Monday 28 August 2017

102: How to Stay Safe During Tick Season & Avoid Chronic Lyme Disease with Dr. Jay Davidson

How to Stay Safe During Tick Season and Avoid Chronic Lyme with Dr. Jay Davidson

Do you suffer from unexplained headaches, joint pain, fatigue, or other autoimmune symptoms and suspect chronic Lyme disease might be at the bottom of it? Dr. Jay Davidson might just be the expert you need! There’s no better time to get educated on this topic, as Lyme disease is actually more common than breast cancer...

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Thursday 24 August 2017

101: Critical Thinking in a Social Media World (What You Didn’t Learn in History Class)

Critical thinking in a social media world (what you didn’t learn in history class)

Today we’re talking about a topic that fascinates me personally: how to learn critical thinking in an age that accepts the latest meme or “fake news” without question. I started out as a journalism major, and at the time I believed I could help the world by getting “the right answers” and putting them out...

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Tuesday 22 August 2017

How to Test Your Gut Microbiome (At Home Without a Doctor)

How to test your microbiome at home without a doctor

If you have been a Wellness Mama reader for very long then you know my story and that it took me 7 years and 8 doctors to finally figure out I had Hashiomotos and start to find answers. I know first hand how difficult it can be to get testing, even when you think you...

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Monday 21 August 2017

Episode 100 AMA: Your Questions Answered on Circumcision, Vaccines, CBD & More

Your Questions Answered on Circumcision, Vaccines, CBD & More

Today’s podcast is the 100th episode of The Healthy Moms Podcast! We’ll be doing things a little differently to mark the occasion … it’s your turn to interview me! I’ll even dive into the topic of vaccines, which I’ve never talked about on the blog before but am asked about often. First, a little recap...

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Thursday 17 August 2017

Gentle Foaming Baby Wash (Easy Homemade Recipe)

Homemade baby wash recipe

There’s nothing cuter or sweeter smelling than a baby fresh out of the bath! Unfortunately, those sweet-smelling conventional baby washes can strip away babies’ natural protective oils, and many contain undesirable ingredients (especially the mot popular brands). Thankfully there are some great natural baby wash brands, but they can be expensive. This foaming baby wash...

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99: Using Health Tracking to Discover Your Own Personalized Medicine

Using Health Tracking to Discover Your Own Personalized Medicine

I’m no stranger to being my own health detective, but it’s always amazing to realize a missing piece of the puzzle might be a simple one. Have you ever thought about the power of health tracking? I’m not just talking about wearing a Fitbit, either. I’m talking about food-mood-poop tracking. Yep! This episode is going...

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Monday 14 August 2017

98: Overcoming Orthorexia with Intuitive, Mindful Eating with Devyn Sisson

Overcoming orthorexia with intuitive, mindful eating with Devyn Sisson

With so much conflicting information in the health world, it can be all too easy to get tied up in knots over what really is best to eat. Instead of seeing a fresh, juicy apple I wonder what kinds of pesticides lurk on its skin. Is the fish I’m eating farm-raised, or wild? Is this beef really grass-fed...

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Friday 11 August 2017

Gelatin: Uses, Benefits, & Recipes

Gelatin Uses and Benefits plus recipes

Gelatin is an age-old food that, like collagen, has gained modern popularity for its potential to improve skin and slow aging. It is commonly known as just the main ingredient in foods like Jello but this simple food has so much more potential! What is Gelatin? Gelatin is a substance composted of amino acids that...

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Ecotherapy: The Health Benefits of Nature

The Health Benefits of Nature- how spending time outdoors can help you sleep better lose weight and see better

We’ve all craved nature at some time or another. Maybe it was the white sands of a beach (and the accompanying health benefits) that we longed for, or the calmness of a mountain camping trip. Perhaps we look forward to a hike in the woods, or a canoe trip on a river… whatever our preferences,...

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Thursday 10 August 2017

97: OB & Midwife Aviva Romm on PPD, Thyroid Problems, & MTHFR

OB & Midwife Aviva Romm on PPD, Thyroid Problems, & MTHFR

Aviva Romm has long been on my dream list of podcast guests. You all know how I feel about birth and midwifery, and Aviva is both a Yale-trained MD specializing in Obstetrics and a midwife and herbalist. Talk about the best of both worlds! (Not to mention she’s a mom of 4!) Beyond her amazing credentials,...

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Monday 7 August 2017

96: Using Natural and Traditional Medicine to Fix the Gut Microbiome with Dr. Ken Brown

Using Natural and Traditional Medicine to Fix the Microbiome with Dr. Ken Brown

I may be a “Wellness Mama” but I’m certainly not a doctor, so I’m always happy to have one on the show! Dr. Ken Brown is a practicing gastroenterologist and expert on the issue my readers ask about most often: gut health. (Or more precisely, the lack thereof … ) Enter Dr. Ken Brown. In...

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Thursday 3 August 2017

95: The Science of Sustainable Weight Loss with Bright Lines

The Science of Sustainable Weight Loss with Bright Lines

You’re about to meet Susan Peirce Thompson, creator of the Bright Line Boot Camp and author of the book (the book, in my opinion) on sustainable weight loss. Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free is all about the complex relationship between the brain and the food we eat. It’s fascinating, life-changing stuff. I’ve been looking forward...

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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Propylene Glycol: Is This Common Food Additive Safe?

From the sound of its name, it’s probably no surprise that propylene glycol is a synthetic chemical. (It’s actually the main ingredient in antifreeze!) And although its safety is questionable, it’s an incredibly common food additive that the FDA considers “Generally Recognized As Safe” (along with artificial food dyes). Have you ever seen propylene glycol...

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Natural Wine: How to Get the Benefits (Without the Downsides)


Wine: Drink half a glass per child, per day. That was the answer a mom of many children gave me when I asked how she did it all several years ago. Of course, she was saying that she drank half a glass per day for each child she had (not that she gave it to the kids… in...

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