Friday 30 March 2018

Ascorbic Acid: Vitamin C Benefits, Sources & Cautions


Vitamin C has a rich and surprisingly controversial history. On the one hand, science is clear that the body needs it, but the type, dose, and frequency are all up for debate. When the common cold is making the rounds, many people turn to vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, to help ward off...

The post Ascorbic Acid: Vitamin C Benefits, Sources & Cautions was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 29 March 2018

Why I Eat My Sunscreen to Protect Skin From the Inside Out

Eat your Sunscreen?

As warmer weather approaches (yay!), it’s time to start thinking about digging out the kids’ clothes, bathing suits, and flip flops. This is also my cue to start getting my skin ready for the sun. Why not wait until the first beach day? Because I now eat my sunscreen rather than just wear it. I’ve...

The post Why I Eat My Sunscreen to Protect Skin From the Inside Out was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


149: Saunacast: Genetics, Personalized Medicine and Random Health Experiments

Saunacast: Genetics, Personalized Medicine and Random Health Experiments

Katie and Heather are back for another Saunacast… though technically a Randomcast since they aren’t in the Sauna for this one. In this episode they delve into why they see personalized medicine as the future of health and how they’re using various at-home testing to personalize their own health routines. They delve into how they...

The post 149: Saunacast: Genetics, Personalized Medicine and Random Health Experiments was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 28 March 2018

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Homemade Blackhead Removal Ideas

There are plenty of underlying causes (and treatments) for acne, but when it comes to blackheads, they’re more of a cosmetic nuisance than a deep health problem. Still, blackheads are unsightly and many folks would prefer not to have them! Luckily these homemade blackhead removal ideas can help reverse and prevent blackheads without harming delicate...

The post Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 27 March 2018

Healthy Homemade Chocolate Recipe

Homemade Chocolate Recipe

If there’s one guilty pleasure all moms enjoy, it’s wine chocolate! Thankfully there’s a way to justify indulging a little because chocolate (like wine) has some fantastic health benefits. The key is to choose quality chocolate from the right sources … or make your own homemade chocolate. It’s easy and you have total control over...

The post Healthy Homemade Chocolate Recipe was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

I love few things more than a basket full of colorful Easter eggs. Easter is important to our family and one of our favorite times of year, but I often find myself annoyed with the over-commercialization of what I consider a religious holiday. I also get peeved when Easter gets turned into an excuse to...

The post How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 26 March 2018

What Our Poop Reveals About Digestive & Gut Health

Is Your Poop Normal- What Poop Says About Overall Health

All living things eat, so Everyone Poops. – Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi Who hasn’t read that literary masterpiece to their kids at some point along the way? As parents, we spend the first 3-5 years of our children’s lives handling poop. Every. Single. Day. Poop. Between diaper changes and snack time, it’s easy to...

The post What Our Poop Reveals About Digestive & Gut Health was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


148: Holistic Eye Care to Improve Eye Health and Eyesight Naturally with Dr. Berne

Holistic Eye Care to Improve Eye Health and Eyesight Naturally with Dr. Berne

Eyesight isn’t something many people think we can change, but today I’m talking to a holistic optometrist who says otherwise. Because vision exists in the brain, not the eyes, it is possible to improve and even rehabilitate our eyes instead of just correct them. Want to be free of glasses? Prevent eye disease? Reverse cataracts?...

The post 148: Holistic Eye Care to Improve Eye Health and Eyesight Naturally with Dr. Berne was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Saturday 24 March 2018

Backyard Ideas to Keep Kids Playing Outside All Summer

summer outdoor activities for kids at home

In our family, we’re big on creating experiences instead of having things, and we spend a lot of time outdoors. I’ve always said I hoped to be the house in the neighborhood where my kids and their friends would want to hang out. Now that my kids are getting older, this is happening and it...

The post Backyard Ideas to Keep Kids Playing Outside All Summer was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Healthy Easter Basket Ideas the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Candy-free Easter Basket Ideas

Since we largely avoid candy and other processed foods, I have to get creative and come up with other Easter basket ideas each year. As kids, my brother and I always looked forward to Easter and getting baskets with a chocolate bunny and going on Easter egg hunts. Because of these special memories I work...

The post Healthy Easter Basket Ideas the Whole Family Will Enjoy was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 23 March 2018

Fertility Monitors to Space or Avoid Pregnancy

Fertility monitors to space or avoid pregnancy

As many of you know, I’ve had six children in nine years. I’m certainly open to having more children in the future, but I feel like my body would benefit from a break from pregnancy/nursing, especially as I am working to overcome my autoimmune disease and heal my thyroid. Why Not Hormones? I’ve written before...

The post Fertility Monitors to Space or Avoid Pregnancy was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 22 March 2018

147: Using Heart Rate Variability with HeartMath to Stop Stress and Improve Nervous System Health

Using Heart Rate Variability with HeartMath to Stop Stress and Improve Nervous System Health

We’ve all heard the saying “follow your heart” … well it turns out there’s actual science behind that concept! Dr. Deborah Rozman is a Behavioral Psychologist and President of HeartMath, an amazing company that provides scientifically validated tools and training to help adults and children learn self-regulation skills to manage stress and enhance emotional well-being. It’s super...

The post 147: Using Heart Rate Variability with HeartMath to Stop Stress and Improve Nervous System Health was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 21 March 2018

DIY Outdoor Burlap Wreath (For Any Season)

how to make a burlap wreath

A decor diva I am not, but decorating for seasons and holidays with kids is definitely a lot of fun. When I found myself admiring the cute front door wreaths and decorations in the neighborhood, I got an idea … why not try to make my own homemade burlap wreath? Here’s how it went… Make...

The post DIY Outdoor Burlap Wreath (For Any Season) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


How to Make Natural Slime (No Borax or Glue)

Homemade and Natural Slime Recipe

I’ve tried my best to resist the slime craze in our house … but the day has finally come. (Cue sinister music.) Seriously, messy projects don’t bother me (we homeschool … need I say more) but what does bother me are the ingredients kids all over the globe are using to make slime. I’d rather my...

The post How to Make Natural Slime (No Borax or Glue) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 20 March 2018

How to Make Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs (Keto Friendly)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bomb Recipe

Everyone lately is talking about the benefits of a ketogenic diet and how research shows it can reduce inflammation, increase energy levels, speed weight loss, and improve focus or concentration. If you’re contemplating trying it, mastering a good fat bomb recipe is a must! What is a Fat Bomb? The name “fat bomb” may sound...

The post How to Make Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs (Keto Friendly) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Healthy Thai Chicken Curry (Instant Pot or Slow Cooker)

Healthy Thai Chicken Curry Recipe

The cost of taking a family of eight out to eat means I’ve pretty much made my peace with cooking at home, other than the occasional date night out. I’ve made it my mission to recreate my former favorite takeout dishes in a healthier, real food style. This healthy Thai chicken curry recipe is the...

The post Healthy Thai Chicken Curry (Instant Pot or Slow Cooker) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 19 March 2018

Guide to Healthy Baby Food

Healthy Baby Food and When I Started Solids

Healthy baby food is a topic I feel very strongly about and will definitely step onto the soapbox for! Like many aspects of life, convenience doesn’t equal quality (although I argue homemade baby food can be very convenient if you take a simple approach) and many of the current pre-made baby food options are definitely...

The post Guide to Healthy Baby Food was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


146: Is Chiropractic Safe and How to Detox Safely with Dr. Hardick

Is Chiropractic Safe and How to Detox Safely with Dr. Hardick

I’m here today with a holistic living expert I really admire. Dr. B. J. Hardick is known far and wide for his passion for teaching others how to design a lifestyle that supports the body’s natural ability to heal. He’s a master recipe creator and book Maximized Living Nutrition Plans is used by over 500...

The post 146: Is Chiropractic Safe and How to Detox Safely with Dr. Hardick was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 16 March 2018

How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts (& Why We All Should)

Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts

If you’ve ever heard of sulforaphane, you’ve probably heard about broccoli sprouts and why they are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. If you haven’t, let me provide a brief case for why these humble sprouts should be growing in all of our kitchens. Broccoli Sprouts = High in Sulforaphane I wrote an...

The post How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts (& Why We All Should) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Sulforaphane Benefits: How It Slows Aging, Fights Cancer & More

Benefits of Sulforaphane

There is a substance called sulforaphane (also called SFN) found in cruciferous vegetables and especially in broccoli sprouts. It is well-studied to be anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and may even protect against aging and diabetes. The best part? We don’t need high-priced supplements to get this important phytochemical, we just need to eat certain veggies like...

The post Sulforaphane Benefits: How It Slows Aging, Fights Cancer & More was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 15 March 2018

9 Natural Remedies for Allergy Relief

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Oh, seasonal allergies. They truly can make life miserable. The good news is, there are things we can do! Many people unnecessarily suffer from seasonal allergies when a few simple natural remedies can offer a lot of allergy relief. As prime allergy season approaches (at least in our area) I’m sharing the natural remedies that I’ve...

The post 9 Natural Remedies for Allergy Relief was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


145: Algae: The Keto & Vegan Superfood with More Nutrients Than Veggies (& Where to Get It)

Algae: The Keto & Vegan Superfood with More Nutrients Than Veggies (& Where to Get It)

I think it’s safe to say we’re all looking for a faster, easier way to protect our family’s good health in a world full of toxins and poor food choices. Today’s podcast is all about an underappreciated superfood that can help fill the gap. They’ve know the secret in Japan and Asia for a while…...

The post 145: Algae: The Keto & Vegan Superfood with More Nutrients Than Veggies (& Where to Get It) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 14 March 2018

Antioxidant Cumin Face Scrub for Glowing Skin

Exfoliating Cumin Face Scrub

Making your own face scrub (or body scrub) is one of the easiest ways to get started making natural beauty products at home. I already make this DIY Oatmeal and Lavender Face Scrub but I’ve seen several face products lately featuring spices like turmeric and was intrigued by the idea of adding natural antioxidants to...

The post Antioxidant Cumin Face Scrub for Glowing Skin was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 13 March 2018

Healthier Irish Corned Beef & Cabbage Recipe

Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe

Corned beef & cabbage is a favorite meal of ours (as it is for most Americans of Irish descent) and a tradition in our house on St. Patrick’s Day. I’ve found that it’s surprisingly easy to brine my own homemade brisket too (here’s how I do it). Brining your own corned beef makes this a much healthier meal by...

The post Healthier Irish Corned Beef & Cabbage Recipe was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


How to Make Your Own Real Corned Beef Brisket (Recipe)

How to make authentic corned beef brisket

I’m an Irish girl (though married to an Italian), and corned beef brisket has been a St. Patrick’s Day tradition for us for years. We always look forward to this special meal. Ironically, the Irish don’t even have a tradition of making corned beef on St. Patty’s Day as we do in America … or of green...

The post How to Make Your Own Real Corned Beef Brisket (Recipe) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 12 March 2018

144: What Breath Acetone Can Tell You About Fat Burning, Metabolism & Inflammation

What Breath Acetone Can Tell You About Fat Burning, Metabolism & Inflammation

So you may have heard about this little thing called the ketogenic diet from, oh …everyone?! Consider the low-fat craze of the 80s and 90s officially over, now fat is king! Eat more fat and you’ll be healthier, right? True, a ketogenic diet uses liberal amounts of fat to fuel the body, but how much...

The post 144: What Breath Acetone Can Tell You About Fat Burning, Metabolism & Inflammation was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 9 March 2018

Diatomaceous Earth: 10 Amazing Uses for DE Around the Home

Uses of Diatomaceous Earth

Tell your kids it’s “skeleton powder.” Or that it slashes and dehydrates bugs to death! If you have boys especially, they may look at your natural pantry with a whole new respect! You won’t be lying  … Diatomaceous Earth (or DE for short) is all that and more! Here are all the (not so gory)...

The post Diatomaceous Earth: 10 Amazing Uses for DE Around the Home was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


DIY Hanging Wall Quotes the Easy Way (Printable)

DIY Hanging Wall Quotes

I’ve always been a budget shopper and a DIYer. No matter my budget, I actually prefer to shop at consignment sales for the kids (the clothes are actually more natural than new). And when it comes to decorating my house, I’ve never been one to spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on art. Heck, my...

The post DIY Hanging Wall Quotes the Easy Way (Printable) was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 8 March 2018

143: Thomas DeLauer on Reducing Inflammation, Curcumin, Keto for Women, & Easy Weight Loss

Reducing Inflammation: Curcumin, Keto for Women, and Easy Weight Loss with Thomas DeLauer

Thomas DeLauer is an author and health expert who is most noted for his own health transformation. He went from a 280 pound corporate executive to losing 100 pounds and being on the cover of health and fitness magazines worldwide. He is considered one of the world’s leading experts on a ketogenic diet and his popular...

The post 143: Thomas DeLauer on Reducing Inflammation, Curcumin, Keto for Women, & Easy Weight Loss was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Wednesday 7 March 2018

Why Do Gardeners Live Longer?

Why do gardeners live longer?

There is a lot of evidence, most anecdotal, some scientific, about how gardeners live up to 14 years longer than non-gardeners. That’s a pretty impressive life extension and it certainly warrants further research. National Geographic author Dan Buettner has studied this in depth by visiting what he called “blue zones” around the world- places where...

The post Why Do Gardeners Live Longer? was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits: Facts, Myths and How to Use Them


There are few things in life as soothing and relaxing as the warm glow of a campfire, and Himalayan salt lamps offer this same ambiance at home. I’ve talked before about how I use them to help keep the air fresh and for their soothing red glow. Salt lamps have exploded in popularity over the last...

The post Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits: Facts, Myths and How to Use Them was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Real Food Shamrock Shake Recipe

Healthy Shamrock Shake Recipe with Vanilla and Mint

The infamous McDonald’s Shamrock Shake makes its rounds once a year at the Golden Arches. Over 60 million of them have been sold since they were first introduced. With 54 ingredients in each shake, though, they are pretty much the opposite of real food! It might come as a surprise that I’ve never actually tried...

The post Real Food Shamrock Shake Recipe was copied from Katie - Wellness Mama on Wellness Mama®.


Tuesday 6 March 2018

Dairy-Free Cilantro Pesto Recipe (With Pumpkin Seeds!)

cilantro pesto recipe

This cilantro pesto is a mainstay in our house! I adapted it from the cilantro oregano pesto from the Soup Reset Detox that I did with Christa Orecchio and now it is a daily go-to for our family. What is Pesto? Pesto is a traditional Italian no-cook sauce. It is usually made with basil, parmesan,...

The post Dairy-Free Cilantro Pesto Recipe (With Pumpkin Seeds!) appeared first on Wellness Mama®.


Monday 5 March 2018

How to Bulk Cook Healthy Meals for Vacation

Bulk cooking for vacation

A mother’s job never ends and nowhere is this more true than on vacation! I’ve always thought it was ironic how much work it requires to go “relax” … planning where to go and what to do, packing bags and gear, and making all the healthy meals for vacation. I once read a satire article called...

The post How to Bulk Cook Healthy Meals for Vacation appeared first on Wellness Mama®.


142: Is Adrenal Fatigue Real or Just Bad Science? With Ari Whitten

Is Adrenal Fatigue Real or Just Bad Science? With Ari Whitten

Do you turn to coffee every morning? Or feel like you just don’t have enough energy most days? If so, this episode with Ari Whitten is for you! You’ll also want to hear his controversial take on adrenal fatigue. Ari Whitten and the Energy Blueprint Ari Whitten is a best-selling author and the creator of...

The post 142: Is Adrenal Fatigue Real or Just Bad Science? With Ari Whitten appeared first on Wellness Mama®.


Friday 2 March 2018

My Experience With Water Fasting & Why I’ll Do It Again

Water Fasting and why I will do it again

I mentioned in a few recent podcast episodes and Instagram posts that I’ve been experimenting with water fasting, and immediately received a lot of questions about the specifics. I’ll answer all those questions here. The short answer is that overall, water fasting was an amazing experience and I’ll definitely do it again. But before we...

The post My Experience With Water Fasting & Why I’ll Do It Again appeared first on Wellness Mama®.


How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Homemade DIY natural hand sanitizer

I am not a fan of commercial hand sanitizers. (Probably doesn’t surprise anyone!) This may sound strange but I don’t use antibacterial soap or strong cleaners at home because I actually believe having a little bacteria around is a good thing. I’m glad that I started making my own personal care products years ago, especially...

The post How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer appeared first on Wellness Mama®.


Thursday 1 March 2018

141: How to Accept Yourself, Foster Community, and Be Unlimited with Dr. Mark Atkinson

How to Accept Yourself, Foster Community and Be Unlimited with Dr. Mark Atkinson

Consider today’s podcast your invitation to “be unlimited”! What does that mean?! I was curious too when I met Dr. Mark Atkinson, internationally-renowned integrative medicine physician, at a conference last year. His philosophy struck me as something all moms could use, especially since we are all searching for ways to unlock our full potential (while...

The post 141: How to Accept Yourself, Foster Community, and Be Unlimited with Dr. Mark Atkinson appeared first on Wellness Mama®.
