...

The post Vitex (Chasteberry) Herb Benefits & Uses for Women was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 16 May 2018

Skin Care for Pregnancy: How to Prevent Acne, Stretch Marks, and More

Natural skin care for pregnancy

Pregnant women may have that healthy glow, but there are plenty of skin issues that can also accompany motherhood. From hormonal acne to stretch marks and everything in between, it helps to know the ins and outs of pregnancy skin care. With each kid I learned a little more about which products were best to...

The post Skin Care for Pregnancy: How to Prevent Acne, Stretch Marks, and More was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 14 May 2018

Best Non-Toxic Nail Polish Options

Best non-toxic nail polish options

I’ve written about how to make just about every natural beauty product I can think of, from deodorant to mascara, but one thing I’ve never been able to find a DIY recipe for is nail polish! While I still believe consuming gelatin is the best way to get beautiful nails, I do love a nice manicure...

The post Best Non-Toxic Nail Polish Options was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


161: Helping Stop Sex Trafficking & Keep Kids Safe With Operation Underground Railroad

Helping Stop Sex Trafficking & Keep Kids Safe with Operation Underground Railroad

Today’s topic is hard to talk about but super important. Kelli Houghton is a social worker and manager of a non-profit group called Operation Underground Railroad, an organization doing incredible work rescuing and advocating for children who are victims of sex trafficking. As a mom this issue hits home hard, and I’m so grateful Kelli...

The post 161: Helping Stop Sex Trafficking & Keep Kids Safe With Operation Underground Railroad was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Saturday 12 May 2018

An Open Letter to Moms on Mother’s Day

Letter to Mom on Mother's Day

I’ll never forget when a video called “The World’s Toughest Job” went viral. In this video, people came in to interview for a job for “Director of Operations” and were told that it required 135+ hours per week with no vacation, no sick days, and no pay. They were told it would be physically and...

The post An Open Letter to Moms on Mother’s Day was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 11 May 2018

Unique Wedding Gift Ideas for Couples

Natural and organic wedding gift ideas

Ahhh newlywed life… I loved that blissful time before our first child was born when my husband and I were newly married and sharing our first home together. I have fond memories of that time, and now I love celebrating other couples as they begin their married life together. We’re entering wedding season, which means there are...

The post Unique Wedding Gift Ideas for Couples was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 10 May 2018

Protein-Packed Crepes Recipe (With Cottage Cheese)

Protein packed crepes recipe

My breakfast horizons have really expanded now that my autoimmune condition is under control (thanks to diet, fasting, and help from a great doctor). I’ve started reintroducing some select dairy to my diet, especially since I found a new brand of grass-fed cottage cheese I can actually get behind. One of the first recipes I...

The post Protein-Packed Crepes Recipe (With Cottage Cheese) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 9 May 2018

Why to Have a No Shoes Rule in the House

Why to have a "No shoes in the house" rule

You can switch to natural cleaners, run an an air filter, and even use probiotics in the name of improving your home’s microbiome, but if you wear shoes in the house it may be undoing all your efforts. It took some time and research convince me, but there are many reasons to have a no shoes...

The post Why to Have a No Shoes Rule in the House was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 8 May 2018

Honey & Spice Grilled Pork Loin Recipe

Grilled pork tenderloin

Grilling season is a great time of year because it makes my husband love to cook! Plus, fewer dishes and mess in the kitchen is a bonus. This grilled pork loin recipe is one of our favorites to make and an easy alternative to the typical burgers on the grill. Pork loin is a relatively...

The post Honey & Spice Grilled Pork Loin Recipe was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 7 May 2018

Witch Hazel Uses and Natural Benefits for Skin

Benefits and uses of Witch Hazel

My first introduction to witch hazel was not a pleasant one. I remember when I was given a container of witch hazel pads after the many hours of pushing that led to the eventual birth of my firstborn. As I sat there on my ice pack and felt pain in places I didn’t know could feel pain,...

The post Witch Hazel Uses and Natural Benefits for Skin was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


160: What the Heck Should I Actually Eat? With Dr. Mark Hyman

What the Heck Should I Actually Eat with Dr. Mark Hyman

I think Mark Hyman is a genius. Do you know why? His latest book title puts into words exactly what health-conscious moms in grocery aisles everywhere are thinking… “What the heck should we eat?!” It’s certainly easy to get discouraged when sorting through all the conflicting health information out there. One health book says that...

The post 160: What the Heck Should I Actually Eat? With Dr. Mark Hyman was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 4 May 2018

Bee Propolis Benefits to Fight Everything From Colds to Cancer

benefits and uses for bee propolis

If you’re anything like me, honey already has a permanent place in your kitchen and natural remedy cabinet. It helps soothe burns, calm coughs, and even makes a great natural face wash. But it isn’t the only beneficial substance that honey bees make! Propolis is the “bee glue” that protects and holds together the hive but this...

The post Bee Propolis Benefits to Fight Everything From Colds to Cancer was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 3 May 2018

159: How a Billionaire Plans to Fix Education, Make Disease Optional, and Land on the Moon With Naveen Jain

How a Billionaire Plans to Fix Education, Make Disease Optional and Land on the Moon With Naveen Jain

Today is really a special episode and one I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Naveen Jain is not only a good friend but also one of the most intelligent and impressive people I’ve ever met. If you haven’t heard of him (yet), he’s the entrepreneur and philanthropist behind Viome, the gut health...

The post 159: How a Billionaire Plans to Fix Education, Make Disease Optional, and Land on the Moon With Naveen Jain was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 2 May 2018

Organic Lawn Care: How to Grow a Beautiful Lawn Naturally

How to grow a good lawn naturally and organically

Once upon a time, a well-meaning landscaper offered to do some work for our yard. He suggested spraying the yard with glyphosate to “get rid of all the unsightly dandelions and weeds (*ahem* like plantain) to grow a beautiful lawn. The poor guy didn’t quite understand why I was so adamant that there would never be glyphosate...

The post Organic Lawn Care: How to Grow a Beautiful Lawn Naturally was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


7 Simple DIY Beauty Products to Make at Home

DIY Natural Beauty Products

Many conventional beauty products contain hidden (or not so hidden) harmful ingredients and many are also super expensive. I started making DIY beauty products at home years ago for these reasons, and now… I’m addicted! But the extra work/time/money you say? It doesn’t take as much time as you’d think, and it certainly costs much...

The post 7 Simple DIY Beauty Products to Make at Home was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 1 May 2018

Homemade Enchilada Sauce Recipe

Homemade enchilada sauce recipe

Most of my younger years were spent in Texas, where I developed a love for all things Mexican food. Even now I often make Mexican recipes and Tex-Mex food for my family that feature healthier ingredients, like my homemade taco seasoning. This gluten-free version of homemade enchilada sauce tastes great on enchiladas (and a lot of other things!) and is the...

The post Homemade Enchilada Sauce Recipe was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Arsenic in Rice (& How to Avoid It)

Is there arsenic in rice?

A heavy metal detox is a good way to reduce heavy metals in the body, but keeping them from getting in to begin with is an even better strategy. One way to do that is to be aware of the various ways toxins enter the body. For example, arsenic can accumulate in the body from...

The post Arsenic in Rice (& How to Avoid It) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.
