Wednesday 29 November 2017

Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)

Our Family Advent Traditions with DIY Advent Wreath and Calendar

We strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday crazy, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts. We wanted to lessen the focus on gifts, and instead place it on the meaning of Christmas and...

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Tuesday 28 November 2017

Better-for-You Butter Chicken Recipe (Slow Cooker or Instant Pot Option)

Instant Pot Butter Chicken Recipe

I’m a sucker for curried Indian dishes and Butter Chicken has long been on my list to recreate at home in the Instant Pot. This dish is much more budget-friendly made at home and is a great change of pace from chili, soups, and more common winter staples. Traditional recipes like this one use heavy...

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Monday 27 November 2017

117: Fitness at Any Age with Flipping 50s Debra Atkinson

Fitness at Any Age with Flipping 50's Debra Atkinson

Debra Atkinson is a life coach and master personal trainer who helps women embrace their 50s and beyond with vitality and energy, especially during and after menopause. Debra shares her inspirational message through her website, which offers exercise programs and health coaching specifically for women over 50 wanting to look or feel their best. I...

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Saturday 25 November 2017

Best 2017 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products

Time sensitive deals on natural products

  I’ve never understood the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for gifts for those same people. No judgement from me if that is your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively). I’m doing my early shopping from the...

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Friday 24 November 2017

The Best Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products

Black Friday Sales and Deals

I’ve never understood the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for gifts for those same people. No judgement from me if that is your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively). I’m doing my early shopping from the comfort...

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Thursday 23 November 2017

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

The health beneits of gratitude

How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend to physical health! Gratitude Reduces Stress It is no secret that stress has a negative...

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Wednesday 22 November 2017

How to Strengthen Hair with a DIY Hair Mask

DIY Hair Mask for Stronger Hair

With exposure to things like the weather, less than great water, hair care products, and heat tools, your hair can take a beating. I use plenty of homemade hair care products to keep my locks healthy, like this herbal hair rinse. But this strengthening DIY hair mask is a great addition to any natural hair...

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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Shaved Apple and Kale Salad with Pecans

Shaved apple and kale salad

Everyone knows that kale is nutritious, but it can be a little hard to swallow sometimes. Prepare it right though, and kale is a nutritious and delicious dish! This shaved apple and kale salad recipe has crisp yet tender kale and a sweet and tangy taste that appeals even to young taste buds. My kids are...

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Monday 20 November 2017

116: How to Reboot Your Metabolism Using the Keto Reset Diet With Mark Sisson

How to Reboot Metabolism Using Keto Reset Diet with Mark Sisson

Today I have the honor of interviewing one of my original mentors on my own journey to wellness. Mark Sisson is the founder of, a mainstay of the paleo community, and the author of The Primal Blueprint and now The Keto Reset Diet. Mark’s ideas shaped my decision to learn to eat mindfully, ditch the...

Continue Reading...116: How to Reboot Your Metabolism Using the Keto Reset Diet With Mark Sisson


Saturday 18 November 2017

How to Detox Heavy Metals Safely (& Get More Energy)

How to Detox Safely and Have More Energy

“Detox” is certainly a buzzword in the health world. It can mean anything from eating extra greens and sipping apple cider vinegar to fasting and taking a pile of supplements. In addition, external detox methods I’ve tried and love are epsom salt baths, detox foot soaks, and dry brushing. I’ve tried plenty of ways to detox but never...

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Thursday 16 November 2017

How to Make Soothing Natural Lotion Bars (Recipe + Variations)

Easy recipe to make your own natural lotion bars

At our house, we love lotion bars. In fact, we rarely use regular lotion anymore since these lotion bars are so much easier to make and work so much better. They are also mess-free, even when the kids use them! Even though I could buy lotion bars at the store, making beauty products and toiletries...

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Easy-to-Make Natural Liquid Dish Soap

How to make your own natural dishwashing soap

I’ve managed to tackle homemade laundry detergent, but homemade liquid dish soap for handwashing dishes has been on my DIY list for some time. Making a natural dishwashing soap that works and is the right consistency can be tricky. Fortunately this version is natural, easy, and it really works! It’s not difficult to pick up...

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Tuesday 14 November 2017

How to Plan a Healthy Thanksgiving Menu (Recipes + Printable)

Healthy Thanksgiving Menu Recipes

Holidays are a time to honor traditions, break out our best recipes, and celebrate in high style. Still, it can’t be denied that the usual Thanksgiving menu is rough on those with dietary restrictions, and generally leaves most of us feeling as overstuffed as the turkey! Years ago I decided to reinvent our Thanksgiving menu...

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Monday 13 November 2017

115: Decoding Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Decoding Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Most of you know about my (not so fun) journey with Hashimoto’s, a challenging autoimmune disease. It’s been a long road with more questions than answers at times. I’m so fortunate to meet people like Dr. Tom O’Bryan along the way to help me understand this silent driver of so many modern diseases. Not sure...

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Thursday 9 November 2017

How to Brine a Turkey Before Roasting (for the Best Thanksgiving Meal Ever)


I love Thanksgiving and how it gives us a day together as a family to pause and reflect on all the things we’re thankful for each year. In fact, it’s not long into the Fall before I start thinking about Thanksgiving and start working on my meal plan for the big day. I don’t start...

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Exquisite Chocolate Face Mask Recipe

Chocolate Face Mask Recipe

Chocolate is a delicious treat, but it also doubles as a skincare ingredient. There’s chocolate in my homemade foundation powder and even in my dry shampoo recipe for those busy, greasy hair days. This edible chocolate face mask features raw cacao powder and other ingredients right from the kitchen that make skin healthier, the tasty way. Hmm,...

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Tuesday 7 November 2017

How to Make Creamy Garlic Mashed Cauliflower “Potatoes”

Creamy Garlic Mashed Cauliflower potatoes Recipe

Did you know that when prepared correctly, mashed cauliflower has a very similar texture to mashed potatoes, not to mention a sweet and buttery taste? I happen to love potatoes, but most of us in the U.S. are getting way too many starchy white foods in our diet anyway. (Fries anyone?) This cauliflower mashed potatoes recipe...

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Monday 6 November 2017

114: Do We Need to Worry about Radiation and Mercury in Seafood?

Do we Need to Worry About Radiation and Mercury in our Seafood?

You’ve heard the saying, “Know your farmer”? Today’s podcast episode is all about getting to know your fisherman too! As a self-proclaimed seafood addict, I’m very interested in what our guest Randy Hartnell has to say about hot topics like mercury in seafood, sustainable fishing, farmed vs. wild seafood, and how to know which seafood is...

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Friday 3 November 2017

Easy Breezy (and Cheesy) Breakfast Casserole Recipe

Cheesy breakfast casserole recipe

I warned everyone the cottage cheese recipes might be coming, and they are! Ever since I discovered a better-for-you brand cottage cheese brand without fillers or carrageenan (Good Culture, in some grocery stores), our menu includes cottage cheese once again. This easy one-pan breakfast casserole recipe capitalizes on the creaminess of blended cottage cheese to create...

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Natural Hair Detangling Spray (You Can Make at Home)

DIY Natural Hair Detangling Spray- Natural Inexpensive and Easy to Make

As the mother of daughters with long hair, I know the battle of the brush all too well. At certain times my daughters have had hair down to their waists, and their hair tends to be thick and wavy. To make matters more difficult, they are the most tender-headed children alive. How do we make...

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Wednesday 1 November 2017

How to Make a Nourishing Natural Cuticle Cream at Home

Homemade Cuticle Cream

Cuticles are one of those things that are easy to overlook. Cover them up with some cute, non-toxic nail polish and carry on, right? Unfortunately, cuticles can split, peel and even get infected if ignored or mistreated. This natural cuticle cream gives cuticles the love they need and helps avoid or even reverse damaged cuticles. Why Do...

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