Thursday 2 May 2019

253: A (Semi) Serious Ultra-Spiritual Conversation With JP Sears

I’m here today with someone you have probably heard of and possibly enjoy as much as I do. JP Sears is a YouTuber, a comedian, an emotional healing coach, and fun fact which you may not know, a serious world traveler and curious student of health. You’ve probably seen his funny and entertaining videos where...

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Wednesday 1 May 2019

Gift Ideas for Mom (That She Will Use and Love!)

As Mother’s Day approaches, I’ve gotten several requests from husbands of a few readers for gift ideas for Mom when regular chocolate won’t cut it anymore. I’ve compiled a list of some of the things I’d want to get (hint-hint honey) and feel free to add your favorites in the comments! Some of these are...

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Tuesday 30 April 2019

Best Essential Oils to Use in the Car

With six kiddos, going into car travel prepared is a must. We often take games and activities, healthy snacks, and with all those bodies in the car… some ways to counteract the stink! I don’t take essential oil use lightly (they are much more powerful than many people think), but we do bring some essential...

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Monday 29 April 2019

My Favorite Grain-Free Coconut Flour Pancakes

When we ditched the grains years ago, pancakes were one of the foods my kids missed most. I lost no time trying to figure out a healthy grain-free pancake recipe that could fill the void. After many (sometimes failed) kitchen experiments, we settled on these coconut flour pancakes as our new Sunday morning pancake recipe. We...

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252: How to Activate Peak Brain Performance With Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Hill

With advances in brain mapping and neurofeedback, there’s so much to learn about the brain. I feel like I’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg on this topic, so I’ve invited Dr. Andrew Hill here today. He is one of the top brain performance coaches in the country and holds a PhD in cognitive...

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Friday 26 April 2019

Is 5G Safe? What You Need to Know

By the end of 2019, 5G technology should begin to roll out. Tech enthusiasts, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and telecom companies tout 5G as the best thing since sliced bread because it will significantly improve wireless communication. Some experts even claim it will spur innovation and job creation. These enthusiasts aren’t talking about the...

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Thursday 25 April 2019

Easy Chuck Roast Recipe (Instant Pot or Crock Pot)

One of my favorite recipes for busy days when I don’t have time to cook in the afternoon is chuck roast. These roasts have a good fat profile and awesome flavor. Add a generous salad and pile of roasted broccoli and you have a complete, healthy meal even the kids will eat. Slow Cooker or Instant Pot...

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