Monday 31 December 2018

Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions & What I Do Instead

I’m going to share a little secret… I’m really competitive. (Like, really.) My husband is the same way. So you’d think we’d be great at New Year’s resolutions, right? Not so much! Let me explain why… New Year’s Resolutions: Yay or Nay? Of course I’m not against the idea of self-improvement (far from it) and...

Continue reading Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions & What I Do Instead...


218: Happy New Year: 21 Tiny Habits That Can Drastically Change Your Life This Year

Happy New Year to you! Hopefully we are all enjoying a little down time today with the family, so this episode will be short and sweet but I hope you’ll join me in thinking ahead to next year… I don’t mean this in the sense of typical New Year’s resolutions — those lofty goals that we...

Continue reading 218: Happy New Year: 21 Tiny Habits That Can Drastically Change Your Life This Year...


Saturday 29 December 2018

5 Healthy Habits to Adopt This Year

We are nearing the time of year when we make lists of all the things we have resolved to change (and which two-thirds of us will fizzle out on within the first month). The problem with resolutions is that often we make multiple major and life-altering changes and expect them to happen overnight. Then, frustration hits...

Continue reading 5 Healthy Habits to Adopt This Year...


Friday 28 December 2018

Chicken Cacciatore Recipe (Over Veggie Noodles)

I’m a big fan of fast and easy meal ideas, especially ones made from all natural ingredients. My husband is a fan of pastas and Italian food, and this recipe is a winner with both of us! The main part of this recipe can be prepared in a slow cooker early in the day and...

Continue reading Chicken Cacciatore Recipe (Over Veggie Noodles)...


Thursday 27 December 2018

What Are the Safest Cookware Options? (Updated for 2019)

Oh cookware… it is something most of us use daily but one of the toughest categories to determine safety. And the safest brands have their fair share of convenience problems. In this in-depth post, our team evaluated the top types and brands of cookware and ranked them based on safety and convenience. The bad news…...

Continue reading What Are the Safest Cookware Options? (Updated for 2019)...


217: Do Saunas Work? Understanding the Benefits With Sunlighten Founder Connie Zack

You all already know Heather and I love to record podcasts in my sauna, and because of that we get so many great questions from you all about what type of sauna to use, what the benefits are, and whether they’re worth the investment. Today Connie Zack, the founder of Sunlighten saunas, will fully “enlighten”...

Continue reading 217: Do Saunas Work? Understanding the Benefits With Sunlighten Founder Connie Zack...


Wednesday 26 December 2018

Reasons to Create Family Time Traditions (+ Ideas)

I’m realizing that the old saying seems to be true… time does go faster as you get older. My kids are growing so fast, and my mom-brain has started to realize that time before my oldest ones leave home is growing much shorter. For this reason, I’ve really been trying to start some family traditions and spend...

Continue reading Reasons to Create Family Time Traditions (+ Ideas)...


Monday 24 December 2018

216: A Look Back: 9 Powerful Lessons I Learned the Hard Way This Year

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays wherever you are in the world and whatever traditions you celebrate! Today, I’m sharing a few of our favorite traditions (and would love to hear yours in the comments!). I’m also sharing 5 powerful lessons I learned this year, and some of them I definitely learned the hard way. Finally,...

Continue reading 216: A Look Back: 9 Powerful Lessons I Learned the Hard Way This Year...


Thursday 20 December 2018

Sicilian Feast of the Seven Fishes for Christmas Eve

I learned early on that when you get married, you also marry your husband’s sports teams (at least with my guy… go Reds!). This extends to cultural traditions too, especially if he comes from a strong cultural background. That’s where one of our favorite Christmas traditions called “Feast of the Seven Fishes” finds its roots. If you’re...

Continue reading Sicilian Feast of the Seven Fishes for Christmas Eve...


215: Breaking Financial Stress to Create Wealth and Wellth for Life With Krisstina Wise

Today we deviate a bit from our normal topics but it’s one that I think is equally important — our financial health. Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, a millionaire coach, and the creator of several multi-million dollar businesses, including Goodlife Luxury, the Paperless Agent, and most recently, Wealthy Wealthy. She was named one...

Continue reading 215: Breaking Financial Stress to Create Wealth and Wellth for Life With Krisstina Wise...


Wednesday 19 December 2018

60+ Useful (& Fun!) Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas

What is it about a Christmas stocking? Old or young, waking up on Christmas to a stocking lumpy with little surprises has its own special joy. Even if it’s something as small as a pack of gum or as practical as a pair of new socks! The Tradition of Christmas Stockings Thanks to the famous...

Continue reading 60+ Useful (& Fun!) Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas...


How to Make DIY Industrial Pipe Shelves

Fun fact… I have a long time habit of secret things I only do when my husband leaves town. If you guessed drinking wine or watching chick flicks… you’d be wrong. Remodeling and DIY projects are my guilty pleasure, but he hates messes so I only do projects when he is traveling for work. I...

Continue reading How to Make DIY Industrial Pipe Shelves...


Tuesday 18 December 2018

Easy Snow Cream Recipe

  We first tried this “recipe” the week we finally got our first snow day that actually involved snow. For two days, my kids (and all the kids in the neighborhood) were outside 8-10 hours a day sledding, building snowmen, and making snow angels. One of the children suggested making snow cream and once the idea...

Continue reading Easy Snow Cream Recipe...


Monday 17 December 2018

214: Using Mindset and Personalization to Make Lifelong Health Changes With Dane Johnson

Dane Johnson is a new friend of mine who just happens to be a board-certified holistic nutritionist, the founder of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, and the co-founder of the nonprofit eFundYourHealth. As you can imagine, it’s hard for us to run out of topics to talk about. I’ve heard about a lot of incredible health transformations...

Continue reading 214: Using Mindset and Personalization to Make Lifelong Health Changes With Dane Johnson...


Saturday 15 December 2018

Dear Moms, Let’s Simplify Christmas (& Enjoy It) This Year!

Let’s face it, while the movies portray images of happy families laughing around the kitchen table or in front of the fireplace during the Christmas season, often moms end up more stressed out and busier than ever. I know I fall into the trap, and each year I have to try again to stay focused on...

Continue reading Dear Moms, Let’s Simplify Christmas (& Enjoy It) This Year!...


Friday 14 December 2018

Are Food Allergies on the Rise? (& What to Do)

I have some natural remedies that I keep on hand for seasonal allergies, but food allergies are in a different camp altogether. While seasonal allergies are annoying, food allergies can be downright deadly. And it seems like more and more families are being affected by them. What Is a Food Allergy? Food allergies occur when the body produces...

Continue reading Are Food Allergies on the Rise? (& What to Do)...


Thursday 13 December 2018

213: Making Food Allergy Prevention Easier With Ready, Set, Food!

Today’s episode is going to answer a lot of questions I get from you all on the topic of food allergies. It feels like every family is struggling with this in some way today, and a lot of parents are asking: what in the world is going on? Dr. Katie Marks-Cogan is both a mom...

Continue reading 213: Making Food Allergy Prevention Easier With Ready, Set, Food!...


Wednesday 12 December 2018

What is the Best Diet for Flu Season?

As we enter the season of holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) and move on to the New Year, a main concern on people’s mind is getting healthy. This usually involves many resolutions to exercise more and eat better, and this isn’t just for weight loss. This time of year is also prime flu season, and taking...

Continue reading What is the Best Diet for Flu Season?...


Tuesday 11 December 2018

Easy Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy) Recipe

  After my husband and I watched Julie and Julia (good movie!), I went on a French cooking kick. Boeuf Bourguignon (also known as Beef Burgundy) was already pretty healthy to begin with, and I could make it with ingredients I already had on hand. It really is everything it is made out to be...

Continue reading Easy Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy) Recipe...


Monday 10 December 2018

212: How to Release Cravings and Emotional Eating With EFT

As a mom, I’m ultra-aware that I’m the example my children look to when it comes to their view of food and healthy eating. Understanding the science of how our brain works and why we crave unhealthy foods is half the battle! In this fascinating interview, EFT expert Brittany Watkins shares how she ditched her...

Continue reading 212: How to Release Cravings and Emotional Eating With EFT...


Friday 7 December 2018

Tips for Traveling with A Baby (Without Going Crazy)

For many people (me included for many years), the idea of traveling with a baby is overwhelming. In fact, many people just assume that travel won’t be possible in the first few years with baby. Certainly, travel doesn’t get easier with an additional small human who needs to be carried everywhere, but it is far...

Continue reading Tips for Traveling with A Baby (Without Going Crazy)...


Thursday 6 December 2018

211: How to Boost Your Adrenals and Cleanse Using Food With Dr. Alejandro Junger

I’m here today with someone who’s a living legend in the health world. Dr. Alejandro Junger is the New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, including Clean, Clean Gut, and Clean Eats. He trained in internal medicine in New York and completed a fellowship in cardiology at Lenox Hill Hospital. What makes him unique...

Continue reading 211: How to Boost Your Adrenals and Cleanse Using Food With Dr. Alejandro Junger...


Homemade Bath Bombs Recipe (Great DIY Gift!)

There is something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and these homemade salt bath bombs take the relaxation up a notch! Bath bombs have skyrocketed in popularity lately with thousands of options available (though I’d only recommend natural or organic options if possible). Kids and adults love them and while they can cost up to $9...

Continue reading Homemade Bath Bombs Recipe (Great DIY Gift!)...


Wednesday 5 December 2018

How to Make a Peppermint Mocha

Every time the Christmas season rolls around, I start to have visions of a peppermint mocha. (Yum!) Seriously, I unapologetically enjoy all things coffee, but fancy coffee drinks can be a real budget breaker (not to mention full of sugar). Thankfully, there is an easy and delicious peppermint mocha recipe you can make at home with...

Continue reading How to Make a Peppermint Mocha...


Monday 3 December 2018

210: Why Most Detox Methods Are Dangerous and What to Do Instead With Dr. Shayne Morris

It’s no secret that our bodies are exposed daily to more chemicals and negative inputs than previous generations, by a large margin. Enter Dr. Shayne Morris, a biochemist and molecular biologist whose life’s work is how the body can achieve detox and rid itself of toxins at a cellular level. Today, Dr. Morris will explain...

Continue reading 210: Why Most Detox Methods Are Dangerous and What to Do Instead With Dr. Shayne Morris...


Saturday 1 December 2018

The Tradition of St. Nicholas Day Around the World (December 6th)

Thanks to a European influence on both sides of the family, my husband and I both grew up celebrating the tradition of St. Nicholas Day on December 6th. Many people just know St. Nicholas by the name Santa Claus. While the modern figure of Santa derives from St. Nick, you’d hardly find this patron saint...

Continue reading The Tradition of St. Nicholas Day Around the World (December 6th)...


Friday 30 November 2018

8 Benefits of Sardines (& How to Make Them Taste Great)

Let me guess, you are one of two kinds of people when it comes to sardines: You love them and eat them regularly Or you can’t stand them and don’t even know why you are reading a post about them. Statistically, it’s likely you are in the latter group, as 73% of people claim to...

Continue reading 8 Benefits of Sardines (& How to Make Them Taste Great)...


Thursday 29 November 2018

2018 Ultimate Holiday Gift Giving Guide (For Everyone on Your List!)

I don’t know about you, but this time of year can be a little hectic for me! With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and several family birthdays, there is a lot to plan and a lot of gifts to wrap. We try to stick to experiences instead of stuff as much as possible (here are some of my best ideas),...

Continue reading 2018 Ultimate Holiday Gift Giving Guide (For Everyone on Your List!)...


209: Sun Protection and Anti-Aging From the Inside Out With Polypodium Leucotomos

In this episode, Katie talks to Sundaily founders Chris Tolles and Dr. Emilia Javorsky about how to protect your skin and slow aging from the inside out all with the help of a little-known substance called polypodium leucotomos. They delve into the role of antioxidants and which ones work, why sunscreen isn’t the only answer...

Continue reading 209: Sun Protection and Anti-Aging From the Inside Out With Polypodium Leucotomos...


Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)

I constantly strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday craziness, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts instead of lots of cheap ones that break the next day. We wanted to lessen the focus on...

Continue reading Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)...


Tuesday 27 November 2018

How to Make Elderberry Tea (Powerful Natural Remedy Recipe)

It is no secret that I’m a fan of elderberries for their natural immune-boosting powers. I make elderberry syrup in batches during the cooler months to keep the flu at bay, but my favorite way to take it is actually a warm, comforting cup of elderberry tea. Imagine for a moment … six small children …...

Continue reading How to Make Elderberry Tea (Powerful Natural Remedy Recipe)...


Monday 26 November 2018

208: Understanding Superbugs & Antibiotic Resistance With Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, an organization working tirelessly to protect the environment and create a greener Earth. Marjory shares why commercial agriculture and conventional medicine are two of the most destructive forces on the planet, and why we can and should grow and make our own medicine and food. Episode...

Continue reading 208: Understanding Superbugs & Antibiotic Resistance With Marjory Wildcraft...


Sunday 25 November 2018

Best 2018 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products

Cyber Monday is a day when many online companies offer their best sales of the year. I’ve found some great deals this year and stocked up on pantry essentials, organic PJs for the kids, and some other gifts for everyone on my list! In fact, my Christmas shopping is done… now I just have to...

Continue reading Best 2018 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products...


Thursday 22 November 2018

The Best 2018 Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products

I’ve never understood it… the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for gifts for those same people! No judgment from me if that is your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively). I’m doing my early shopping from the...

Continue reading The Best 2018 Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products...


207: Santa Sold Shrooms? The Untold Story of St. Nick (& How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays) With Tero Isokauppila

Tero Isokauppila is the founder and President of Four Sigmatic, a natural superfoods company specializing in mushroom-based drink powders. I’ve interviewed him before about the many benefits of medicinal mushrooms like chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi. Today I get to talk to him again about a different type of mushroom and the legend surrounding it, especially...

Continue reading 207: Santa Sold Shrooms? The Untold Story of St. Nick (& How to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays) With Tero Isokauppila...


Wednesday 21 November 2018

Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)

                              How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend...

Continue reading Health Benefits of Gratitude (& Why We Have to Work at It)...


Tuesday 20 November 2018

Easy Leftover Turkey Soup

Depending on your family traditions, the day after Thanksgiving usually takes two shapes: a full day of Black Friday shopping or (what we do) a day of ultra-relaxation and absolutely no cooking! Thanksgiving leftovers are delicious the first time but less tempting for the third or fourth meal in a row. This homemade leftover turkey...

Continue reading Easy Leftover Turkey Soup...


Monday 19 November 2018

206: Your Parenting Mojo on Why We Need to Let Our Kids Take More Risks

Today’s guest Jen Lumanlan is the host of the fascinating “Your Parenting Mojo” podcast, which is all about helping parents find (and fine-tune) their own unique way of raising their kids. I’ve wanted to meet Jen Lumanlan ever since I heard her story. Jen decided to turn her self-proclaimed lack of parenting intuition into an opportunity...

Continue reading 206: Your Parenting Mojo on Why We Need to Let Our Kids Take More Risks...


Friday 16 November 2018

Calendula Benefits & Uses for Skin, Insect Bites, Anti-Cancer & More

Calendula flowers are one of my favorite herbal remedies to grow because they are very effective for health and on top of that, an attractive addition to a garden. Calendula has a rich yellow and orange color (depending on variety) that is beautiful and healing. Spring is the best time to start growing calendula (more on...

Continue reading Calendula Benefits & Uses for Skin, Insect Bites, Anti-Cancer & More...


Thursday 15 November 2018

205: Everything You Need to Know About GMOs, Glyphosate, and Gut Health With Dr. Zach Bush

You guys know I’m a science geek, so I’m pretty much in awe of today’s guest. Dr. Zach Bush, MD, is one of the few triple board-certified physicians in the country. He’s made a tremendous impact in the scientific and medical community in 2012 when he and his team discovered a family of carbon-based redox...

Continue reading 205: Everything You Need to Know About GMOs, Glyphosate, and Gut Health With Dr. Zach Bush...


Wednesday 14 November 2018

Luxurious Homemade Whipped Body Butter

  I love making natural beauty products as gifts, and homemade body butter is one friends and family always love to receive. It’s a gift that is easy to personalize with custom natural scents (and even can help with sleep if you add a little magnesium!). Put the finished product in a cute glass jar with...

Continue reading Luxurious Homemade Whipped Body Butter...


Tuesday 13 November 2018

How to Plan a Healthy Thanksgiving Menu (Recipes + Printable)

Holidays are a time to honor traditions, break out our best recipes, and celebrate in high style. Still, it can’t be denied that the usual Thanksgiving menu is rough on those with dietary restrictions, and generally leaves most of us feeling as overstuffed as the turkey! Years ago I decided to take our Thanksgiving menu...

Continue reading How to Plan a Healthy Thanksgiving Menu (Recipes + Printable)...


Monday 12 November 2018

204: The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz

The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz

It is no secret that autoimmune disease is on the rise, and many of us may have it and not even know. Today I talk to Dr. Guillermo Ruiz, a graduate medical student from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine about why we’re seeing such a rise and what to do about it. His aim...

Continue reading 204: The Rise of Autoimmune Disease (& How to Thrive Even If You Have It) With Dr. Guillermo Ruiz...


Saturday 10 November 2018

How to Balance Business and Family Life (& Succeed at Both)

How to Balance It All

  This is a common question I get, and while my husband and I certainly don’t claim to have mastered this art, we’ve discovered a few tips along the way that really help. The life of an entrepreneur is often busy and stressful, and the life of a parent is often busy and stressful. Combine...

Continue reading How to Balance Business and Family Life (& Succeed at Both)...


Thursday 8 November 2018

203: Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate Them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer

Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer

EMF is an invisible but growing problem as our world becomes increasingly connected. Not everyone agrees, but the rise in EMFs in our environment in the last several decades is starting to have a noticeable effect on our health. Geobiologist Brian Hoyer explains the worst sources of EMF exposure and what to do about them....

Continue reading 203: Hidden EMF Dangers and How to Mitigate Them With Geobiologist Brian Hoyer...


Wednesday 7 November 2018

8 Life Lessons to Learn From Children

Life Lessons from Children

I remember when one of the kids broke her leg while playing outside. Thankfully, kids bounce back quickly and she was back on her feet in about four weeks. During that time we made lots of gelatin-rich foods and gave her some extra nutrients to help her recover quickly. This was our first experience with a broken...

Continue reading 8 Life Lessons to Learn From Children...


Tuesday 6 November 2018

Homemade Pumpkin Soup – Fall Favorite!

homemade pumpkin soup recipe

‘Tis the season… for pumpkin anyway! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, and more are everywhere this time of year. Some of us love it and some of us hate it… but I’m totally in the love it camp! This made-from-scratch pumpkin soup recipe is a quick and filling fall meal. Extra bonus… in a...

Continue reading Homemade Pumpkin Soup – Fall Favorite!...


Monday 5 November 2018

202: How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment, and Movement With Gordon Hay From ALINE

How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment and Movement with Gordon Hay From Aline

You guys know that I’ve been on the barefoot bandwagon for a very long time, but today’s episode has changed some of the ways I think about alignment and foot health. Gordon Hay is the cofounder, inventor, and creative visionary for ALINE Systems, a footwear technology company making waves in the industry. Many ESPN Summer and...

Continue reading 202: How Footwear Affects Posture, Alignment, and Movement With Gordon Hay From ALINE...


Saturday 3 November 2018

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)

I’m a huge advocate of giving women the information they need to improve their own health (which is one reason I love the menstrual cup so much!). When I received several questions in a row about vaginal atrophy (a topic I didn’t know anything about), I knew I needed to call in an expert! I called my...

Continue reading Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy (& Natural Ways to Protect Vaginal Health)...


Friday 2 November 2018

Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats (Kid-Approved!)

Kid Friendly Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats easy and healthy

I don’t ever cook special foods just for picky kids or use food as a reward, but I do let kids help cook (it encourages them to try a wider variety of foods) and let them get creative with it. This recipe was the result of their creativity one time and has been a favorite...

Continue reading Stuffed Acorn Squash Boats (Kid-Approved!)...


Thursday 1 November 2018

201: Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) – Plus Instant Pot Tips!

Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) -Plus Instant Pot Tips!

I am here today with a dear friend and one of my mentors, Mark Sisson, who is the New York Times bestselling author of the Keto Reset Diet. He is now also the bestselling author of the Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook which is full of delicious recipes that are 100% tailored to a ketogenic...

Continue reading 201: Understanding Fasting and Keto for Women (Even During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding) – Plus Instant Pot Tips!...


Wednesday 31 October 2018

6 Natural Sleep Remedies (You May Not Have Tried)

unusual natural sleep remedies

I’m firmly convinced that we are only beginning to understand how important sleep is for health, but we already know that sleep is important for proper hormone function, blood sugar regulation, cell regeneration, and much more. The Best Natural Sleep Remedies (That Really Work) I’ve seen so many articles with natural sleep remedies that include many...

Continue reading 6 Natural Sleep Remedies (You May Not Have Tried)...


Monday 29 October 2018

200th Episode – Most Important Thing for Health

200th Episode - Most Important Thing for Health

This episode marks the 200th episode of The Wellness Mama Podcast! Over the last few years, I’ve had the honor of speaking to almost 200 experts and spending 200+ hours of time with you! In this 200th episode, Heather and I recap a few listener favorite episodes and share our biggest takeaways. We also talk...

Continue reading 200th Episode – Most Important Thing for Health...


Friday 26 October 2018

How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Improve Skin, Hair, Metabolism & Thyroid

PBMT cold laser light therapy

It’s not just diet that matters… light can have a huge effect on the body and overall health. Adequate exposure to sunlight, for example, actually makes the body produce vitamin D, an important nutrient. Photobiomodulation or red light therapy is another way of using light to affect health in a positive way (though it doesn’t...

Continue reading How Photobiomodulation Therapy Can Improve Skin, Hair, Metabolism & Thyroid...


Thursday 25 October 2018

26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love


Halloween and I have a complicated relationship, at least since I became a mom. Take trick-or-treating, for instance. It’s a fun tradition, but there certainly aren’t too many healthy Halloween treats (or even close to it). Easter and a few other holidays require some similar soul-searching. So what’s a health-conscious mom to do? As I...

Continue reading 26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love...


199: How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley

How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley

There’s so much evidence that what we eat affects not only our bodies, but our brains too. Today I sit down with Autumn Smith from Paleovalley, an amazing company that makes some of my favorite healthy snacks. Autumn explains why she became so committed to healthy eating she even left her dancing career (with Jennifer...

Continue reading 199: How Diet Directly Affects Mental Health with Autumn Smith of Paleovalley...


Wednesday 24 October 2018

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with bacon

Brussels sprouts… the dreaded vegetable of childhood! Cooked the right way, these can become a (kid-approved) favorite! They are also a great addition to a Thanksgiving or holiday menu or a perfect side for chicken or fish. And it all comes together in half an hour with only one baking sheet needed. My kids call brussels...

Continue reading Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe...


Monday 22 October 2018

198: How to Be Green Enough and Avoid the Worst Offenders in Your Home With Leah Segedie

How to Be Green Enough and Avoid the Worst Offenders In Your Home with Leah Segedie

We’ve talked a lot about how to avoid chemicals at home and basically how to make home a safer place for our kids and families. It’s a worthy goal but it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it starts to sound like everything from air to water to candles to carpet is dangerous. That’s why I love...

Continue reading 198: How to Be Green Enough and Avoid the Worst Offenders in Your Home With Leah Segedie...


Friday 19 October 2018

Why Personalized Concierge Medicine Is the Future of Health


Concierge medicine used to be something reserved for celebrities and the ultra rich, and it didn’t seem accessible to us mere mortals. The concept is great — having a doctor who you know and trust and who is always available when you need him/her. I’ve loved the idea of it for years, and was so...

Continue reading Why Personalized Concierge Medicine Is the Future of Health...


Thursday 18 October 2018

Perfect Silk Lotion Bar Recipe with Tallow

Perfect silk lotion bar recipe DIY

We use lotion bars all the time at our house. The concept is great- a bar that looks like soap but that you use on dry skin like lotion. I’ve even customized them to make sunscreen lotion bars, bug off lotion bars, and pain relief lotion bars. All of those recipes are natural and safe...

Continue reading Perfect Silk Lotion Bar Recipe with Tallow...


197: The Opposite of Being Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids With Ron Lieber

The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids with Ron Lieber

Today’s guest isn’t an expert on health… unless you’re talking about financial health! Rob Lieber has been the “Your Money” columnist for the New York Times since 2008. He also a dad, and wrote some incredible best-selling books about teaching kids to manage money and plan for their financial future. I especially love his book The Opposite of...

Continue reading 197: The Opposite of Being Spoiled: Raising Financially Responsible Kids With Ron Lieber...


Wednesday 17 October 2018

Coconut Flour Apple Cinnamon Muffins Recipe (Grain Free)

gluten free apple cinnamon muffins recipe

I discovered this grain-free apple cinnamon muffin recipe out of desperation, really. (Isn’t it so true that necessity is the mother of invention?) On this particular morning I realized I only had five eggs in the fridge — not even close to enough to feed us all, especially when each kid could easily eat three each! I...

Continue reading Coconut Flour Apple Cinnamon Muffins Recipe (Grain Free)...


Tuesday 16 October 2018

Healthy Candy for Halloween Trick-or-Treating

healthy candy for trick or treating

In case you’re wondering if you’ve got the right blog, never fear… no, I don’t think there is such a thing as healthy candy! By “healthy” I just mean “better than the alternatives,” meaning made from real food ingredients and without artificial dyes, preservatives, and all the other junk found in typical candy. I still...

Continue reading Healthy Candy for Halloween Trick-or-Treating...


Monday 15 October 2018

196: How the Modern World Is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)

How the Modern World is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)

As women and moms, I’m not sure we can ever get enough information about our hormones and how they work. Today I’m here with Angelique Panagos, a registered nutritional therapist and the author of a book I read recently called The Balance Plan. It stood out to me as a life-changing book and a message...

Continue reading 196: How the Modern World Is Changing Our Hormones (& How to Create a Balance Plan)...


Friday 12 October 2018

Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)

what is inversion therapy

Chronic pain is, unfortunately, all too common. From sitting at work, to carrying heavy objects (or toddlers!), to pregnancy, our bodies can get out of alignment. This (combined with a weak core) often leads to lower back pain. Inversion therapy with an inversion table or other inversion tools can help relieve back pain and has many...

Continue reading Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)...


Thursday 11 October 2018

Soothing Sea Buckthorn Face Cream Recipe (For Oily Skin)

Soothing Sea Buckthorn Oil Face Cream Recipe

I once had a friend who had to use natural lotion on her entire body every time she showered or else her skin would get so dry it flaked. This was a very foreign concept to me, as I have naturally oily skin and almost never need lotion. When I was younger, my skin was...

Continue reading Soothing Sea Buckthorn Face Cream Recipe (For Oily Skin)...


195: Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama

Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama

If you know me, you probably know my friend Heather of Mommypotamus. We’re known for hanging out in the sauna together (usually over a glass of wine), talking about all of the highs and lows of blogging, parenting, and life. I always joke that Heather and I think so much alike we must share a...

Continue reading 195: Saunacast: A Huge Announcement From Mommypotamus & Wellness Mama...


Monday 8 October 2018

Healthy Chai Tea Latte Recipe

homemade healthy chai tea latte slow cooker recipe

Chai tea was one of my favorite drinks in college and many days I’d grab a vanilla latte or a chai tea latte on the way to class. Now, I make superfood vanilla lattes instead since I need protein, healthy fats, and nutrients (not just sugar and artificial flavors) to keep up with my busy days! I...

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194: Longevity, Autoimmunity, and Plant-Based Diets With Nora Gedgaudas

Longevity, Autoimmunity and Plant Based Diets with Nora Gedgaudas

I could not be more excited about today’s conversation and today’s guest because I am here with Nora Gedgaudas who is by and large one of the early leaders in the ancestral health and healthy living movement. Her work is brilliant and she is one of the best researchers I know. Here’s just a short...

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Saturday 6 October 2018

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits for Cognition, Memory & More

what is lion's mane mushroom

Lion’s mane is a funny-looking mushroom, it’s true, but it seems to have some seriously impressive health benefits. Used medicinally in Asia for centuries, lion’s mane is becoming increasingly popular in the West as science starts to back up its reputation. I’ve tried other mushrooms like chaga and noticed a difference in energy and focus, so...

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Thursday 4 October 2018

Is Borax Safe to Use for Natural Cleaning?

is borax safe for cleaning

It may be natural, but is borax safe? This is a question I’ve tackled before but is worth another look as it is in the news more than ever. No longer just a cleaner our grandmothers used, borax is enjoying new popularity as a wonder ingredient for natural cleaning. It’s found in many recipes for...

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193: How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs

How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs

The controversy surrounding EMFs never seems to end, and with good reason. The technology is changing quickly with the rise of 5G and wireless technology being in everything from your car to your fridge. The truth is, we don’t know the health effects of this technology and won’t fully know for years. We’ve tackled this...

Continue reading 193: How to Protect Your Family From the Rise of 5G & Other EMFs...


Tuesday 2 October 2018

How to Make Macadamia Milk With 3 Ingredients!

homemade macadamia nut milk recipe and tutorial

I first experienced this more unusual nut milk when ordering a non-dairy matcha tea latte at a coffee shop. I knew at first sip that something was different and thought it was too good to be nut milk. Turns out it was macadamia milk! Since I already loved making my own nut milks at home (try...

Continue reading How to Make Macadamia Milk With 3 Ingredients!...


Monday 1 October 2018

192: How to Avoid Rushing Woman Syndrome and Balance Hormones With Dr. Sonya Jensen

How to Avoid Rushing Woman Syndrome and Balance Hormones With Dr. Sonya Jensen

Do you ever feel stressed about trying not to be stressed? I’m sure we’ve all been there, and I’m grateful we have an expert like Dr. Sonya Jensen to talk in-depth about some of the pressures (and opportunities) women face today. We’ll go deep on topics hormone balance, anxiety, detox, and how to have a healthy...

Continue reading 192: How to Avoid Rushing Woman Syndrome and Balance Hormones With Dr. Sonya Jensen...


Saturday 29 September 2018

How I Reduced My Cortisol Levels Naturally With Food & Light

Naturally Reduce Cortisol

Oh, relaxation, that elusive activity that is often talked about and rarely achieved in today’s world. We all know we have too much stress and need to reduce it, but the execution is so elusive! Most of us probably know that our cortisol levels may be off, but fixing this takes more that just a...

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Thursday 27 September 2018

Bean-Free Chili Recipe (Paleo & Keto Friendly)

Bean free chili recipe

This fast bean-free chili recipe is a simple and filling meal on a cool day. It can be made as spicy (or not) as you like and even kids will gobble it up. We try to avoid the lectins in beans, so I make my chili bean-free. Give it a try, and let me know...

Continue reading Bean-Free Chili Recipe (Paleo & Keto Friendly)...


191: Understanding How Gaming Disorder & Gaming Addiction Are Affecting Our Kids

Sam Shay

Are video games a fun way to unwind, or a deeper problem? My guest today is clear on his answer. Dr. Sam Shay is a chiropractor with a background in functional nutrition and testing, but he hasn’t always been as healthy as he is today. Dr. Shay walked his own journey to overcome his 25-year addiction...

Continue reading 191: Understanding How Gaming Disorder & Gaming Addiction Are Affecting Our Kids...


Tuesday 25 September 2018

Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers (Even Picky Ones)

Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers

A toddler’s appetite can sometimes seem like a bottomless pit! Their growing bodies require nourishment, and lots of it. Go beyond conventional finger foods like Cheerios and baby puffs with these ideas for simple and nourishing finger foods for toddlers. I promise… even picky eaters will ask for more of these! Healthy Finger Foods for...

Continue reading Healthy Finger Foods for Toddlers (Even Picky Ones)...


Monday 24 September 2018

190: The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep, and Movement With the Founder of Oura

The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep and Movement With the Founder of Oura

I seriously cannot wait to dive into this episode because we’re going to go deep on a topic super near and dear to every mom’s heart (and sanity)… how to get better sleep! Whether it’s due to kids, working late, electronics addition, or “you just can’t sleep”… too many of us are skipping precious hours...

Continue reading 190: The Easiest Way to Track HRV, Sleep, and Movement With the Founder of Oura...


Saturday 22 September 2018

Why We Chose Samaritan Ministries Healthshare Over Health Insurance

what is healthshare and is it better than insurance

This could be a really short post because really the answer is: because Samaritan Ministries health care sharing works so much better for our family and we save so much money (especially because we use natural remedies and don’t run to the doctor for minor stuff). For our family, the combination of healthshare and concierge...

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Friday 21 September 2018

The Problem With Most Pads and Tampons (+ Natural Alternatives)

The problem with pads and tampons- and natural alternatives

It is always frustrating when something that is really convenient and time-saving ends up being really unhealthy… like plastic water bottles or antibacterial hand sanitizer. One glaring example of this I’ve been researching lately is conventional tampons and pads. I know, I know… everything is toxic these days and it sometimes seems like we have...

Continue reading The Problem With Most Pads and Tampons (+ Natural Alternatives)...


Thursday 20 September 2018

Sous Vide Egg Bites Recipe (Make Them at Home)

Sous Vide Egg Bites- made with real food ingredients at home

A year or so ago, Starbucks announced a new menu offering: sous vide egg bites. They are one of their only gluten-free food options and I’ve seen several people raving about them on social media. I tried them while traveling when there were no other decent breakfast options and I’ll give it to Starbucks on the taste… they...

Continue reading Sous Vide Egg Bites Recipe (Make Them at Home)...


189: How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv

How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv

You’ve probably seen me post pictures on Instagram where I look like something out of Star Wars using my Joovv red light therapy device. I first started this health experiment about a year ago, and I’ve gotten so many questions from you all about how it works that today we’re back with Joovv creators (and...

Continue reading 189: How Red Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation Works & How to Get the Benefits With Joovv...


Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Best Way to Clean an Oven (+ Natural Oven Cleaner)

Natural Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaning stinks! It is time-consuming and the chemicals that are used in most conventional oven cleaners are toxic. When I started switching all of my household cleaners to more natural methods, finding a way to clean the oven using a natural oven cleaner was at the top of my list. I do not have a self-cleaning oven...

Continue reading The Best Way to Clean an Oven (+ Natural Oven Cleaner)...


Monday 17 September 2018

188: Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)

Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)

It is no secret that we live in a world where we face a lot of potentially harmful things on a daily basis. From plastic exposure to all of the additives in our food system and even over-exposure to blue-light, our bodies face a lot each day. These, and many other factors, may help explain...

Continue reading 188: Saunacast: How we Took Control of Our Healthcare and Insurance (& Saved Money)...


Friday 14 September 2018

How to Stay Safe in a Disaster: Emergency Preparedness List

How to Stay Safe in a Disaster- Emergency Preparedness List

If you’ve watched the news or the weather channel lately you know a huge amount of natural disasters have happened over the past several months. My heart breaks for all of those affected by the tornados, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and all the other storms that have caused so many issues. In the past, some of my...

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Thursday 13 September 2018

187: A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life in Small Daily Steps

A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life In Small Daily Steps

When it comes to making healthy choices, half the battle is motivation. That’s where the Whole Life Challenge comes into play! Today I’m here with Andy Petranek, who has been a health and fitness coach for over 25 years. He was a United States Marine, a sponsored athlete, and was featured as one of the...

Continue reading 187: A Whole Life Challenge to Improve Your Life in Small Daily Steps...


Wednesday 12 September 2018

Greek-Style Moussaka Recipe (Eggplant Casserole)

Healthy Moussaka Recipe

I’m always on the lookout for healthy recipes that can be made in bulk and frozen for later use (like when a new baby is born and cooking is difficult for a while). This moussaka recipe isn’t the quickest to prepare up-front, but it freezes really well and can be made in bulk. What’s more,...

Continue reading Greek-Style Moussaka Recipe (Eggplant Casserole)...


Tuesday 11 September 2018

Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is a widespread problem and some estimates suggest that over 90% of us are deficient. I’ve been writing about magnesium for years, but am even more concerned about this problem lately. Why Is Magnesium Such a Big Deal? Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and impacts blood pressure, metabolism, immune...

Continue reading Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency...


Monday 10 September 2018

186: Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros, and Diet Variation With Dr. Anthony Gustin

Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros and Diet Variation with Dr. Anthony Gustin

It seems like there’s always a new diet to try… the keto diet, the carnivore diet, different types of fasting… the list goes on. The question is, how do we know if any of them are actually good for us? Today’s episode should answer a lot of questions. My guest Dr. Anthony Gustin is a...

Continue reading 186: Ketosis, Carnivore Diet, Macros, and Diet Variation With Dr. Anthony Gustin...


Friday 7 September 2018

Grain-Free Pumpkin Bread and Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Bread and Muffin

Ahh, fall… the glorious season of apples, pumpkins, changing leaves, and cooler weather (finally!). I definitely get in on the fall pumpkin craze and start making pumpkin spice everything this time of year — from lattes to pumpkin spice room freshening spray. This coconut flour pumpkin bread (and muffin) recipe is the perfect way to ring in the season....

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Thursday 6 September 2018

185: How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell

How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell

Listen up, because today’s episode is going to be all about hormones and how to take ownership of your own health (a topic on the minds of just a few of us moms!). I am here with Dr. Marra Francis, an OB-GYN who focuses on helping women with genetic risk for certain cancers. Dr. Marra also...

Continue reading 185: How to Get Lab Tests at Home & Take Charge of Your Own Health With EverlyWell...


Wednesday 5 September 2018

Luxurious Homemade Lotion Recipe

Homemade natural lotion recipe with only three ingredients

If you are still using store-bought lotion on yourself or your family, there are super easy natural alternatives that are fun to make! This homemade lotion recipe has three basic ingredients and takes only ten minutes to whip together. The basic recipe is an ultra-moisturizing water-free version that last for years without preservatives. NOTE: This...

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Monday 3 September 2018

184: Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik

Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik

Ok, I’ll just come out and say it… this podcast episode is one of my all-time favorites! Jim Kwik is a widely recognized expert in speed reading, brain health, memory improvement, and accelerated learning. He’s also a good friend and someone I really admire in every way. As with many of my guests, there’s more...

Continue reading 184: Meta Learning, Speed Reading, and How to Learn Anything Faster With Jim Kwik...


Friday 31 August 2018

Reishi Mushroom Benefits for Immunity, Longevity & More

reishi mushroom benefits uses safe

Mushrooms are delicious of course (like in this homemade cream of mushroom soup recipe), but they can also be incredibly healing. Reishi mushrooms are particularly special as they are one of the oldest mushrooms used medicinally and boast benefits ranging from longevity to cancer treatment. What Are Reishi Mushrooms? Reishi mushrooms are a group of...

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Thursday 30 August 2018

183: Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)

Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)

Have you ever wondered why fluoride is in our water? I get a lot of questions from all of you on this subject and I’ve been meaning to write about it for a long time. Mellisa Gallico is here to share all about the dangers of fluoride and its hidden connection to a common problem:...

Continue reading 183: Fluoride: The Hidden Cause of Acne (& What to Do About It)...


Tuesday 28 August 2018

Sweet Potato Vegetable Lasagna Recipe

Sweet Potato Lasagna Recipe

I will never forget the feeling of digging up our first crop of sweet potatoes at our first home when we were finally able to have a good size garden. I had ordered 100 “slips” (baby sweet potato plants) to plant that year, but didn’t really know what I was doing and didn’t have high...

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Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad

Roasted beet and arugula salad

We eat a lot of salads at our house since it’s an easy way to get healthy greens into our diet. I’m really loving this roasted beet and arugula salad lately, especially since both are growing in our garden right now. If you’re afraid of beets, don’t be… when roasted they are sweet and tender...

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