Monday 31 July 2017

94: Low Level Red Light Therapy for Cellular Health and Healing

Low-level red light therapy is a scientifically backed solution for problems like joint pain, slow wound healing, and even aging skin and acne. It helps collagen production in the body and may possibly increase speed of healing. In fact we’ve even been using it for my husband after surgery, and watching the results I just knew...

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Friday 28 July 2017

DIY Foaming Face Wash with Hydrosol &Essential Oils

How to make a foaming hydrosol face wash with essential oils

I’m a big fan of the oil cleansing method, and I’ve even been known to rub raw honey on my face. For those who are looking for a more traditional soapy way to cleanse skin, I’ve been experimenting with this foaming face wash recipe. It has a rich lather, and there are options for every...

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Thursday 27 July 2017

93: How to Avoid the Most Common Fitness Mistakes Women Make

How to Avoid the Most Common Fitness Mistakes Women Make with Meredith Vieceli

As an athlete and a health coach, Meredith Vieceli sees women make all kinds of fitness mistakes. One of the most common? Not eating enough and training incorrectly or too hard! In this episode, she delves into these common problems, how to avoid them, and how to increase fitness safely and correctly. And Meredith is...

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Tuesday 25 July 2017

Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)

Earthing and grounding- how to do it and when not to

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many people report amazing benefits, while critics point out the lack of solid scientific studies supporting this practice. Let’s delve into the evidence: What is Earthing or Grounding? In short, earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This...

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Monday 24 July 2017

92: A Holistic Pediatrician Talks Ear Infections, Fevers, & Vaccines

A Holistic Pediatrician Talks Ear Infections, Fevers, & Vaccines with Dr Elisa Song

Many of us dream of finding the perfect holistic pediatrician just a short drive from our homes. It’s not so easy, so today I bring one to you! Elisa Song, MD, is a holistic pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mom of two. In this episode, she tackles all the tough subjects for parents and...

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Thursday 20 July 2017

Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

How to use a menstrual cup for a healthier period

Periods can be a big problem. But not for the reasons TV commercials try to convince you they are. Sure, some women have uncomfortable and painful periods (see info on that at the bottom of this post) but there are some other big problems with the “norm” when it comes to periods. Mainly: Most Period...

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91: Are IVs the Answer to Modern Nutrient Deficiencies with Dr. Craig Koniver

Are IVs the Answer to Modern Nutrient Deficiencies with Dr. Craig Koniver

Dr. Craig Koniver is here to share about a health topic that might be new to many of you listening. It sounds a little unusual! Ever thought about taking vitamins … through an IV? I’ve been interested in nutrient IVs for several years since receiving one at my doctor’s office and noticing the results. Thanks...

Continue Reading...91: Are IVs the Answer to Modern Nutrient Deficiencies with Dr. Craig Koniver


Tuesday 18 July 2017

Natural Electrolyte Drink Recipe (With Flavor Options)

How to make your own electrolyte drink recipe with natural ingredients

Drinking enough pure clean water is one of the most important things we can do for overall health. In most cases, water alone is wonderful. For times of exercise and exertion where sweat causes mineral loss, a homemade natural electrolyte drink recipe can also be helpful. Here’s why: Plain water doesn’t contain high levels of...

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Monday 17 July 2017

Homemade Fajita Seasoning Recipe

DIY Fajita Seasoning

Growing up, we didn’t eat out often (like never) so it was always a really special treat to go to any restaurant. When we did go somewhere to eat, we often chose Mexican food because our whole family enjoyed it and because it was pretty much the only non-chain decent restaurant in our small town....

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90: A Mind Of Your Own: Tackling Mental Illness and Fixing Hormones with Dr. Kelly Brogan

A Mind Of Your Own: Tackling Mental Illness and Fixing Hormones with Dr. Kelly Brogan

In one of my favorite episodes of all time, Dr. Kelly Brogan and I go deep on how to beat depression, anxiety, and other problems with a root-cause approach. We also delve into hormone balance, what to do when blood tests are wrong, and the only non-negotiable part of her protocol for everyone. Dr. Brogan’s...

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Thursday 13 July 2017

89: Why Sleep Is More Important Than Diet and Exercise Combined with Shawn Stevenson

If you haven’t heard of Shawn Stevenson, you’re about to meet your new best friend in health. I’m excited because he’s also one of the most knowledgeable people on the topic of sleep, one of my favorite research topics. (And something I dream about as a mom!) You can get to know Shawn by reading...

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Tuesday 11 July 2017

Easy DIY Granite Cleaner for Naturally Clean Countertops

How to make homemade natural granite cleaner

I use my homemade all-purpose cleaner on almost everything around the house, but it doesn’t work for every surface. This natural granite cleaner effectively gets my granite countertop clean and streak-free without damaging it. Thankfully, it’s still fast and simple to throw together. Simplicity is key when it comes sustaining natural choices for a family. Why...

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Monday 10 July 2017

88: Pregnancy Exercise, Diastasis, and Pelvic Floor Health with Lorraine Scapens

Pregnancy Exercise, Diastasis, and Pelvic Floor Health with Lorraine Scapens

My guest Lorraine Scapens has been a personal trainer for over 20 years and her focus has always been on pregnancy exercise. She now has an amazing website and exercise program designed specifically for moms in this stage of life. In this episode, she explains something many of us wonder about: the right kind of...

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Friday 7 July 2017

How to Clean Makeup Brushes Naturally

My favorite cream blush, and many of the items in my natural makeup routine apply best with a brush. Keeping those brushes clean however is almost as important to me as choosing non-toxic makeup. Cleaning makeup brushes isn’t usually the first thing on our to-do lists…if it’s ever on there at all. Yet, statistically, brushes...

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Thursday 6 July 2017

How to Bulk Cook Healthy Meals for Vacation

Bulk cooking for vacation

A mother’s job never ends and nowhere is this more true than on vacation! I’ve always thought it was ironic that when we finally get time to go “relax” it only takes packing bags for the whole family, planning healthy meals, packing gear, planning the trip, (and so much more!) just to get there. In fact, usually...

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Wednesday 5 July 2017

Healthy Real-Food Ranch Dressing

Ranch Dressing - Easy Recipe with All Real Food Ingredients - Kid Approved

One flavor that many people miss when they drop unhealthy vegetable oils is creamy, tangy ranch dressing. I know I did. I still love the taste of ranch but cringe to remember how I would put ranch dressing on almost every school lunch in high school … adding vegetable oils and processed soy to more vegetable oils...

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Monday 3 July 2017

The Importance of Omega-3 Fish Oil (& The Best Way to Get It)


If you like to peruse medical journals in your free time (like me!), you may have noticed a lot of conflicting research when it comes to fish oil and Omega-3s. Even if recent studies aren’t your choice for light reading, it’s important to understand the implications of fish oil and omega-3 consumption. What I take...

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87: How to Stop Emotional Eating (From a Nutritionist Who Lost 100 Pounds!)

How to Stop Emotional Eating (From A Nutritionist Who Lost 100 Pounds!)

We’ve all been there. It’s midnight, we’re up late, and suddenly hunger strikes … for chocolate! But can craving chocolate really be hunger, or is it just emotional eating? It’s pretty easy to guess the answer. Emotional eating wrecks our healthy eating habits more than we probably realize (especially among women, I’d dare say). My guest...

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