Wednesday 28 February 2018

Creamy (& Dairy Free) Roasted Carrot Coulis

Roasted Carrot Coulis Recipe

Have a vegetable hater in the house? Then you need to try roasted carrot coulis. Seriously. If there ever was a recipe that shows off all the glory of healthy veggies (besides a salad), it’s this one. A quick rough chop of sweet carrots, savory red bell peppers, and spicy sweet sliced onion — roasted...

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5 Reasons to Have a Moms’ Night Out

Reasons to have a Moms Night Out

Being a mom is hard work. Really hard work!! I love my children, but that doesn’t make it easy. As moms our help and support is in constant demand … but you can’t give from an empty cup. (Unless the cup is filled with wine … I kid, I kid!) I’ve learned from experience that...

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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Refreshing Ginger Honey Switchel Recipe

How to make honey ginger switchel

Ever heard of switchel? It is a fermented beverage that hasn’t seemed to gain the popularity of kombucha … yet (though I suspect it will soon!). It relies on pre-fermented apple cider vinegar and does not have a long fermentation process like kombucha or kefir do, making it a great first drink for anyone new to...

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Monday 26 February 2018

Tips to Naturally Reduce Stress … Starting Now!

Tips for naturally reducing stress

Stress kills. No, really… Even if a person has all the other factors right, high levels of stress can derail health. Unfortunately, just knowing stress is a problem doesn’t fix it. It can even add to it! If you’re like me, the need to reduce stress just adds another item on the “to-do” list. Laundry…...

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140: How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery

How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery

I am here today with Dr. Christopher Centeno, MD, who is an international expert and specialist in regenerative medicine. He’s at the forefront of research on using adult stem cells in orthopedics to repair common injuries and provide an alternative to painful and invasive surgery. I’m just starting to learn about the huge potential of...

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Thursday 22 February 2018

21 Shea Butter Benefits and Uses

Benefits and uses of shea butter

You all know I’m a fan of using coconut oil on skin and hair, but another all-star natural moisturizer for these uses and more around the home is shea butter. (Something about the name just even sounds luxurious, doesn’t it?) Shea butter is very thick and solid at room temperature but has a buttery rich...

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139: Understanding Generational Toxins and Epigenetic Changes with Dr. Mindy Pelz

Understanding Generational Toxins and Epigenetic Changes with Dr. Mindy Pelz

I’m here today with Dr. Mindy Pelz, who is such a wealth of information I don’t even really know where to start! Dr. Mindy has built one of the largest natural family wellness clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area. She’s especially knowledgeable on the role of generational toxins on health — a long term...

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Wednesday 21 February 2018

DIY Dusting Spray for Cleaning Furniture

Dust … it’s everywhere and seems to multiply. It has a way of accumulating on furniture, books, and in little hidden places. Dusting furniture is one of those time-consuming chores I can’t stand, so I decided long ago to make sure I had plenty of safe healthy cleaners that I could let the kids do...

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Tuesday 20 February 2018

Roasted Vegetable Salad Recipe with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Roasted Veggie Salad Recipe

I’m constantly on the lookout for more ways to get the all-important vegetables in our diet. Don’t get me wrong, I love a salad, but in the fall/winter a warm and savory way to enjoy veggies is especially nice. This roasted vegetable salad is quick to make and easy on the eyes. Add some chicken...

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Monday 19 February 2018

138: How to Use Specific & Targeted Essential Oil Blends to Support the Brain & Parasympathetic Nervous System

How to Use Specific and Targeted Essential Oils to Support the Brain & Parasympathetic Nervous System

  Jodi Sternoff Cohen is one of my favorite people to talk to on one of my favorite subjects: the healing benefits (and safe use) of essential oils. Jodi combined her training in nutrition and aromatherapy to create Vibrant Blue Oils, a company that makes organic and wild-crafted essential oil blends carefully targeted to specific...

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Saturday 17 February 2018

EFT: How Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique Work

What is Tapping?

Whatever our walk in life, as moms, I’m sure we all want to find ways to be more calm, loving, and collected. We know we should manage our stress through exercise, eating a healthy diet, and maybe journaling, prayer, or meditation. We do our best, but sometimes we need that little extra something (or a...

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Friday 16 February 2018

How to Use Activated Charcoal (For Beauty, Health & Home)

Uses of activated charcoal

Activated charcoal has been part of my natural medicine cabinet for years, but now it is showing up in beauty magazines and DIY websites for its many other uses! Activated charcoal is one of those rare areas where ancient traditional medicine and today’s medical literature agree. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine used this sooty, jet-black powder for thousands of...

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How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How to prevent or reverse seasonal affective disorder

Groundhog Day has come and gone, and if you live in the northern parts of the U.S., this is the time of year you may be getting a little weary of cold, snow, and gray skies. Personally I’m all for snow on Christmas, but outside of that I take my sunshine and vitamin D seriously!...

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Thursday 15 February 2018

137: A Holistic Rx for Keeping Your Whole Family Healthy with Dr. Madiha Saeed, MD

A Holistic Rx for Keeping Your Whole Family Healthy with Dr. Madiha Saeed, MD

Dr. Madiha Saeed, MD, is one of most joyful, inspiring people I know! I have no doubt you all will agree once you’ve met her on today’s podcast. She’s a mom and also a board-certified integrative holistic family physician. Online, Dr. Mediha is known as Holistic Mom MD and she specializes in making healthy living...

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Talking to Yourself with Self-Compassion (& Why It’s Healthy)

Learning to talk to yourself with self-compassion

If a doctor told you that there was one simple thing that you could do to lower your risk of illness, reduce your stress, and at the same time increase your ability to eat healthy and exercise, you would probably do it, right? Well, it turns out that researchers have been hard at work investigating this impressive...

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Monday 12 February 2018

Dairy-Free Panna Cotta Recipe

Dairy Free and Refined Sugar Free Panna Cotta Recipe

Panna cotta (Italian for “cooked cream”) is a delicious dessert that originated in northern Italy. It is made from simmering a mixture of cream, milk, and sugar (and don’t forget the fresh vanilla bean!) and then adding gelatin and chilling until set. I’ve also dressed up this dessert for special occasions (like a date night in)...

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How to Test Your Gut Microbiome (At Home Without a Doctor)

How to test your microbiome at home without a doctor

If you have been a Wellness Mama reader for very long then you know my story and how it took me over seven years and eight doctors to finally figure out I had Hashimoto’s and start to find answers. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to get testing, even when you think you...

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136: How to Unzip Your Genes to Understand Your Health with Dr. Jennifer Stagg

How to Unzip Your Genes to Understand your Health with Dr. Jennifer Stagg

I’m sitting down today with Dr. Jennifer Stagg, a practicing naturopathic physician and the founder and medical director of Whole Health Wellness Center in Connecticut. I’m always excited to have a doctor on the show, but I’m especially looking forward to geeking out over today’s topic — genetic testing — which I think is a...

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Friday 9 February 2018

Bring Back Date Night: Fun & Unusual Date Ideas on a Budget

Unusual date ideas

When my husband and I were newly married, we didn’t have much money but it didn’t matter because our favorite thing to do was just spend time together. Of course, life and kids happened and while it is wonderful, it does make it a little tougher to spend quality time alone. We’ve been working on ways to...

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Thursday 8 February 2018

135: Understanding Genetic Testing, Epigenetics and Genetic Polymorphisms with Dr. Ben Lynch

Understanding Genetic Testing, Epigenetics and Genetic Polymorphisms with Dr. Ben Lynch

Today Dr. Benjamin Lynch is joining me on the podcast, and we’re in for a treat. Dr. Ben is most importantly a dad of three amazing boys, and (just a sidenote) he’s also a doctor and one of the top experts in the world on epigenetics and genetic polymorphism. He has a naturopathic degree from Baiser...

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Wednesday 7 February 2018

Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas (That Beat Chocolate and Flowers!)

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas that beat chocolate and flowers

I know I might sound unromantic, but something in me rebels against commercialized holidays (like Valentine’s Day). My husband feels the same way so we don’t do a lot to mark the day. Sometimes I make him homemade chocolate truffles or whip up some massage butter and treat him to an at-home massage. This year...

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Decadent Vanilla Mint Chocolate Massage Butter Recipe

Homemade vanilla mint chocolate massage butter

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I should re-word that to clarify that we have no vendetta against the occasion, we just try to avoid any “Hallmark Holidays” as my husband calls them. (We avoid Mother’s, Father’s and Grandparents’ Day as well as Halloween for similar reasons, but we make a point to celebrate the purpose...

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Tuesday 6 February 2018

Intermittent Fasting: Can Skipping Meals Make You Healthier?

Benefits of intermittent fasting

Maybe you’ve heard the often-repeated advice to eat small, frequent meals. Apparently skipping meals (even breakfast) is a surefire way to wreck your blood sugar and your metabolism. Moreover, even with our sedentary modern lifestyle, if we don’t eat every 2-4 hours and graze constantly we won’t have the energy to make it through the...

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Simple Homemade Chocolate Truffles Recipe

Simple Homemade Chocolate Truffles Recipe

Any chocolate junkie knows … not all chocolate is created equal. There can be a huge difference in quality depending on the brand and the ingredients. There may not be sweets around my house too often, but when we do have dessert I want it to be amazing! Like my homemade chocolate recipe, it took some...

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Monday 5 February 2018

134: Five Benefits of Fasting, Autophagy, Diet Variation & Cellular Healing with Dr. Daniel Pompa

Five Benefits of Fasting, Autophagy, Diet Variation & Cellular Healing with Dr. Daniel Pompa

I’ve looked forward to interviewing today’s guest for a long time. The first time I heard Dr. Daniel Pompa speak about cellular healing and how to achieve it, I was floored! I knew I had to find out more, and soon I’ll actually be going through Dr. Pompa’s training program and recently completed a 7-day water...

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Friday 2 February 2018

Natural Remedies for Colds & Flu (To Help Recover Faster)

Natural remedies to help you recover from illness faster

When the flu bites, when the cold stings … these are a few of my least favorite things! (And I bet I’m not alone!) Fortunately, it is possible to prevent some cases of illness with natural remedies that boost the body’s amazing natural immune system. Even once an illness has struck, there are things a...

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What Is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Is It Beneficial?

conjugated linoleic acid

Conjugated Linoleic Acid, or CLA for short, may sound like a mouthful, but this healthy fat offers some impressive benefits. I’ve covered CLA briefly in my article on grass-fed beef, but today I want to dive a little deeper. I’ve found some evidence-based benefits of CLA and how best to add it into your diet....

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Thursday 1 February 2018

133: GMOs, Glyphosate, Organic Food & What’s Making Our Children Sick

GMOs, Glyphosate, Organic Food & What’s Making Our Children Sick

Today’s episode is something I only dreamed about years ago when I started a little blog on the subject of natural health. Today I am honored to have two amazing and highly qualified researchers on the show to talk to us about glyphosate and GMOs and why their presence in our food might be at...

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Castor Oil Packs – How to Make & Use Them

How to make and use castor oil packs

I was first introduced to castor oil as my due date approached with my first child. Like any mom, I was eager to meet my little one so I turned to the expansive wisdom that is Google to find ways to speed up my body’s natural process of going into labor. I found many folk remedies...

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